Package pygeodesy :: Module latlonBase :: Class LatLonBase
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Class LatLonBase

  object --+        
named._Named --+    
named._NamedBase --+
Known Subclasses:

(INTERNAL) Base class for LatLon points on spherical or ellipsoidal earth models.

Instance Methods
PointsIter(self, points, loop=0, dedup=False, wrap=False)
Return a PointsIter iterator.
__eq__(self, other)
__init__(self, latlonh, lon=None, height=0, wrap=False, name='', datum=None)
New LatLon.
__ne__(self, other)
Default str(self).
antipode(self, height=None)
Return the antipode, the point diametrically opposite to this point.
bounds(self, wide, tall, radius=6371008.771415)
DEPRECATED, use method boundsOf.
boundsOf(self, wide, tall, radius=6371008.771415, height=None)
Return the SW and NE lat-/longitude of a great circle bounding box centered at this location.
chordTo(self, other, height=None, wrap=False)
Compute the length of the chord through the earth between this and an other point.
circin6(self, point2, point3, eps=8.881784197001252e-16, wrap=False)
Return the radius and center of the inscribed aka In-circle of the (planar) triangle formed by this and two other points.
circum3(self, point2, point3, circum=True, eps=8.881784197001252e-16, wrap=False)
Return the radius and center of the smallest circle through or containing this and two other points.
circum4_(self, *points, **wrap)
Best-fit a sphere through this and two or more other points.
compassAngle(self, other, **adjust_wrap)
DEPRECATED, use method compassAngleTo.
compassAngleTo(self, other, **adjust_wrap)
Return the angle from North for the direction vector between this and an other point.
cosineAndoyerLambertTo(self, other, wrap=False)
Compute the distance between this and an other point using the Andoyer-Lambert correction of the Law of Cosines formula.
cosineForsytheAndoyerLambertTo(self, other, wrap=False)
Compute the distance between this and an other point using the Forsythe-Andoyer-Lambert correction of the Law of Cosines formula.
cosineLawTo(self, other, radius=None, wrap=False)
Compute the distance between this and an other point using the spherical Law of Cosines formula.
destinationXyz(self, delta, LatLon=None, **LatLon_kwds)
Calculate the destination using a local delta from this point.
equals(self, other, eps=None)
DEPRECATED, use method isequalTo.
equals3(self, other, eps=None)
DEPRECATED, use method isequalTo3.
equirectangularTo(self, other, **radius_adjust_limit_wrap)
Compute the distance between this and an other point using the Equirectangular Approximation / Projection.
euclideanTo(self, other, **radius_adjust_wrap)
Approximate the Euclidian distance between this and an other point.
flatLocalTo(self, other, radius=None, wrap=False)
Compute the distance between this and an other point using the ellipsoidal Earth to plane projection aka Hubeny formula.
flatPolarTo(self, other, **radius_wrap)
Compute the distance between this and an other point using the polar coordinate flat-Earth formula.
hartzell(self, los=False, earth=None)
Compute the intersection of a Line-Of-Sight from this (geodetic) Point-Of-View (pov) with this point's ellipsoid surface.
haversineTo(self, other, **radius_wrap)
Compute the distance between this and an other point using the Haversine formula.
height4(self, earth=None, normal=True, LatLon=None, **LatLon_kwds)
Compute the projection of this point on and the height above or below this datum's ellipsoid surface.
heightStr(self, prec=-2, m='m')
Return this point's height as string.
hubenyTo(self, other, radius=None, wrap=False)
Compute the distance between this and an other point using the ellipsoidal Earth to plane projection aka Hubeny formula.
intersecant2(self, *args, **kwds)
Not implemented, throws a NotImplementedError always.
isantipode(self, other, eps=2.220446049250313e-16)
DEPRECATED, use method isantipodeTo.
isantipodeTo(self, other, eps=2.220446049250313e-16)
Check whether this and an other point are antipodal, on diametrically opposite sides of the earth.
isequalTo(self, other, eps=None)
Compare this point with an other point, ignoring height.
isequalTo3(self, other, eps=None)
Compare this point with an other point, including height.
latlon2(self, ndigits=0)
Return this point's lat- and longitude in degrees, rounded.
latlon2round(self, ndigits=0)
DEPRECATED, use method latlon2.
latlon_(self, ndigits=0)
DEPRECATED, use method latlon2.
nearestOn6(self, points, closed=False, height=None, wrap=False)
Locate the point on a path or polygon closest to this point.
nearestTo(self, *args, **kwds)
Not implemented, throws a NotImplementedError always.
Normalize this point in-place to abs(lat) <= 90 and abs(lon) <= 180.
philam2(self, ndigits=0)
Return this point's lat- and longitude in radians, rounded.
points(self, points, closed=True)
DEPRECATED, use method points2.
points2(self, points, closed=True)
Check a path or polygon represented by points.
radii11(self, point2, point3, wrap=False)
Return the radii of the Circum-, In-, Soddy and Tangent circles of a (planar) triangle formed by this and two other points.
rhumbAzimuthTo(self, other, exact=False, radius=None, wrap=False, b360=False)
Return the azimuth (bearing) of a rhumb line (loxodrome) between this and an other (ellipsoidal) point.
rhumbDestination(self, distance, azimuth, exact=False, radius=None, height=None)
Return the destination point having travelled the given distance from this point along a rhumb line (loxodrome) of the given azimuth.
rhumbDistanceTo(self, other, exact=False, radius=None, wrap=False)
Return the distance from this to an other point along a rhumb line (loxodrome).
rhumbIntersecant2(self, circle, point, other, height=None, **exact_radius_wrap_eps_tol)
Compute the intersections of a circle and a rhumb line given as two points or as a point and azimuth.
rhumbLine(self, other, exact=False, radius=None, wrap=False, **name_caps)
Get a rhumb line through this point at a given azimuth or through this and an other point.
rhumbMidpointTo(self, other, exact=False, radius=None, height=None, fraction=0.5, wrap=False)
Return the (loxodromic) midpoint on the rhumb line between this and an other point.
thomasTo(self, other, wrap=False)
Compute the distance between this and an other point using Thomas' formula.
DEPRECATED, use property philam.
to3llh(self, height=None)
DEPRECATED, use property latlonheight or latlon.to3Tuple(height).
DEPRECATED, use property xyz or method toNvector, toVector, toVector3d or perhaps (geocentric) toEcef.
toCartesian(self, height=None, Cartesian=None, **Cartesian_kwds)
Convert this point to cartesian, geocentric coordinates, also known as Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed (ECEF).
toDatum(self, datum2, height=None, name='')
Must be overloaded.
toEcef(self, height=None, M=False)
Convert this point to geocentric coordinates, also known as Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed (ECEF).
toLocal(self, Xyz=None, ltp=None, **Xyz_kwds)
Convert this geodetic point to local X, Y and Z.
toLtp(self, Ecef=None)
Return the local tangent plane (LTP) for this point.
toNormal(self, deep=False, name='')
Get this point normalized to abs(lat) <= 90 and abs(lon) <= 180.
toNvector(self, h=None, Nvector=None, **Nvector_kwds)
Convert this point to n-vector (normal to the earth's surface) components, including height.
toStr(self, form='dms', joined=', ', m='m', **prec_sep_s_D_M_S)
Convert this point to a "lat, lon[, +/-height]" string, formatted in the given format.
toVector(self, Vector=None, **Vector_kwds)
Convert this point to a Vector with the geocentric (x, y, z) (ECEF) coordinates, ignoring height.
toVector3d(self, norm=True, **Vector3d_kwds)
Convert this point to a Vector3d with the geocentric (x, y, z) (ECEF) unit coordinates, ignoring height.
toWm(self, **toWm_kwds)
Convert this point to a WM coordinate.
vincentysTo(self, other, **radius_wrap)
Compute the distance between this and an other point using Vincenty's spherical formula.

Inherited from named._NamedBase: __repr__, others, toRepr

Inherited from named._Named: __imatmul__, __matmul__, __rmatmul__, attrs, classof, copy, dup, methodname, rename, toStr2

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Get the ECEF class (EcefKarney), once.
Get the (polygonal) clip (int).
Must be overloaded.
Get the LatLon type iff ellipsoidal, overloaded in LatLonEllipsoidalBase.
Get the height (meter).
Check whether this point is ellipsoidal (bool or None if unknown).
Check whether this point is spherical (bool or None if unknown).
Return True if this point is normal (bool), meaning abs(lat) <= 90 and abs(lon) <= 180.
Get the longitude (radians).
Get the latitude (degrees90).
Get the lat- and longitude (LatLon2Tuple(lat, lon)).
Get the lat-, longitude and height (LatLon3Tuple(lat, lon, height)).
Get the longitude (degrees180).
Get the latitude (radians).
Get the lat- and longitude (PhiLam2Tuple(phi, lam)).
Get the lat-, longitude in radians and height (PhiLam3Tuple(phi, lam, height)).
Get the LatLon type iff spherical, overloaded in LatLonSphericalBase.
Get the geocentric (x, y, z) coordinates (Vector3Tuple(x, y, z))
Get the geocentric (x, y, z) coordinates and height (Vector4Tuple(x, y, z, h))

Inherited from named._Named: classname, classnaming, iteration, name, named, named2, named3, named4, sizeof

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

PointsIter (self, points, loop=0, dedup=False, wrap=False)


Return a PointsIter iterator.

  • points - The path or polygon points (LatLon[])
  • loop - Number of loop-back points (non-negative int).
  • dedup - Skip duplicate points (bool).
  • wrap - If True, wrap or normalize the enum-/iterated points (bool).
A new PointsIter iterator.

__init__ (self, latlonh, lon=None, height=0, wrap=False, name='', datum=None)


New LatLon.

  • latlonh - Latitude (degrees or DMS str with N or S suffix) or a previous LatLon instance provided lon=None.
  • lon - Longitude (degrees or DMS str with E or W suffix) or C(None), indicating latlonh is a LatLon.
  • height - Optional height above (or below) the earth surface (meter, conventionally).
  • wrap - If True, wrap or normalize lat and lon (bool).
  • name - Optional name (str).
  • datum - Optional datum (Datum, Ellipsoid, Ellipsoid2, a_f2Tuple or scalar radius) or None.
New instance (LatLon).
  • RangeError - A lon or lat value outside the valid range and rangerrors set to True.
  • TypeError - If latlonh is not a LatLon.
  • UnitError - Invalid lat, lon or height.
Overrides: object.__init__

__str__ (self)
(Informal representation operator)


Default str(self).

Overrides: object.__str__
(inherited documentation)

antipode (self, height=None)


Return the antipode, the point diametrically opposite to this point.

  • height - Optional height of the antipode (meter), this point's height otherwise.
The antipodal point (LatLon).

bounds (self, wide, tall, radius=6371008.771415)


DEPRECATED, use method boundsOf.

  • @deprecated_method

boundsOf (self, wide, tall, radius=6371008.771415, height=None)


Return the SW and NE lat-/longitude of a great circle bounding box centered at this location.

  • wide - Longitudinal box width (meter, same units as radius or degrees if radius is None).
  • tall - Latitudinal box size (meter, same units as radius or degrees if radius is None).
  • radius - Mean earth radius (meter) or None if both wide and tall are in degrees.
  • height - Height for latlonSW and latlonNE (meter), overriding the point's height.
A Bounds2Tuple(latlonSW, latlonNE), the lower-left and upper-right corner (LatLon).

chordTo (self, other, height=None, wrap=False)


Compute the length of the chord through the earth between this and an other point.

  • other - The other point (LatLon).
  • height - Overriding height for both points (meter) or None for each point's height.
  • wrap - If True, wrap or normalize the other point (bool).
The chord length (conventionally meter).
  • TypeError - The other point is not LatLon.

circin6 (self, point2, point3, eps=8.881784197001252e-16, wrap=False)


Return the radius and center of the inscribed aka In-circle of the (planar) triangle formed by this and two other points.

  • point2 - Second point (LatLon).
  • point3 - Third point (LatLon).
  • eps - Tolerance for function pygeodesy.trilaterate3d2.
  • wrap - If True, wrap or normalize point2 and point3 (bool).
Circin6Tuple(radius, center, deltas, cA, cB, cC). The center and contact points cA, cB and cC, each an instance of this (sub-)class, are co-planar with this and the two given points, see the Note below.
  • ImportError - Package numpy not found, not installed or older than version 1.10.
  • IntersectionError - Near-coincident or -colinear points or a trilateration or numpy issue.
  • TypeError - Invalid point2 or point3.

Note: The center is trilaterated in cartesian (ECEF) space and converted back to geodetic lat-, longitude and height. The latter, conventionally in meter indicates whether the center is above, below or on the surface of the earth model. If deltas is None, the center is unambigous. Otherwise deltas is a LatLon3Tuple(lat, lon, height) representing the differences between both results from pygeodesy.trilaterate3d2 and center is the mean thereof.

See Also: Function pygeodesy.circin6, method circum3, Incircle and Contact Triangle.

circum3 (self, point2, point3, circum=True, eps=8.881784197001252e-16, wrap=False)


Return the radius and center of the smallest circle through or containing this and two other points.

  • point2 - Second point (LatLon).
  • point3 - Third point (LatLon).
  • circum - If True return the circumradius and circumcenter, always, ignoring the Meeus' Type I case (bool).
  • eps - Tolerance for function pygeodesy.trilaterate3d2.
  • wrap - If True, wrap or normalize point2 and point3 (bool).
A Circum3Tuple(radius, center, deltas). The center, an instance of this (sub-)class, is co-planar with this and the two given points. If deltas is None, the center is unambigous. Otherwise deltas is a LatLon3Tuple(lat, lon, height) representing the difference between both results from pygeodesy.trilaterate3d2 and center is the mean thereof.
  • ImportError - Package numpy not found, not installed or older than version 1.10.
  • IntersectionError - Near-concentric, -coincident or -colinear points, incompatible Ecef classes or a trilateration or numpy issue.
  • TypeError - Invalid point2 or point3.

Note: The center is trilaterated in cartesian (ECEF) space and converted back to geodetic lat-, longitude and height. The latter, conventionally in meter indicates whether the center is above, below or on the surface of the earth model. If deltas is None, the center is unambigous. Otherwise deltas is a LatLon3Tuple(lat, lon, height) representing the difference between both results from pygeodesy.trilaterate3d2 and center is the mean thereof.

See Also: Function pygeodesy.circum3 and methods circin6 and circum4_.

circum4_ (self, *points, **wrap)


Best-fit a sphere through this and two or more other points.

  • points - The other points (each a LatLon).
  • wrap - If True, wrap or normalize the points (bool), default False.
Circum4Tuple(radius, center, rank, residuals) with center an instance of this (sub-)class.
  • ImportError - Package numpy not found, not installed or older than version 1.10.
  • NumPyError - Some numpy issue.
  • TypeError - One of the points invalid.
  • ValueError - Too few points.

See Also: Function pygeodesy.circum4_ and circum3.

compassAngle (self, other, **adjust_wrap)


DEPRECATED, use method compassAngleTo.

  • @deprecated_method

compassAngleTo (self, other, **adjust_wrap)


Return the angle from North for the direction vector between this and an other point.

Suitable only for short, non-near-polar vectors up to a few hundred Km or Miles. Use method initialBearingTo for larger distances.

  • other - The other point (LatLon).
  • adjust_wrap - Optional keyword arguments for function pygeodesy.compassAngle.
Compass angle from North (degrees360).
  • TypeError - The other point is not LatLon.

Note: Courtesy of Martin Schultz.

See Also: Local, flat earth approximation.

cosineAndoyerLambertTo (self, other, wrap=False)


Compute the distance between this and an other point using the Andoyer-Lambert correction of the Law of Cosines formula.

  • other - The other point (LatLon).
  • wrap - If True, wrap or normalize and unroll the other point (bool).
Distance (meter, same units as the axes of this point's datum ellipsoid).
  • TypeError - The other point is not LatLon.

cosineForsytheAndoyerLambertTo (self, other, wrap=False)


Compute the distance between this and an other point using the Forsythe-Andoyer-Lambert correction of the Law of Cosines formula.

  • other - The other point (LatLon).
  • wrap - If True, wrap or normalize and unroll the other point (bool).
Distance (meter, same units as the axes of this point's datum ellipsoid).
  • TypeError - The other point is not LatLon.

cosineLawTo (self, other, radius=None, wrap=False)


Compute the distance between this and an other point using the spherical Law of Cosines formula.

  • other - The other point (LatLon).
  • radius - Mean earth radius (meter) or None for the mean radius of this point's datum ellipsoid.
  • wrap - If True, wrap or normalize and unroll the other point (bool).
Distance (meter, same units as radius).
  • TypeError - The other point is not LatLon.

destinationXyz (self, delta, LatLon=None, **LatLon_kwds)


Calculate the destination using a local delta from this point.

  • delta - Local delta to the destination (XyzLocal, Enu, Ned or Local9Tuple).
  • LatLon - Optional (geodetic) class to return the destination or None.
  • LatLon_kwds - Optional, additional LatLon keyword arguments, ignored if LatLon is None.
Destination as a LatLon(lat, lon, **LatLon_kwds) instance or if LatLon is None, a LatLon3Tuple(lat, lon, height) respectively LatLon4Tuple(lat, lon, height, datum) depending on whether a datum keyword is un-/specified.
  • TypeError - Invalid delta, LatLon or LatLon_kwds.

equals (self, other, eps=None)


DEPRECATED, use method isequalTo.

  • @deprecated_method

equals3 (self, other, eps=None)


DEPRECATED, use method isequalTo3.

  • @deprecated_method

equirectangularTo (self, other, **radius_adjust_limit_wrap)


Compute the distance between this and an other point using the Equirectangular Approximation / Projection.

Suitable only for short, non-near-polar distances up to a few hundred Km or Miles. Use method haversineTo or distanceTo* for more accurate and/or larger distances.

  • other - The other point (LatLon).
  • radius_adjust_limit_wrap - Optional keyword arguments for function pygeodesy.equirectangular, overriding the default mean radius of this point's datum ellipsoid.
Distance (meter, same units as radius).
  • TypeError - The other point is not LatLon.

euclideanTo (self, other, **radius_adjust_wrap)


Approximate the Euclidian distance between this and an other point.

See function pygeodesy.euclidean for the available options.

  • other - The other point (LatLon).
  • radius_adjust_wrap - Optional keyword arguments for function pygeodesy.euclidean, overriding the default mean radius of this point's datum ellipsoid.
Distance (meter, same units as radius).
  • TypeError - The other point is not LatLon.

flatLocalTo (self, other, radius=None, wrap=False)


Compute the distance between this and an other point using the ellipsoidal Earth to plane projection aka Hubeny formula.

  • other - The other point (LatLon).
  • radius - Mean earth radius (meter) or None for the equatorial radius of this point's datum ellipsoid.
  • wrap - If True, wrap or normalize and unroll the other point (bool).
Distance (meter, same units as radius).
  • TypeError - The other point is not LatLon.
  • ValueError - Invalid radius.

flatPolarTo (self, other, **radius_wrap)


Compute the distance between this and an other point using the polar coordinate flat-Earth formula.

  • other - The other point (LatLon).
  • radius_wrap - Optional keyword arguments for function pygeodesy.flatPolar, overriding the default mean radius of this point's datum ellipsoid.
Distance (meter, same units as radius).
  • TypeError - The other point is not LatLon.

hartzell (self, los=False, earth=None)


Compute the intersection of a Line-Of-Sight from this (geodetic) Point-Of-View (pov) with this point's ellipsoid surface.

  • los - Line-Of-Sight, direction to the ellipsoid (Los, Vector3d), True for the normal, plumb onto the surface or False or None to point to the center of the ellipsoid.
  • earth - The earth model (Datum, Ellipsoid, Ellipsoid2, a_f2Tuple or scalar radius in meter), overriding this point's datum ellipsoid.
The intersection (LatLon) with .height set to the distance to this pov.
  • IntersectionError - Null or bad pov or los, this pov is inside the ellipsoid or los points outside or away from the ellipsoid.
  • TypeError - Invalid los or invalid or undefined earth or datum.

See Also: Function hartzell for further details.

haversineTo (self, other, **radius_wrap)


Compute the distance between this and an other point using the Haversine formula.

  • other - The other point (LatLon).
  • radius_wrap - Optional keyword arguments for function pygeodesy.haversine, overriding the default mean radius of this point's datum ellipsoid.
Distance (meter, same units as radius).
  • TypeError - The other point is not LatLon.

height4 (self, earth=None, normal=True, LatLon=None, **LatLon_kwds)


Compute the projection of this point on and the height above or below this datum's ellipsoid surface.

  • earth - A datum, ellipsoid, triaxial ellipsoid or earth radius, overriding this datum (Datum, Ellipsoid, Ellipsoid2, a_f2Tuple, Triaxial, Triaxial_, JacobiConformal or meter, conventionally).
  • normal - If True the projection is the normal to this ellipsoid's surface, otherwise the intersection of the radial line to this ellipsoid's center (bool).
  • LatLon - Optional class to return the projection, height and datum (LatLon) or None.
  • LatLon_kwds - Optional, additional LatLon keyword arguments, ignored if LatLon is None.
An instance of class LatLon or if LatLon is None, a Vector4Tuple(x, y, z, h) with the projection x, y and z coordinates and height h in meter, conventionally.
  • TriaxialError - No convergence in triaxial root finding.
  • TypeError - Invalid earth or triaxial earth couldn't be converted to biaxial LatLon datum.

Note: Use keyword argument height=0 to override LatLon.height to {0} or any other scalar, conventionally in meter.

See Also: Methods Ellipsoid.height4 and Triaxial_.height4 for more information.

heightStr (self, prec=-2, m='m')


Return this point's height as string.

  • prec - Number of (decimal) digits, unstripped (int).
  • m - Optional unit of the height (str).

See Also: Function pygeodesy.hstr.

hubenyTo (self, other, radius=None, wrap=False)


Compute the distance between this and an other point using the ellipsoidal Earth to plane projection aka Hubeny formula.

  • other - The other point (LatLon).
  • radius - Mean earth radius (meter) or None for the equatorial radius of this point's datum ellipsoid.
  • wrap - If True, wrap or normalize and unroll the other point (bool).
Distance (meter, same units as radius).
  • TypeError - The other point is not LatLon.
  • ValueError - Invalid radius.

isantipode (self, other, eps=2.220446049250313e-16)


DEPRECATED, use method isantipodeTo.

  • @deprecated_method

isantipodeTo (self, other, eps=2.220446049250313e-16)


Check whether this and an other point are antipodal, on diametrically opposite sides of the earth.

  • other - The other point (LatLon).
  • eps - Tolerance for near-equality (degrees).
True if points are antipodal within the given tolerance, False otherwise.

isequalTo (self, other, eps=None)


Compare this point with an other point, ignoring height.

  • other - The other point (LatLon).
  • eps - Tolerance for equality (degrees).
True if both points are identical, ignoring height, False otherwise.
  • TypeError - The other point is not LatLon or mismatch of the other and this class or type.
  • UnitError - Invalid eps.

See Also: Method isequalTo3.

isequalTo3 (self, other, eps=None)


Compare this point with an other point, including height.

  • other - The other point (LatLon).
  • eps - Tolerance for equality (degrees).
True if both points are identical including height, False otherwise.
  • TypeError - The other point is not LatLon or mismatch of the other and this class or type.

See Also: Method isequalTo.

latlon2 (self, ndigits=0)


Return this point's lat- and longitude in degrees, rounded.

  • ndigits - Number of (decimal) digits (int).
A LatLon2Tuple(lat, lon), both float and rounded away from zero.

Note: The rounded values are always float, also if ndigits is omitted.

latlon2round (self, ndigits=0)


DEPRECATED, use method latlon2.

  • @deprecated_method

latlon_ (self, ndigits=0)


DEPRECATED, use method latlon2.

  • @deprecated_method

nearestOn6 (self, points, closed=False, height=None, wrap=False)


Locate the point on a path or polygon closest to this point.

Points are converted to and distances are computed in geocentric, cartesian space.

  • points - The path or polygon points (LatLon[]).
  • closed - Optionally, close the polygon (bool).
  • height - Optional height, overriding the height of this and all other points (meter). If None, take the height of points into account for distances.
  • wrap - If True, wrap or normalize and unroll the points (bool).
A NearestOn6Tuple(closest, distance, fi, j, start, end) with the closest, the start and the end point each an instance of this LatLon and distance in meter, same units as the cartesian axes.
  • PointsError - Insufficient number of points.
  • TypeError - Some points or some points' Ecef invalid.
  • ValueError - Some points' Ecef is incompatible.

See Also: Function nearestOn6.

normal (self)


Normalize this point in-place to abs(lat) <= 90 and abs(lon) <= 180.

True if this point was normal, False if it wasn't (but is now).

See Also: Property isnormal and method toNormal.

philam2 (self, ndigits=0)


Return this point's lat- and longitude in radians, rounded.

  • ndigits - Number of (decimal) digits (int).
A PhiLam2Tuple(phi, lam), both float and rounded away from zero.

Note: The rounded values are always float, also if ndigits is omitted.

points (self, points, closed=True)


DEPRECATED, use method points2.

  • @deprecated_method

points2 (self, points, closed=True)


Check a path or polygon represented by points.

  • points - The path or polygon points (LatLon[])
  • closed - Optionally, consider the polygon closed, ignoring any duplicate or closing final points (bool).
A Points2Tuple(number, points), an int and list or tuple.
  • PointsError - Insufficient number of points.
  • TypeError - Some points are not LatLon.

radii11 (self, point2, point3, wrap=False)


Return the radii of the Circum-, In-, Soddy and Tangent circles of a (planar) triangle formed by this and two other points.

  • point2 - Second point (LatLon).
  • point3 - Third point (LatLon).
  • wrap - If True, wrap or normalize point2 and point3 (bool).
Radii11Tuple(rA, rB, rC, cR, rIn, riS, roS, a, b, c, s).
  • IntersectionError - Near-coincident or -colinear points.
  • TypeError - Invalid point2 or point3.

rhumbAzimuthTo (self, other, exact=False, radius=None, wrap=False, b360=False)


Return the azimuth (bearing) of a rhumb line (loxodrome) between this and an other (ellipsoidal) point.

  • other - The other point (LatLon).
  • exact - Exact Rhumb... to use (bool or Rhumb...), see method Ellipsoid.rhumb_.
  • radius - Optional earth radius (meter) or earth model (Datum, Ellipsoid, Ellipsoid2 or a_f2Tuple), overriding this point's datum.
  • wrap - If True, wrap or normalize and unroll the other point (bool).
  • b360 - If True, return the azimuth in the bearing range.
Rhumb azimuth (compass degrees180 or degrees360).
  • TypeError - The other point is incompatible or radius is invalid.

rhumbDestination (self, distance, azimuth, exact=False, radius=None, height=None)


Return the destination point having travelled the given distance from this point along a rhumb line (loxodrome) of the given azimuth.

  • distance - Distance travelled (meter, same units as this point's datum (ellipsoid) axes or radius, may be negative.
  • azimuth - Azimuth (bearing) of the rhumb line (compass degrees).
  • exact - Exact Rhumb... to use (bool or Rhumb...), see method Ellipsoid.rhumb_.
  • radius - Optional earth radius (meter) or earth model (Datum, Ellipsoid, Ellipsoid2 or a_f2Tuple), overriding this point's datum.
  • height - Optional height, overriding the default height (meter).
The destination point (ellipsoidal LatLon).
  • TypeError - Invalid radius.
  • ValueError - Invalid distance, azimuth, radius or height.

rhumbDistanceTo (self, other, exact=False, radius=None, wrap=False)


Return the distance from this to an other point along a rhumb line (loxodrome).

  • other - The other point (LatLon).
  • exact - Exact Rhumb... to use (bool or Rhumb...), see method Ellipsoid.rhumb_.
  • radius - Optional earth radius (meter) or earth model (Datum, Ellipsoid, Ellipsoid2 or a_f2Tuple), overriding this point's datum.
  • wrap - If True, wrap or normalize and unroll the other point (bool).
Distance (meter, the same units as this point's datum (ellipsoid) axes or radius.
  • TypeError - The other point is incompatible or radius is invalid.
  • ValueError - Invalid radius.

rhumbIntersecant2 (self, circle, point, other, height=None, **exact_radius_wrap_eps_tol)


Compute the intersections of a circle and a rhumb line given as two points or as a point and azimuth.

  • circle - Radius of the circle centered at this location (meter), or a point on the circle (this LatLon).
  • point - The start point of the rhumb line (this LatLon).
  • other - An other point on (this LatLon) or the azimuth of (compass degrees) the rhumb line.
  • height - Optional height for the intersection points (meter, conventionally) or None for interpolated heights.
  • exact_radius_wrap_eps_tol - Optional keyword arguments, see methods rhumbLine and RhumbLineAux.Intersecant2 or RhumbLine.Intersecant2.
2-Tuple of the intersection points (representing a chord), each an instance of this class. Both points are the same instance if the rhumb line is tangent to the circle.
  • IntersectionError - The circle and rhumb line do not intersect.
  • TypeError - If point is not this LatLon or circle or other invalid.
  • ValueError - Invalid circle, other, height or exact_radius_wrap.

rhumbLine (self, other, exact=False, radius=None, wrap=False, **name_caps)


Get a rhumb line through this point at a given azimuth or through this and an other point.

  • other - The azimuth of (compass degrees) or an other point on (this LatLon) the rhumb line.
  • exact - Exact Rhumb... to use (bool or Rhumb...), see method Ellipsoid.rhumb_.
  • radius - Optional earth radius (meter) or earth model (Datum, Ellipsoid, Ellipsoid2 or a_f2Tuple), overriding this point's datum.
  • wrap - If True, wrap or normalize and unroll the other point (bool).
  • name_caps - Optional name=str and caps, see RhumbLine or RhumbLineAux caps.
A RhumbLine instance.
  • TypeError - Invalid radius or other not scalar nor this LatLon.

See Also: Modules rhumb.aux_ and rhumb.ekx.

rhumbMidpointTo (self, other, exact=False, radius=None, height=None, fraction=0.5, wrap=False)


Return the (loxodromic) midpoint on the rhumb line between this and an other point.

  • other - The other point (this LatLon).
  • exact - Exact Rhumb... to use (bool or Rhumb...), see method Ellipsoid.rhumb_.
  • radius - Optional earth radius (meter) or earth model (Datum, Ellipsoid, Ellipsoid2 or a_f2Tuple), overriding this point's datum.
  • height - Optional height, overriding the mean height (meter).
  • fraction - Midpoint location from this point (scalar), 0 for this, 1 for the other, 0.5 for halfway between this and the other point, may be negative or greater than 1.
  • wrap - If True, wrap or normalize and unroll the other point (bool).
The midpoint at the given fraction along the rhumb line (this LatLon).
  • TypeError - The other point is incompatible or radius is invalid.
  • ValueError - Invalid height or fraction.

thomasTo (self, other, wrap=False)


Compute the distance between this and an other point using Thomas' formula.

  • other - The other point (LatLon).
  • wrap - If True, wrap or normalize and unroll the other point (bool).
Distance (meter, same units as the axes of this point's datum ellipsoid).
  • TypeError - The other point is not LatLon.

to2ab (self)


DEPRECATED, use property philam.

  • @deprecated_method

to3llh (self, height=None)


DEPRECATED, use property latlonheight or latlon.to3Tuple(height).

  • @deprecated_method

to3xyz (self)


DEPRECATED, use property xyz or method toNvector, toVector, toVector3d or perhaps (geocentric) toEcef.

  • @deprecated_method

toCartesian (self, height=None, Cartesian=None, **Cartesian_kwds)


Convert this point to cartesian, geocentric coordinates, also known as Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed (ECEF).

  • height - Optional height, overriding this point's height (meter, conventionally).
  • Cartesian - Optional class to return the geocentric coordinates (Cartesian) or None.
  • Cartesian_kwds - Optional, additional Cartesian keyword arguments, ignored if Cartesian is None.
A Cartesian or if Cartesian is None, an Ecef9Tuple(x, y, z, lat, lon, height, C, M, datum) with C=0 and M if available.
  • TypeError - Invalid Cartesian or Cartesian_kwds.

See Also: Methods toNvector, toVector and toVector3d.

toEcef (self, height=None, M=False)


Convert this point to geocentric coordinates, also known as Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed (ECEF).

  • height - Optional height, overriding this point's height (meter, conventionally).
  • M - Optionally, include the rotation EcefMatrix (bool).
An Ecef9Tuple(x, y, z, lat, lon, height, C, M, datum) with C=0 and M if available.

toLocal (self, Xyz=None, ltp=None, **Xyz_kwds)


Convert this geodetic point to local X, Y and Z.

  • Xyz - Optional class to return X, Y and Z (XyzLocal, Enu, Ned) or None.
  • ltp - The local tangent plane (LTP) to use, overriding this point's LTP (Ltp).
  • Xyz_kwds - Optional, additional Xyz keyword arguments, ignored if Xyz is None.
An Xyz instance or if Xyz is None, a Local9Tuple(x, y, z, lat, lon, height, ltp, ecef, M) with M=None, always.
  • TypeError - Invalid ltp.

toLtp (self, Ecef=None)


Return the local tangent plane (LTP) for this point.

  • Ecef - Optional ECEF class (EcefKarney, ... EcefYou), overriding this point's Ecef.

toNormal (self, deep=False, name='')


Get this point normalized to abs(lat) <= 90 and abs(lon) <= 180.

  • deep - If True make a deep, otherwise a shallow copy (bool).
  • name - Optional name of the copy (str).
A copy of this point, normalized and optionally renamed (LatLon).

See Also: Property isnormal, method normal and function pygeodesy.normal.

toNvector (self, h=None, Nvector=None, **Nvector_kwds)


Convert this point to n-vector (normal to the earth's surface) components, including height.

  • h - Optional height, overriding this point's height (meter).
  • Nvector - Optional class to return the n-vector components (Nvector) or None.
  • Nvector_kwds - Optional, additional Nvector keyword arguments, ignored if Nvector is None.
An Nvector or a Vector4Tuple(x, y, z, h) if Nvector is None.
  • TypeError - Invalid h, Nvector or Nvector_kwds item.

See Also: Methods toCartesian, toVector and toVector3d.

toStr (self, form='dms', joined=', ', m='m', **prec_sep_s_D_M_S)


Convert this point to a "lat, lon[, +/-height]" string, formatted in the given format.

  • form - The lat-/longitude format to use (str), see functions pygeodesy.latDMS or pygeodesy.lonDMS.
  • joined - Separator to join the lat-, longitude and heigth strings (str or None or NN for non-joined).
  • m - Optional unit of the height (str), use None to exclude height from the returned string.
  • prec_sep_s_D_M_S - Optional precision, separator, s_D, s_M, s_S and s_DMS keyword arguments, see function pygeodesy.latDMS or pygeodesy.lonDMS.
This point in the specified format, etc. (str or a 2- or 3-tuple (lat_str, lon_str[, height_str]) if joined=NN or joined=None).
Overrides: named._Named.toStr

See Also: Function pygeodesy.latDMS or pygeodesy.lonDMS for more details about keyword arguments format, precision, separator, s_D, s_M, s_S and s_DMS.

toVector (self, Vector=None, **Vector_kwds)


Convert this point to a Vector with the geocentric (x, y, z) (ECEF) coordinates, ignoring height.

  • Vector - Optional class to return the geocentric components (Vector3d) or None.
  • Vector_kwds - Optional, additional Vector keyword arguments, ignored if Vector is None.
A Vector or a Vector3Tuple(x, y, z) if Vector is None.
  • TypeError - Invalid Vector or Vector_kwds item.

See Also: Methods toCartesian, toNvector and toVector3d.

toVector3d (self, norm=True, **Vector3d_kwds)


Convert this point to a Vector3d with the geocentric (x, y, z) (ECEF) unit coordinates, ignoring height.

  • norm - Normalize the 3-D vector (bool).
  • Vector3d_kwds - Optional Vector3d keyword arguments.
Unit vector (Vector3d).
  • TypeError - Invalid Vector3d_kwds item.

See Also: Methods toCartesian, toNvector and toVector.

toWm (self, **toWm_kwds)


Convert this point to a WM coordinate.

The WM coordinate (Wm).

See Also: Function pygeodesy.toWm.

vincentysTo (self, other, **radius_wrap)


Compute the distance between this and an other point using Vincenty's spherical formula.

  • other - The other point (LatLon).
  • radius_wrap - Optional keyword arguments for function pygeodesy.vincentys, overriding the default mean radius of this point's datum ellipsoid.
Distance (meter, same units as radius).
  • TypeError - The other point is not LatLon.

Property Details


Get the ECEF class (EcefKarney), once.

Get method:
Ecef(self) - Get the ECEF class (EcefKarney), once.
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the (polygonal) clip (int).

Get method:
clipid(self) - Get the (polygonal) clip (int).
Set method:
clipid(self, clipid) - Get the (polygonal) clip (int).


Must be overloaded.

Get method:
datum(self) - Must be overloaded.
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the LatLon type iff ellipsoidal, overloaded in LatLonEllipsoidalBase.

Get method:
ellipsoidalLatLon(self) - Get the LatLon type iff ellipsoidal, overloaded in LatLonEllipsoidalBase.
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the height (meter).

Get method:
height(self) - Get the height (meter).
Set method:
height(self, height) - Set the height (meter).
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Check whether this point is ellipsoidal (bool or None if unknown).

Get method:
isEllipsoidal(self) - Check whether this point is ellipsoidal (bool or None if unknown).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Check whether this point is spherical (bool or None if unknown).

Get method:
isSpherical(self) - Check whether this point is spherical (bool or None if unknown).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Return True if this point is normal (bool), meaning abs(lat) <= 90 and abs(lon) <= 180.

Get method:
isnormal(self) - Return True if this point is normal (bool), meaning abs(lat) <= 90 and abs(lon) <= 180.
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.

See Also: Methods normal, toNormal and functions isnormal and normal.


Get the longitude (radians).

Get method:
lam(self) - Get the longitude (radians).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the latitude (degrees90).

Get method:
lat(self) - Get the latitude (degrees90).
Set method:
lat(self, lat) - Set the latitude (str[N|S] or degrees).
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the lat- and longitude (LatLon2Tuple(lat, lon)).

Get method:
latlon(self) - Get the lat- and longitude (LatLon2Tuple(lat, lon)).
Set method:
latlon(self, latlonh) - Set the lat- and longitude and optionally the height (2- or 3-tuple or comma- or space-separated str of degrees90, degrees180 and meter).
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the lat-, longitude and height (LatLon3Tuple(lat, lon, height)).

Get method:
latlonheight(self) - Get the lat-, longitude and height (LatLon3Tuple(lat, lon, height)).
Set method:
latlonheight(self, latlonh) - Set the lat- and longitude and optionally the height (2- or 3-tuple or comma- or space-separated str of degrees90, degrees180 and meter).
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the longitude (degrees180).

Get method:
lon(self) - Get the longitude (degrees180).
Set method:
lon(self, lon) - Set the longitude (str[E|W] or degrees).
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the latitude (radians).

Get method:
phi(self) - Get the latitude (radians).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the lat- and longitude (PhiLam2Tuple(phi, lam)).

Get method:
philam(self) - Get the lat- and longitude (PhiLam2Tuple(phi, lam)).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the lat-, longitude in radians and height (PhiLam3Tuple(phi, lam, height)).

Get method:
philamheight(self) - Get the lat-, longitude in radians and height (PhiLam3Tuple(phi, lam, height)).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the LatLon type iff spherical, overloaded in LatLonSphericalBase.

Get method:
sphericalLatLon(self) - Get the LatLon type iff spherical, overloaded in LatLonSphericalBase.
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the geocentric (x, y, z) coordinates (Vector3Tuple(x, y, z))

Get method:
xyz(self) - Get the geocentric (x, y, z) coordinates (Vector3Tuple(x, y, z))
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the geocentric (x, y, z) coordinates and height (Vector4Tuple(x, y, z, h))

Get method:
xyzh(self) - Get the geocentric (x, y, z) coordinates and height (Vector4Tuple(x, y, z, h))
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.