Package pygeodesy :: Module albers :: Class _AlbersBase
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Class _AlbersBase

  object --+        
named._Named --+    
named._NamedBase --+
Known Subclasses:

(INTERNAL) Base class for AlbersEqualArea... projections.

See Also: Karney's C++ class AlbersEqualArea, method Init.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, sa1, ca1, sa2, ca2, k, datum, **name)
(INTERNAL) New AlbersEqualArea... instance.
forward(self, lat, lon, lon0=0, **name)
Convert a geodetic location to east- and northing.
rescale0(self, lat, k=1)
Set the azimuthal scale for this projection.
reverse(self, x, y, lon0=0, LatLon=None, **name_LatLon_kwds)
Convert an east- and northing location to geodetic lat- and longitude.
toRepr(self, prec=6, **unused)
Return a string representation of this projection.
toStr(self, prec=6, sep=' ', **unused)
Return a string representation of this projection.

Inherited from named._NamedBase: __repr__, __str__, others

Inherited from named._Named: __format__, __imatmul__, __matmul__, __rmatmul__, attrs, classof, copy, dup, methodname, rename, renamed, toStr2

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Get the datum (Datum).
Get the datum's ellipsoid (Ellipsoid).
Get the ellipsoid's equatorial radius, semi-axis (meter).
Get the ellipsoid's equatorial radius, semi-axis (meter).
Get the ellipsoid's flattening (scalar).
Get the ellipsoid's flattening (scalar).
Is this projection polar (bool)?
Is this projection polar (bool)?
Get the latitude of the projection origin (degrees).
Get the latitude of the first parallel (degrees).
Get the latitude of the second parallel (degrees).
DEPRECATED, use property equatoradius.
Get the central scale for the projection (float).

Inherited from named._Named: classname, classnaming, iteration, name, named, named2, named3, named4, sizeof

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__ (self, sa1, ca1, sa2, ca2, k, datum, **name)


(INTERNAL) New AlbersEqualArea... instance.

Overrides: object.__init__

forward (self, lat, lon, lon0=0, **name)


Convert a geodetic location to east- and northing.

  • lat - Latitude of the location (degrees).
  • lon - Longitude of the location (degrees).
  • lon0 - Optional central meridian longitude (degrees).
  • name - Optional name=NN for the location (str).
An Albers7Tuple(x, y, lat, lon, gamma, scale, datum), with lon offset by lon0 and reduced [-180,180].

Note: The origin latitude is returned by property lat0. No false easting or northing is added. The value of lat should be in the range [-90..90] degrees. The returned values x and y will be large but finite for points projecting to infinity, i.e. one or both of the poles.

rescale0 (self, lat, k=1)


Set the azimuthal scale for this projection.

  • lat - Northern latitude (degrees).
  • k - Azimuthal scale at latitude lat (scalar).

Note: This allows a latitude of conformality to be specified.

reverse (self, x, y, lon0=0, LatLon=None, **name_LatLon_kwds)


Convert an east- and northing location to geodetic lat- and longitude.

  • x - Easting of the location (meter).
  • y - Northing of the location (meter).
  • lon0 - Optional central meridian longitude (degrees).
  • LatLon - Class to use (LatLon) or None.
  • name_LatLon_kwds - Optional name=NN for the location and optional, additional LatLon keyword arguments, ignored if LatLon is None.
The geodetic (LatLon) or if LatLon is None an Albers7Tuple(x, y, lat, lon, gamma, scale, datum).

Note: The origin latitude is returned by property lat0. No false easting or northing is added. The returned value of lon is in the range [-180..180] degrees and lat is in the range [-90..90] degrees. If the given x or y point is outside the valid projected space the nearest pole is returned.

toRepr (self, prec=6, **unused)


Return a string representation of this projection.

  • prec - Number of (decimal) digits, unstripped (int).
This projection as "<classname>(lat1, lat2, ...)" (str).
Overrides: named._Named.toRepr

toStr (self, prec=6, sep=' ', **unused)


Return a string representation of this projection.

  • prec - Number of (decimal) digits, unstripped (int).
  • sep - Separator to join (str).
This projection as "lat1 lat2" (str).
Overrides: named._Named.toStr

Property Details


Get the datum (Datum).

Get method:
datum(self) - Get the datum (Datum).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the datum's ellipsoid (Ellipsoid).

Get method:
ellipsoid(self) - Get the datum's ellipsoid (Ellipsoid).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the ellipsoid's equatorial radius, semi-axis (meter).

Get method:
equatoradius(self) - Get the ellipsoid's equatorial radius, semi-axis (meter).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the ellipsoid's equatorial radius, semi-axis (meter).

Get method:
equatoradius(self) - Get the ellipsoid's equatorial radius, semi-axis (meter).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the ellipsoid's flattening (scalar).

Get method:
flattening(self) - Get the ellipsoid's flattening (scalar).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the ellipsoid's flattening (scalar).

Get method:
flattening(self) - Get the ellipsoid's flattening (scalar).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Is this projection polar (bool)?

Get method:
ispolar(self) - Is this projection polar (bool)?
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Is this projection polar (bool)?

Get method:
ispolar(self) - Is this projection polar (bool)?
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the latitude of the projection origin (degrees).

This is the latitude of minimum azimuthal scale and equals the lat in the 1-parallel AlbersEqualArea and lies between lat1 and lat2 for the 2-parallel AlbersEqualArea2 and AlbersEqualArea4 projections.

Get method:
lat0(self) - Get the latitude of the projection origin (degrees).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the latitude of the first parallel (degrees).

Get method:
lat1(self) - Get the latitude of the first parallel (degrees).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the latitude of the second parallel (degrees).

Get method:
lat2(self) - Get the latitude of the second parallel (degrees).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.

Note: The second and first parallel latitudes are the same instance for 1-parallel AlbersEqualArea* projections.


DEPRECATED, use property equatoradius.

Get method:
majoradius(self) - DEPRECATED, use property equatoradius.
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the central scale for the projection (float).

This is the azimuthal scale on the latitude of origin of the projection, see property lat0.

Get method:
scale0(self) - Get the central scale for the projection (float).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.