Package pygeodesy :: Package auxilats :: Module auxDLat :: Class AuxDLat
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Class AuxDLat

   object --+            
 named._Named --+        
auxAngle.AuxAngle --+    
        auxLat.AuxLat --+

Class to compute Divided Differences of Auxiliary latitudes and other Divided Differences needed for RhumbAux and RhumbLineAux calculations.

Instance Methods
CParametric(self, Zeta1, Zeta2)
Short for .Dconvert(Aux.BETA, Zeta1, Zeta2).
CRectifying(self, Zeta1, Zeta2)
Short for .Dconvert(Aux.MU, Zeta1, Zeta2).
Dconvert(self, auxout, Zeta1, Zeta2)
Divided Difference of one auxiliary latitude wrt another.
DE(self, X, Y)
DIsometric(self, Phi1, Phi2)
Divided Difference of the isometric wrt the geographic latitude.
DParametric(self, Phi1, Phi2)
Divided Difference of the parametric wrt the geographic latitude.
DRectifying(self, Phi1, Phi2)
Divided Difference of the rectifying wrt the geographic latitude.

Inherited from auxLat.AuxLat: Authalic, AuthalicRadius2, Conformal, Geocentric, Geodetic, Parametric, Rectifying, RectifyingRadius, Reduced, __init__, convert

Inherited from auxAngle.AuxAngle: __abs__, __add__, __bool__, __eq__, __float__, __iadd__, __isub__, __ne__, __neg__, __pos__, __radd__, __rsub__, __str__, __sub__, copyquadrant, normal, toBeta, toChi, toMu, toPhi

Inherited from named._Named: __format__, __imatmul__, __matmul__, __repr__, __rmatmul__, attrs, classof, copy, dup, methodname, rename, renamed, toRepr, toStr, toStr2

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Static Methods

Inherited from auxAngle.AuxAngle: fromDegrees, fromLambertianDegrees, fromLambertianRadians, fromRadians


Inherited from auxLat.AuxLat: ALorder, a, b, ellipsoid, equatoradius, f, flattening, polaradius

Inherited from auxAngle.AuxAngle: diff, iteration, normalized, tan, toDegrees, toLambertianDegrees, toLambertianRadians, toRadians, x, y

Inherited from named._Named: classname, classnaming, name, named, named2, named3, named4, sizeof

Inherited from object: __class__