Package pygeodesy :: Package auxilats :: Module auxDST :: Class AuxDST
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Class AuxDST

object --+

Discrete Sine Transforms (DST) for Auxiliary latitudes.

See Also: Karney's C++ class DST.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, N)
New AuxDST instance.
refine(self, f, F, *sentinel)
Refine the Fourier series by doubling the sampled points.
reset(self, N)
Reset this DST.
transform(self, f)
Determine [N + 1] terms in the Fourier series.

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Static Methods
evaluate(sinx, cosx, F, *N)
Evaluate the Fourier sum given the sine and cosine of the angle, using precision Clenshaw summation.
integral(sinx, cosx, F, *N)
Evaluate the integral of Fourier sum given the sine and cosine of the angle, using precision Clenshaw summation.
integral2(sinx, cosx, siny, cosy, F, *N)
Compute the definite integral of Fourier sum given the sine and cosine of the angles at the end points, using precision Clenshaw summation.
Get this DST's size, number of points (int).

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__ (self, N)


New AuxDST instance.

  • N - Size, number of points (int).
Overrides: object.__init__

evaluate (sinx, cosx, F, *N)
Static Method


Evaluate the Fourier sum given the sine and cosine of the angle, using precision Clenshaw summation.

  • sinx - The sin(sigma) (float).
  • cosx - The cos(sigma) (float).
  • F - The Fourier coefficients (float[]).
  • N - Optional, (smaller) number of terms to evaluate (int).
Precison Clenshaw sum (float).

See Also: Methods AuxDST.integral and AuxDST.integral2.

integral (sinx, cosx, F, *N)
Static Method


Evaluate the integral of Fourier sum given the sine and cosine of the angle, using precision Clenshaw summation.

  • sinx - The sin(sigma) (float).
  • cosx - The cos(sigma) (float).
  • F - The Fourier coefficients (float[]).
  • N - Optional, len(F) or a (smaller) number of terms to evaluate (int).
Precison Clenshaw intergral (float).

See Also: Methods AuxDST.evaluate and AuxDST.integral2.

integral2 (sinx, cosx, siny, cosy, F, *N)
Static Method


Compute the definite integral of Fourier sum given the sine and cosine of the angles at the end points, using precision Clenshaw summation.

  • sinx - The sin(sigma1) (float).
  • cosx - The cos(sigma1) (float).
  • siny - The sin(sigma2) (float).
  • cosy - The cos(sigma2) (float).
  • F - The Fourier coefficients (float[]).
  • N - Optional, len(F) or a (smaller) number of terms to evaluate (int).
Precison Clenshaw integral (float).

See Also: Methods AuxDST.evaluate and AuxDST.integral.

refine (self, f, F, *sentinel)


Refine the Fourier series by doubling the sampled points.

  • f - Single-argument callable (f(sigma)).
  • F - Initial Fourier series coefficients (float[:N]).
  • sentinel - Optional coefficient(s) to append (float(s)).
Fourier series coefficients (float[:N*2]).

Note: Any initial F[N:] sentinel coefficients are ignored.

reset (self, N)


Reset this DST.

  • N - Size, number of points (int).
The new size (int, non-negative).

transform (self, f)


Determine [N + 1] terms in the Fourier series.

  • f - Single-argument callable (f(sigma)).
Fourier series coefficients (float[:N+1], leading 0).

Property Details


Get this DST's size, number of points (int).

Get method:
N(self) - Get this DST's size, number of points (int).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.