Package pygeodesy :: Module booleans
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Module booleans

Boolean operations on composite polygons and clips.

Classes BooleanFHP and BooleanGH are composites and provide boolean operations intersection, difference, reverse-difference, sum and union.

Note: A clip is defined as a single, usually closed polygon, a composite is a collection of one or more clips.

See Also: Forster-Hormann-Popa and Greiner-Hormann.

Version: 24.11.07

(INTERNAL) Base class for LatLonFHP and LatLonGH.
A point or intersection in a BooleanFHP clip or composite.
A point or intersection in a BooleanGH clip or composite.
(INTERNAL) A doubly-linked list representing a closed polygon of LatLonFHP or LatLonGH points, duplicates and intersections with other clips.
(INTERNAL) Base class for BooleanFHP and BooleanGH (_CompositeFHP and _CompositeGH).
(INTERNAL) A list of clips representing a composite of LatLonFHP points, duplicates and intersections with an other composite.
(INTERNAL) A list of clips representing a composite of LatLonGH points, duplicates and intersections with an other composite.
Composite class providing boolean operations between two composites using Forster-Hormann-Popa's C++ implementation, transcoded to pure Python.
Composite class providing boolean operations between two composites using the Greiner-Hormann algorithm and Correia's implementation, modified and extended.
Check for Boolean composites.
  __all__ = _ALL_LAZY.booleans
Function Details

isBoolean (obj)


Check for Boolean composites.

  • obj - The object (any type).
True if obj is BooleanFHP, BooleanGH or some other composite, False otherwise.