Package pygeodesy :: Module ellipsoidalExact :: Class Cartesian
[frames] | no frames]

Class Cartesian

          object --+                        
        named._Named --+                    
        named._NamedBase --+                
   vector3dBase.Vector3dBase --+            
               vector3d.Vector3d --+        
                      object --+   |        
                               |   |        
               named._NamedLocal --+        
         cartesianBase.CartesianBase --+    
ellipsoidalBase.CartesianEllipsoidalBase --+

Extended to convert exact Cartesian to exact LatLon points.

Instance Methods
toLatLon(self, **LatLon_and_kwds)
Convert this cartesian point to an exact geodetic point.

Inherited from ellipsoidalBase.CartesianEllipsoidalBase: __init__, convertRefFrame, intersections2, toRefFrame, toTransforms_

Inherited from cartesianBase.CartesianBase: Roc2, cassini, collins, collins5, convertDatum, destinationXyz, hartzell, height3, height4, pierlot, pierlotx, tienstra, tienstra7, to2ab, to2ll, to3llh, toDatum, toEcef, toNvector, toRtp, toStr, toTransform, toVector

Inherited from vector3d.Vector3d: bearing, circin6, circum3, circum4_, iscolinearWith, meeus2, nearestOn, nearestOn6, parse, radii11, soddy4, toCartesian, trilaterate2d2, trilaterate3d2

Inherited from vector3dBase.Vector3dBase: __abs__, __add__, __bool__, __ceil__, __cmp__, __div__, __divmod__, __eq__, __float__, __floor__, __floordiv__, __ge__, __gt__, __hash__, __iadd__, __idiv__, __ifloordiv__, __imatmul__, __imod__, __imul__, __int__, __ipow__, __isub__, __itruediv__, __le__, __long__, __lt__, __matmul__, __mod__, __mul__, __ne__, __neg__, __nonzero__, __pos__, __pow__, __radd__, __rdiv__, __rdivmod__, __rfloordiv__, __rmatmul__, __rmod__, __rmul__, __round__, __rpow__, __rsub__, __rtruediv__, __sub__, __truediv__, __trunc__, angleTo, apply, bools, cmp, cross, dividedBy, dot, equals, equirectangular, fabs, floats, intermediateTo, ints, isconjugateTo, isequalTo, minus, minus_, negate, others, plus, plus_, rotate, rotateAround, sum, times, times_, to3xyz, unit

Inherited from named._NamedBase: __repr__, __str__, toRepr

Inherited from named._Named: __format__, attrs, classof, copy, dup, methodname, rename, renamed, toStr2

Inherited from named._NamedLocal: toAer, toEnu, toLocal, toLtp, toNed, toXyz

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__


Inherited from ellipsoidalBase.CartesianEllipsoidalBase: ellipsoidalCartesian, epoch, reframe

Inherited from cartesianBase.CartesianBase: datum, height, isEllipsoidal, isSpherical, latlon, latlonheight, latlonheightdatum, philam, philamheight, philamheightdatum, sphericalCartesian

Inherited from vector3dBase.Vector3dBase: crosserrors, euclid, homogeneous, length, length2, x, x2y2z2, xyz, xyz3, y, z

Inherited from named._Named: classname, classnaming, iteration, name, named, named2, named3, named4, sizeof

Inherited from named._NamedLocal: Ecef

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

toLatLon (self, **LatLon_and_kwds)


Convert this cartesian point to an exact geodetic point.

  • LatLon_and_kwds - Optional LatLon and LatLon keyword arguments as datum. Use LatLon=..., datum=... to override this LatLon class or specify LatLon=None.
The geodetic point (LatLon) or if LatLon is None, an Ecef9Tuple(x, y, z, lat, lon, height, C, M, datum) with C and M if available.
  • TypeError - Invalid LatLon_and_kwds argument.
Overrides: cartesianBase.CartesianBase.toLatLon