Package pygeodesy :: Module ellipsoidalNvector
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Module ellipsoidalNvector

Ellipsoidal, N-vector-based geodesy.

Ellipsoidal classes geodetic LatLon, geocentric (ECEF) Cartesian and Nvector and DEPRECATED Ned and functions meanOf, sumOf and DEPRECATED toNed.

Pure Python implementation of n-vector-based geodetic (lat-/longitude) methods by (C) Chris Veness 2011-2016 published under the same MIT Licence**, see Vector-based geodesy.

These classes and functions work with: (a) geodetic lat-/longitude points on the earth's surface and (b) 3-D vectors used as n-vectors representing points on the earth's surface or vectors normal to the plane of a great circle.

See also Kenneth Gade 'A Non-singular Horizontal Position Representation', The Journal of Navigation (2010), vol 63, nr 3, pp 395-417.

Version: 24.02.18

DEPRECATED on 2024.02.04, use class pygeodesy.Ned.
Extended to convert geocentric, Cartesian points to Nvector and n-vector-based, geodetic LatLon.
An n-vector-based, ellipsoidal LatLon point.
An n-vector is a position representation using a (unit) vector normal to the earth ellipsoid.
meanOf(points, datum=Datum(name='WGS84', ellipsoid=Ellipsoids.WGS84, transform=Tran..., height=None, wrap=False, **LatLon_and_kwds)
Compute the geographic mean of several points.
sumOf(nvectors, Vector=<class 'pygeodesy.ellipsoidalNvector.Nvector'>, h=None, **Vector_kwds)
Return the vectorial sum of two or more n-vectors.
toNed(distance, bearing, elevation, Ned=<class 'pygeodesy.ellipsoidalNvector.Ned'>, name='')
DEPRECATED, use pygeodesy.Aer(bearing, elevation, distance).xyzLocal.toNed(Ned, name=name) or XyzLocal(pygeodesy.Aer(bearing, elevation, distance)).toNed(Ned, name=name).
  __all__ = _ALL_LAZY.ellipsoidalNvector
Function Details

meanOf (points, datum=Datum(name='WGS84', ellipsoid=Ellipsoids.WGS84, transform=Tran..., height=None, wrap=False, **LatLon_and_kwds)


Compute the geographic mean of several points.

  • points - Points to be averaged (LatLon[]).
  • datum - Optional datum to use (Datum).
  • height - Optional height at mean point, overriding the mean height (meter).
  • wrap - If True, wrap or normalize points (bool).
  • LatLon_and_kwds - Optional LatLon class to return the mean points and overriding this LatLon (or None) and additional LatLon keyword arguments, ignored if LatLon is None.
Geographic mean point and mean height (LatLon) or if LatLon is None, an Ecef9Tuple(x, y, z, lat, lon, height, C, M, datum) with C and M if available.
  • ValueError - Insufficient number of points.

sumOf (nvectors, Vector=<class 'pygeodesy.ellipsoidalNvector.Nvector'>, h=None, **Vector_kwds)


Return the vectorial sum of two or more n-vectors.

  • nvectors - Vectors to be added (Nvector[]).
  • Vector - Optional class for the vectorial sum (Nvector).
  • h - Optional height, overriding the mean height (meter).
  • Vector_kwds - Optional, additional Vector keyword arguments, ignored if Vector is None.
Vectorial sum (Vector).

toNed (distance, bearing, elevation, Ned=<class 'pygeodesy.ellipsoidalNvector.Ned'>, name='')


DEPRECATED, use pygeodesy.Aer(bearing, elevation, distance).xyzLocal.toNed(Ned, name=name) or XyzLocal(pygeodesy.Aer(bearing, elevation, distance)).toNed(Ned, name=name).

Create an NED vector from distance, bearing and elevation (in local coordinate system).

  • distance - NED vector length (meter).
  • bearing - NED vector bearing (compass degrees360).
  • elevation - NED vector elevation from local coordinate frame horizontal (degrees).
  • Ned - Optional class to return the NED (Ned) or None.
  • name - Optional name (str).
An NED vector equivalent to this distance, bearing and elevation (DEPRECATED Ned) or a DEPRECATED Ned3Tuple(north, east, down) if Ned is None.
  • @deprecated_function
  • ValueError - Invalid distance, bearing or elevation.