Package pygeodesy :: Module geodsolve
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Module geodsolve

Wrapper to invoke Karney's GeodSolve utility as an (exact) geodesic, but intended for testing purposes only.

Set env variable PYGEODESY_GEODSOLVE to the (fully qualified) path of the GeodSolve executable.

Version: 24.11.02

12-Tuple (lat1, lon1, azi1, lat2, lon2, azi2, s12, a12, m12, M12, M21, S12) with angles lat1, lon1, azi1, lat2, lon2 and azi2 and arc a12 all in degrees, initial azi1 and final azi2 forward azimuths, distance s12 and reduced length m12 in meter, area S12 in meter squared and geodesic scale factors M12 and M21, both scalar, see GeodSolve.
(INTERNAL) Base class for GeodesicSolve and GeodesicLineSolve.
Wrapper to invoke Karney's GeodSolve as an Exact version of Karney's Python class Geodesic.
Wrapper to invoke Karney's GeodSolve as an Exact version of Karney's Python class GeodesicLine.
  __all__ = _ALL_LAZY.geodsolve