Package pygeodesy :: Module hausdorff
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Module hausdorff

Hausdorff distances.

Classes Hausdorff, HausdorffDegrees, HausdorffRadians, HausdorffCosineLaw, HausdorffDistanceTo, HausdorffEquirectangular, HausdorffEuclidean, HausdorffFlatLocal, HausdorffFlatPolar, HausdorffHaversine, HausdorffHubeny, HausdorffKarney, HausdorffThomas and HausdorffVincentys to compute Hausdorff distances between two sets of LatLon, NumPy, tuples or other types of points.

Only HausdorffDistanceTo -iff used with ellipsoidalKarney.LatLon points- and HausdorffKarney requires installation of Charles Karney's geographiclib.

Typical usage is as follows. First, create a Hausdorff calculator from a given set of LatLon points, called the model or template points.

h = HausdorffXyz(point1s, ...)

Get the directed or symmetric Hausdorff distance to a second set of LatLon points, named the target points, by using

t6 = h.directed(point2s)


t6 = h.symmetric(point2s).

Or, use function hausdorff_ with a proper distance function and optionally a point function passed as keyword arguments as follows

t6 = hausdorff_(point1s, point2s, ..., distance=..., point=...).

In all cases, the returned result t6 is a Hausdorff6Tuple.

For (lat, lon, ...) points in a NumPy array or plain tuples, wrap the points in a Numpy2LatLon respectively Tuple2LatLon instance, more details in the documentation thereof.

For other points, create a Hausdorff sub-class with the appropriate distance method overloading Hausdorff.distance and optionally a point method overriding Hausdorff.point as the next example.

>>> from pygeodesy import Hausdorff, hypot_
>>> class H3D(Hausdorff):
>>>     """Custom Hausdorff example.
>>>     """
>>>     def distance(self, p1, p2):
>>>         return hypot_(p1.x - p2.x, p1.y - p2.y, p1.z - p2.z)
>>> h3D = H3D(xyz1, ..., units="...")
>>> d6 = h3D.directed(xyz2)

Transcribed from the original SciPy Directed Hausdorff Code version 0.19.0, Copyright (C) Tyler Reddy, Richard Gowers, and Max Linke, 2016, distributed under the same BSD license as SciPy, including early breaking and random sampling as in Abdel Aziz Taha, Allan Hanbury "An Efficient Algorithm for Calculating the Exact Hausdorff Distance", IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis Machine Intelligence (PAMI), vol 37, no 11, pp 2153-2163, Nov 2015.

Version: 24.12.31

Hausdorff issue.
Hausdorff base class, requires method Hausdorff.distance to be overloaded.
Hausdorff base class for distances from LatLon points in degrees.
Hausdorff base class for distances from LatLon points converted from degrees to radians.
Compute the Hausdorff distance with function pygeodesy.cosineLaw_.
Compute the Hausdorff distance the points' LatLon.distanceTo method.
Compute the Hausdorff distance with function pygeodesy.equirectangular.
Compute the Hausdorff distance with function pygeodesy.euclidean_.
Compute the Hausdorff distance with method GeodesicExact.Inverse.
Compute the Hausdorff distance with function pygeodesy.flatLocal_/pygeodesy.hubeny_.
Compute the Hausdorff distance with function pygeodesy.flatPolar_.
Compute the Hausdorff distance with function pygeodesy.haversine_.
Compute the Hausdorff distance with function pygeodesy.flatLocal_/pygeodesy.hubeny_.
Compute the Hausdorff distance with Karney's geographiclib geodesic.Geodesic.Inverse method.
Compute the Hausdorff distance with function pygeodesy.thomas_.
Compute the Hausdorff distance with function pygeodesy.vincentys_.
6-Tuple (hd, i, j, mn, md, units) with the Hausdorff distance hd, indices i and j, the total count mn, the mean Hausdorff distance md and the class or name of both distance units.
hausdorff_(model, target, both=False, early=True, seed=None, units='', distance=None, point=<function _point at 0x7f7af8a96e50>)
Compute the directed or symmetric Hausdorff distance between 2 sets of points with or without early breaking and random sampling.
Return a seeded random range function generator.
  __all__ = _ALL_LAZY.hausdorff
Function Details

hausdorff_ (model, target, both=False, early=True, seed=None, units='', distance=None, point=<function _point at 0x7f7af8a96e50>)


Compute the directed or symmetric Hausdorff distance between 2 sets of points with or without early breaking and random sampling.

  • model - First set of points (LatLon[], Numpy2LatLon[], Tuple2LatLon[] or other[]).
  • target - Second set of points (LatLon[], Numpy2LatLon[], Tuple2LatLon[] or other[]).
  • both - Return the directed (forward only) or the symmetric (combined forward and reverse) Hausdorff distance (bool).
  • early - Enable or disable early breaking (bool).
  • seed - Random sampling seed (any) or None, 0 or False for no random sampling.
  • units - Optional, the distance units (Unit or str).
  • distance - Callable returning the distance between a model and target point (signature (point1, point2)).
  • point - Callable returning the model or target point suitable for distance (signature (point)).
A Hausdorff6Tuple(hd, i, j, mn, md, units).
  • HausdorffError - Insufficient number of model or target points.
  • TypeError - If distance or point is not callable.

randomrangenerator (seed)


Return a seeded random range function generator.

  • seed - Initial, internal Random state (hashable or None).
A function to generate random ranges.

Note: Random with seed is None seeds from the current time or from a platform-specific randomness source, if available.


>>> rrange = randomrangenerator('R')
>>> for r in rrange(n):
>>>    ...  # r is random in 0..n-1