Package pygeodesy :: Module internals
[frames] | no frames]

Module internals

Mostly INTERNAL functions, except machine, print_ and printf.

Version: 24.11.06

Return standard platform.machine, but distinguishing Intel native from Intel emulation on Apple Silicon (on macOS only).
print_(*args, **nl_nt_prec_prefix__end_file_flush_sep__kwds)
Python 3+ print-like formatting and printing.
printf(fmt, *args, **nl_nt_prec_prefix__end_file_flush_sep__kwds)
Printf-style and Python 3+ print-like formatting and printing.
Function Details



Return standard platform.machine, but distinguishing Intel native from Intel emulation on Apple Silicon (on macOS only).

Machine 'arm64' for Apple Silicon native, 'x86_64' for Intel native, "arm64_x86_64" for Intel emulation, etc. (str with commas replaced by underscores).

print_ (*args, **nl_nt_prec_prefix__end_file_flush_sep__kwds)


Python 3+ print-like formatting and printing.

  • args - Values to be converted to str and joined by sep, all positional.

See Also: Function printf for further details.

printf (fmt, *args, **nl_nt_prec_prefix__end_file_flush_sep__kwds)


Printf-style and Python 3+ print-like formatting and printing.

  • fmt - Printf-style format specification (str).
  • args - Arguments to be formatted (any type, all positional).
  • nl_nt_prec_prefix__end_file_flush_sep__kwds - Optional keyword arguments nl=0 for the number of leading blank lines (int), nt=0 the number of trailing blank lines (int), prefix=NN to be inserted before the formatted text (str) and Python 3+ print keyword arguments end, sep, file and flush. Any remaining kwds are printf-style name-value pairs to be formatted, iff no args are present using prec=6 for the number of decimal digits (int).
Number of bytes written.