Package pygeodesy :: Module iters :: Class PointsIter
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Class PointsIter

  object --+        
named._Named --+    
       _BaseIter --+
Known Subclasses:

Iterator for points with optional loop-back and copies.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, points, loop=0, base=None, dedup=False, wrap=False, **name)
New PointsIter iterator.
enumerate(self, closed=False, copies=False)
Iterate and yield each point as a 2-tuple (index, point).
iterate(self, closed=False, copies=False)
Iterate through all points starting at index loop.

Inherited from _BaseIter: __getitem__, __iter__, __len__, next_

Inherited from named._Named: __format__, __imatmul__, __matmul__, __repr__, __rmatmul__, __str__, attrs, classof, copy, dup, methodname, rename, renamed, toRepr, toStr, toStr2

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__


Inherited from _BaseIter: copies, dedup, loop, looped, next

Inherited from named._Named: classname, classnaming, iteration, name, named, named2, named3, named4, sizeof

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__ (self, points, loop=0, base=None, dedup=False, wrap=False, **name)


New PointsIter iterator.

  • points - Iterable or list, sequence, set, tuple, etc. (points).
  • loop - Number of loop-back points, also initial enumerate and iterate index (non-negative int).
  • base - Optional points instance for type checking (any).
  • dedup - Skip duplicate points (bool).
  • wrap - If True, wrap or normalize the enum-/iterated points (bool).
  • name - Optional name="points" (str).
  • PointsError - Insufficient number of points.
  • TypeError - Some points are not base.
Overrides: object.__init__

enumerate (self, closed=False, copies=False)


Iterate and yield each point as a 2-tuple (index, point).

  • closed - Loop back to the first point(s), de-dup'ed (bool).
  • copies - Save a copy of all points (bool).
  • PointsError - Insufficient number of points or using closed=True without loop-back.
  • TypeError - Some points are not base-compatible.
Overrides: _BaseIter.enumerate

iterate (self, closed=False, copies=False)


Iterate through all points starting at index loop.

  • closed - Loop back to the first point(s), de-dup'ed (bool).
  • copies - Save a copy of all points (bool).
  • PointsError - Insufficient number of points or using closed=True without loop-back.
  • TypeError - Some points are not base-compatible.
Overrides: _BaseIter.iterate