Package pygeodesy :: Module ktm
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Module ktm

A pure Python version of Karney's C++ class TransverseMercator based on Krüger series. See also Karney's utility TransverseMercatorProj.

Following and further below is a copy of Karney's TransverseMercator.hpp file Header.

This implementation follows closely JHS 154, ETRS89 - järjestelmään liittyvät karttaprojektiot, tasokoordinaatistot ja karttalehtijako (Map projections, plane coordinates, and map sheet index for ETRS89), published by JUHTA, Finnish Geodetic Institute, and the National Land Survey of Finland (2006). The relevant section is available as the 2008 PDF file.

This is a straight transcription of the formulas in this paper with the following exceptions:

Copyright (C) Charles Karney (2008-2024) and licensed under the MIT/X11 License. For more information, see the GeographicLib documentation.

Version: 24.11.24

Error raised for KTransverseMercator and KTransverseMercator.forward issues.
Karney's C++ class TransverseMercator transcoded to pure Python, following is a partial copy of Karney's documentation.
  __all__ = _ALL_LAZY.ktm