Package pygeodesy :: Module lazily
[frames] | no frames]

Module lazily

Lazily import pygeodesy modules and attributes, based on lazy_import from Brett Cannon's modutil.

Lazy import is supported only for Python 3.7+ and is enabled by default in PyGeodesy 18.11.10 and newer.

To enable lazy import, set env variable PYGEODESY_LAZY_IMPORT to 1, 2, 3 or higher prior to import pygeodesy. To disable lazy import, set env variable PYGEODESY_LAZY_IMPORT to 0 or an empty string. Use 2 or higher to print a message for each lazily imported module and attribute, similar to env variable PYTHONVERBOSE showing imports. Using 3 or higher also shows the importing file name and line number.


Version: 24.04.22

Raised if a lazily imported attribute is missing or invalid.
Raised if lazy import is not supported, disabled or failed some other way.
print_(*args, **nl_nt_prefix_end_file_flush_sep)
Python 3+ print-like formatting and printing.
printf(fmt, *args, **nl_nt_prefix_end_file_flush_sep_kwds)
Printf-style and Python 3+ print-like formatting and printing.
  isLazy = None
Function Details

print_ (*args, **nl_nt_prefix_end_file_flush_sep)


Python 3+ print-like formatting and printing.

  • args - Arguments to be converted to str and joined by sep (any type, all positional).
  • nl_nt_prefix_end_file_flush_sep - Keyword arguments nl=0 for the number of leading blank lines (int), nt=0 the number of trailing blank lines (int), prefix=NN to be inserted before the formatted text (str) and Python 3+ print keyword arguments end, sep, file and flush.
Number of bytes written.

printf (fmt, *args, **nl_nt_prefix_end_file_flush_sep_kwds)


Printf-style and Python 3+ print-like formatting and printing.

  • fmt - Printf-style format specification (str).
  • args - Arguments to be formatted (any type, all positional).
  • nl_nt_prefix_end_file_flush_sep_kwds - Keyword arguments nl=0 for the number of leading blank lines (int), nt=0 the number of trailing blank lines (int), prefix=NN to be inserted before the formatted text (str) and Python 3+ print keyword arguments end, sep, file and flush. Any remaining kwds are printf-style keyword arguments to be formatted, iff no args are present.
Number of bytes written.