Package pygeodesy :: Module namedTuples
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Module namedTuples

Named tuples.

Tuples returned by pygeodesy functions and class methods are all instances of some Named...Tuple class, all sub-classes of _NamedTuple defined in pygeodesy.named.

Version: 24.11.22

2-Tuple (initial, final) bearings, both in compass degrees360.
2-Tuple (latlonSW, latlonNE) with the bounds' lower-left and upper-right corner as LatLon instance.
4-Tuple (latS, lonW, latN, lonE) with the bounds' lower-left (LatS, LowW) and upper-right (latN, lonE) corner lat- and longitudes.
2-Tuple (destination, final), destination in LatLon and final bearing in compass degrees360.
3-Tuple (lat, lon, final), destination lat, lon in degrees90 respectively degrees180 and final bearing in compass degrees360.
2-Tuple (distance, initial), distance in meter and initial bearing in compass degrees360.
3-Tuple (distance, initial, final), distance in meter and initial and final bearing, both in compass degrees360.
4-Tuple (distance2, delta_lat, delta_lon, unroll_lon2) with the distance in degrees squared, the latitudinal delta_lat = lat2 - lat1, the wrapped, unrolled and adjusted longitudinal delta_lon = lon2 - lon1 and unroll_lon2, the unrolled or original lon2.
2-Tuple (easting, northing), both in meter, conventionally.
3-Tuple (easting, northing, height), all in meter, conventionally.
4-Tuple (easting, northing, gamma, scale) in meter, meter, meridian convergence gamma at point in degrees and the scale of projection at point scalar.
3-Tuple (point, outside1, outside2) of an intersection point and outside1, the position of the point, -1 if before the start, +1 if after the end and 0 if on or between the start and end point of the first line.
2-Tuple (lat, lon) in degrees90 and degrees180.
3-Tuple (lat, lon, height) in degrees90, degrees180 and meter, conventionally.
4-Tuple (lat, lon, height, datum) in degrees90, degrees180, meter and Datum.
3-Tuple (lat, lon, datum) in degrees90, degrees180 and Datum.
5-Tuple (lat, lon, datum, gamma, scale) in degrees90, degrees180, Datum, degrees and float.
3-Tuple (lat, lon, precision) in degrees, degrees and int.
5-Tuple (lat, lon, precision, height, radius) in degrees, degrees, int and height or radius in meter (or None if missing).
2-Tuple (closest, fraction) of the closest point on and fraction along a line (segment) between two points.
3-Tuple (closest, distance, angle) of the closest point on the polygon, either a LatLon instance or a LatLon3Tuple(lat, lon, height) and the distance and angle to the closest point are in meter respectively compass degrees360.
6-Tuple (closest, distance, fi, j, start, end) with the closest point, the distance in meter, conventionally and the start and end point of the path or polygon edge.
8-Tuple (closest, distance, fi, j, start, end, initial, final), like NearestOn6Tuple but extended with the initial and the final bearing at the reference respectively the closest point, both in compass degrees.
2-Tuple (phi, lam) with latitude phi in radians[PI_2] and longitude lam in radians[PI].
3-Tuple (phi, lam, height) with latitude phi in radians[PI_2], longitude lam in radians[PI] and height in meter.
4-Tuple (phi, lam, height, datum) with latitude phi in radians[PI_2], longitude lam in radians[PI], height in meter and Datum.
3-Tuple (x, y, ll) in meter, meter and LatLon.
2-Tuple (number, points) with the number of points and -possible reduced- list or tuple of points.
4-Tuple (lat, lon, gamma, scale) with lat- and longitude in degrees, meridian convergence gamma at point in degrees and the scale of projection at point scalar.
7-Tuple (A, a, B, b, C, c, area) with interior angles A, B and C in degrees, spherical sides a, b and c in meter conventionally and the area of a (spherical) triangle in square meter conventionally.
8-Tuple (A, a, B, b, C, c, D, E) with interior angles A, B and C, spherical sides a, b and c, the spherical deficit D and the spherical excess E of a (spherical) triangle, all in radians.
5-Tuple (min, minPoint, max, maxPoint, n) with min and max in meter, the corresponding trilaterated minPoint and maxPoint as LatLon and the number n.
2-Tuple (zone, hemipole) as int and str, where zone is 1..60 for UTM or 0 for UPS and hemipole 'N'|'S' is the UTM hemisphere or the UPS pole.
5-Tuple (zone, hemipole, easting, northing, band) as int, str, meter, meter and band letter, where zone is 1..60 for UTM or 0 for UPS, hemipole 'N'|'S' is the UTM hemisphere or the UPS pole and band is "" or the longitudinal UTM band 'C'|'D'|..|'W'|'X' or polar UPS band 'A'|'B'|'Y'|'Z'.
8-Tuple (zone, hemipole, easting, northing, band, datum, gamma, scale) as int, str, meter, meter, band letter, Datum, degrees and scalar, where zone is 1..60 for UTM or 0 for UPS, hemipole 'N'|'S' is the UTM hemisphere or the UPS pole and band is "" or the longitudinal UTM band 'C'|'D'|..|'W'|'X' or polar UPS band 'A'|'B'|'Y'|'Z'.
5-Tuple (zone, band, hemipole, lat, lon) as int, str, str, degrees90 and degrees180, where zone is 1..60 for UTM or 0 for UPS, band is "" or the longitudinal UTM band 'C'|'D'|..|'W'|'X' or polar UPS band 'A'|'B'|'Y'|'Z' and hemipole 'N'|'S' is the UTM hemisphere or the UPS pole.
2-Tuple (x, y) of (geocentric) components, each in meter or the same units.
3-Tuple (x, y, z) of (geocentric) components, all in meter or the same units.
4-Tuple (x, y, z, h) of (geocentric) components, all in meter or the same units.
  __all__ = _ALL_LAZY.namedTuples