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Named tuples.
Tuples returned by pygeodesy
functions and class methods
are all instances of some Named...Tuple
class, all
sub-classes of _NamedTuple
defined in
Version: 24.11.22
Classes | |
Bearing2Tuple 2-Tuple (initial, final) bearings, both in compass
degrees360 .
Bounds2Tuple 2-Tuple (latlonSW, latlonNE) with the bounds'
lower-left and upper-right corner as LatLon instance.
Bounds4Tuple 4-Tuple (latS, lonW, latN, lonE) with the bounds'
lower-left (LatS, LowW) and upper-right (latN,
lonE) corner lat- and longitudes.
Destination2Tuple 2-Tuple (destination, final) , destination
in LatLon and final bearing in compass
degrees360 .
Destination3Tuple 3-Tuple (lat, lon, final) , destination
lat , lon in degrees90
respectively degrees180 and final bearing
in compass degrees360 .
Distance2Tuple 2-Tuple (distance, initial) , distance in
meter and initial bearing in compass
degrees360 .
Distance3Tuple 3-Tuple (distance, initial, final) ,
distance in meter and
initial and final bearing, both in
compass degrees360 .
Distance4Tuple 4-Tuple (distance2, delta_lat, delta_lon, unroll_lon2)
with the distance in degrees squared , the latitudinal
delta_lat = lat2 - lat1 , the wrapped,
unrolled and adjusted longitudinal delta_lon = lon2 -
lon1 and unroll_lon2 , the unrolled or
original lon2 .
EasNor2Tuple 2-Tuple (easting, northing) , both in
meter , conventionally.
EasNor3Tuple 3-Tuple (easting, northing, height) , all in
meter , conventionally.
Forward4Tuple 4-Tuple (easting, northing, gamma, scale) in
meter , meter , meridian convergence
gamma at point in degrees and the
scale of projection at point scalar .
Intersection3Tuple 3-Tuple (point, outside1, outside2) of an intersection
point and outside1 , the position of the
point , -1 if before the start,
+1 if after the end and 0 if on or
between the start and end point of the first line.
LatLon2Tuple 2-Tuple (lat, lon) in degrees90 and
degrees180 .
LatLon3Tuple 3-Tuple (lat, lon, height) in degrees90 ,
degrees180 and meter , conventionally.
LatLon4Tuple 4-Tuple (lat, lon, height, datum) in
degrees90 , degrees180 , meter
and Datum.
LatLonDatum3Tuple 3-Tuple (lat, lon, datum) in degrees90 ,
degrees180 and Datum.
LatLonDatum5Tuple 5-Tuple (lat, lon, datum, gamma, scale) in
degrees90 , degrees180 , Datum,
degrees and float .
LatLonPrec3Tuple 3-Tuple (lat, lon, precision) in degrees ,
degrees and int .
LatLonPrec5Tuple 5-Tuple (lat, lon, precision, height, radius) in
degrees , degrees , int and
height or radius in meter
(or None if missing).
NearestOn2Tuple 2-Tuple (closest, fraction) of the
closest point on and fraction along a
line (segment) between two points.
NearestOn3Tuple 3-Tuple (closest, distance, angle) of the
closest point on the polygon, either a
LatLon instance or a LatLon3Tuple(lat, lon, height) and
the distance and angle to the
closest point are in meter respectively
compass degrees360 .
NearestOn6Tuple 6-Tuple (closest, distance, fi, j, start, end) with
the closest point, the distance in
meter , conventionally and the start and
end point of the path or polygon edge.
NearestOn8Tuple 8-Tuple (closest, distance, fi, j, start, end, initial,
final) , like NearestOn6Tuple but extended with the
initial and the final bearing at the
reference respectively the closest point, both in
compass degrees .
PhiLam2Tuple 2-Tuple (phi, lam) with latitude phi in
radians[PI_2] and longitude lam in
radians[PI] .
PhiLam3Tuple 3-Tuple (phi, lam, height) with latitude
phi in radians[PI_2] , longitude
lam in radians[PI] and
height in meter .
PhiLam4Tuple 4-Tuple (phi, lam, height, datum) with latitude
phi in radians[PI_2] , longitude
lam in radians[PI] , height
in meter and Datum.
Point3Tuple 3-Tuple (x, y, ll) in meter ,
meter and LatLon .
Points2Tuple 2-Tuple (number, points) with the number
of points and -possible reduced- list or
tuple of points .
Reverse4Tuple 4-Tuple (lat, lon, gamma, scale) with
lat - and lon gitude in
degrees , meridian convergence gamma at
point in degrees and the scale of
projection at point scalar .
Triangle7Tuple 7-Tuple (A, a, B, b, C, c, area) with interior angles
A , B and C in
degrees , spherical sides a ,
b and c in meter
conventionally and the area of a (spherical) triangle
in square meter conventionally.
Triangle8Tuple 8-Tuple (A, a, B, b, C, c, D, E) with interior angles
A , B and C , spherical sides
a , b and c , the spherical
deficit D and the spherical excess
E of a (spherical) triangle, all in
radians .
Trilaterate5Tuple 5-Tuple (min, minPoint, max, maxPoint, n) with
min and max in meter , the
corresponding trilaterated minPoint and
maxPoint as LatLon and the number
n .
UtmUps2Tuple 2-Tuple (zone, hemipole) as int and
str , where zone is 1..60 for
UTM or 0 for UPS and hemipole
'N'|'S' is the UTM hemisphere or the UPS pole.
UtmUps5Tuple 5-Tuple (zone, hemipole, easting, northing, band) as
int , str , meter ,
meter and band letter, where
zone is 1..60 for UTM or 0
for UPS, hemipole 'N'|'S' is the UTM
hemisphere or the UPS pole and band is
"" or the longitudinal UTM band
'C'|'D'|..|'W'|'X' or polar UPS band
'A'|'B'|'Y'|'Z' .
UtmUps8Tuple 8-Tuple (zone, hemipole, easting, northing, band, datum,
gamma, scale) as int , str ,
meter , meter , band letter,
Datum , degrees and scalar ,
where zone is 1..60 for UTM or
0 for UPS, hemipole 'N'|'S'
is the UTM hemisphere or the UPS pole and band is
"" or the longitudinal UTM band
'C'|'D'|..|'W'|'X' or polar UPS band
'A'|'B'|'Y'|'Z' .
UtmUpsLatLon5Tuple 5-Tuple (zone, band, hemipole, lat, lon) as
int , str , str ,
degrees90 and degrees180 , where
zone is 1..60 for UTM or 0
for UPS, band is "" or the
longitudinal UTM band 'C'|'D'|..|'W'|'X' or
polar UPS band 'A'|'B'|'Y'|'Z' and
hemipole 'N'|'S' is the UTM hemisphere or
the UPS pole.
Vector2Tuple 2-Tuple (x, y) of (geocentric) components, each in
meter or the same units .
Vector3Tuple 3-Tuple (x, y, z) of (geocentric) components, all in
meter or the same units .
Vector4Tuple 4-Tuple (x, y, z, h) of (geocentric) components, all
in meter or the same units .
Variables | |
__all__ = _ALL_LAZY.namedTuples
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