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Utilities for point lists, tuples, etc.
Functions to handle collections and sequences of LatLon
points specified as 2-d NumPy, arrays
or tuples as
or as pseudo-x/-y
arrays are assumed to contain rows of points with a
lat-, a longitude -and possibly other- values in different columns.
While iterating over the array rows, create an instance of a given
class "on-the-fly" for each row with the
row's lat- and longitude.
The original NumPy
array is read-accessed only and never
duplicated, except to return a subset of the original array.
For example, to process a NumPy
array, wrap the array by
instantiating class Numpy2LatLon and specifying the column index for the
lat- and longitude in each row. Then, pass the Numpy2LatLon instance to any pygeodesy function or
method accepting a points argument.
Similarly, class Tuple2LatLon is used to instantiate a
from each 2+tuple in a sequence of such 2+tuples
using the ilat
lat- and ilon
longitude index in
each 2+tuple.
Version: 24.10.24
Classes | |
LatLon_ Low-overhead LatLon class, mainly for Numpy2LatLon and Tuple2LatLon.
_Basequence (INTERNAL) Base class. |
_Array2LatLon (INTERNAL) Base class for Numpy2LatLon or Tuple2LatLon. |
LatLon2psxy Wrapper for LatLon points as "on-the-fly"
pseudo-xy coordinates.
Numpy2LatLon Wrapper for NumPy arrays as "on-the-fly"
LatLon points.
Shape2Tuple 2-Tuple (nrows, ncols) , the number of rows and
columns, both int .
Tuple2LatLon Wrapper for tuple sequences as "on-the-fly" LatLon points.
Functions | |||
Variables | |
__all__ = _ALL_LAZY.points
Function Details |
Approximate the area of a polygon or composite.
Note: This area approximation has limited accuracy and is ill-suited for regions exceeding several hundred Km or Miles or with near-polar latitudes. See Also: sphericalNvector.areaOf, sphericalTrigonometry.areaOf, ellipsoidalExact.areaOf and ellipsoidalKarney.areaOf. |
Determine the bottom-left SW and top-right NE corners of a path or polygon.
See Also: Function quadOf. |
Determine the centroid of a polygon.
See Also: Centroid and Paul Bourke's Calculating The Area And Centroid Of A Polygon, 1988. |
Return the point at a given fractional index.
See Also: Class FIx and method FIx.fractional. |
Determine the direction of a path or polygon.
Determine whether a polygon is convex.
Determine whether a polygon is convex and clockwise.
Determine whether a point is enclosed by a polygon or composite.
See Also:
Functions pygeodesy.isconvex and pygeodesy.ispolar especially if the
Check whether a polygon encloses a pole.
Generate an ellipsoidal or spherical lune-shaped path or polygon.
See Also: Latitude-longitude quadrangle. |
Locate the point on a path or polygon closest to a reference point. The closest point on each polygon edge is either the nearest of that edge's end points or a point in between.
Distances are approximated by function pygeodesy.equirectangular4. For more accuracy use
one of the See Also: Function pygeodesy.degrees2m. |
Approximate the perimeter of a path, polygon. or composite.
Note: This perimeter is based on the pygeodesy.equirectangular4 distance approximation and is ill-suited for regions exceeding several hundred Km or Miles or with near-polar latitudes. See Also: Functions sphericalTrigonometry.perimeterOf and ellipsoidalKarney.perimeterOf. |
Generate a quadrilateral path or polygon from two points.
See Also: Function boundsOf. |
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