Module bases
(INTERNAL) base classes RhumbBase
, pure Python version of Karney's C++
classes Rhumb and RhumbLine from GeographicLib versions 2.0 and
2.2 and Karney's C++ example Rhumb intersect.
Class RhumbLineBase has been enhanced with methods
, Intersection
to iteratively find the intersection of a rhumb line
and a circle or an other rhumb line, respectively a perpendicular
geodesic or other rhumb line.
For more details, see the C++ GeographicLib documentation, especially the Class List, the background information on Rhumb lines, the utily RhumbSolve and Online rhumb line calculations.
Copyright (C) Charles Karney (2014-2023) and licensed under the
MIT/X11 License. For more information, see the GeographicLib documentation.