Package pygeodesy :: Package rhumb :: Module solve
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Module solve

Wrapper to invoke Karney's RhumbSolve utility as an (exact) rhumb or rhumb line from either GeographicLib 2.0 or 2.2+.

Note: Set env variable PYGEODESY_RHUMBSOLVE to the (fully qualified) path of the RhumbSolve executable.

Version: 24.11.07

(INTERNAL) Base class for RhumbSolve and RhumbLineSolve.
Wrapper to invoke Karney's RhumbSolve like a class, similar to pygeodesy.Rhumb and pygeodesy.RhumbAux.
Wrapper to invoke Karney's RhumbSolve like a class, similar to pygeodesy.RhumbLine and pygeodesy.RhumbLineAux.
7-Tuple (lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, azi12, s12, S12) with lat- lat1, lat2 and longitudes lon1, lon2 of both points, the azimuth of the rhumb line azi12, the distance s12 and the area S12 under the rhumb line between both points.
  __all__ = _ALL_LAZY.rhumb_solve