Package pygeodesy :: Module streprs
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Module streprs

Floating point and other formatting utilities.

Version: 24.11.26

anstr(name, OKd='._-', sub='_')
Make a valid name of alphanumeric and OKd characters.
attrs(inst, *names, **Nones_True__pairs_kwds)
Get instance attributes as name=value strings, with floats formatted by function fstr.
enstr2(easting, northing, prec, *extras, **wide_dot)
Return an MGRS/OSGR easting, northing string representations.
fstr(floats, prec=6, fmt='F', ints=False, sep=', ', strepr=None, force=True)
Convert one or more floats to string, optionally stripped of trailing zero decimals.
fstrzs(efstr, ap1z=False)
Strip trailing zero decimals from a float string.
hstr(height, prec=2, fmt='%+.*f', ints=False, m='')
Return a string for the height value.
instr(inst, *args, **kwds)
Return the string representation of an instantiation.
lrstrip(txt, lrpairs={'(': ')', '<': '>', '[': ']', '{': '}'})
Left- and right-strip parentheses, brackets, etc.
pairs(items, prec=6, fmt='F', ints=False, sep='=')
Convert items to name=value strings, with floats handled like fstr.
reprs(objs, prec=6, fmt='F', ints=False)
Convert objects to repr strings, with floats handled like fstr.
strs(objs, prec=6, fmt='F', ints=False)
Convert objects to str strings, with floats handled like fstr.
unstr(where, *args, **kwds_)
Return the string representation of an invokation.
  __all__ = _ALL_LAZY.streprs
Function Details

anstr (name, OKd='._-', sub='_')


Make a valid name of alphanumeric and OKd characters.

  • name - The original name (str).
  • OKd - Other acceptable characters (str).
  • sub - Substitute for invalid charactes (str).
The modified name (str).

Note: Leading and trailing whitespace characters are removed, intermediate whitespace characters are coalesced and substituted.

attrs (inst, *names, **Nones_True__pairs_kwds)


Get instance attributes as name=value strings, with floats formatted by function fstr.

  • inst - The instance (any type).
  • names - The attribute names, all other positional (str).
  • Nones_True__pairs_kwds - Keyword argument for function pairs, except Nones=True to in-/exclude missing or None-valued attributes.
A tuple(sep.join(t) for t in zip(names, reprs(values, ...))) of strs.

enstr2 (easting, northing, prec, *extras, **wide_dot)


Return an MGRS/OSGR easting, northing string representations.

  • easting - Easting from false easting (meter).
  • northing - Northing from from false northing (meter).
  • prec - Precision, the number of decimal digits (int) or if negative, the number of units to drop, like MGRS PRECISION.
  • extras - Optional leading items (strs).
  • wide_dot - Optional keword argument wide=5 for the number of unit digits (int) and dot=False (bool) to insert a decimal point.
extras + 2-tuple (str(easting), str(northing)) or + 2-tuple ("", "") for prec <= -wide.
  • ValueError - Invalid easting, northing or prec.

Note: The easting and northing values are truncated, not rounded.

fstr (floats, prec=6, fmt='F', ints=False, sep=', ', strepr=None, force=True)


Convert one or more floats to string, optionally stripped of trailing zero decimals.

  • floats - Single or a list, sequence, tuple, etc. (scalars).
  • prec - The float precision, number of decimal digits (0..9). Trailing zero decimals are stripped if prec is positive, but kept for negative prec values. In addition, trailing decimal zeros are stripped for alternate, form '#'.
  • fmt - Optional float format (letter).
  • ints - Optionally, remove the decimal dot for int values (bool).
  • sep - Separator joining the floats (str).
  • strepr - Optional callable to format non-floats (typically repr, str) or None to raise a TypeError and used only if force is not True.
  • force - If True, format all floats using fmt, otherwise use strepr for non-floats (bool).
The sep.join(strs(floats, ...) joined (str) or single strs((floats,), ...) (str) if floats is scalar.

fstrzs (efstr, ap1z=False)


Strip trailing zero decimals from a float string.

  • efstr - Float with or without exponent (str).
  • ap1z - Append the decimal point and one zero decimal if the efstr is all digits (bool).
Float (str).

hstr (height, prec=2, fmt='%+.*f', ints=False, m='')


Return a string for the height value.

  • height - Height value (float).
  • prec - The float precision, number of decimal digits (0..9). Trailing zero decimals are stripped if prec is positive, but kept for negative prec values.
  • fmt - Optional float format (letter).
  • ints - Optionally, remove the decimal dot for int values (bool).
  • m - Optional unit of the height (str).

instr (inst, *args, **kwds)


Return the string representation of an instantiation.

  • inst - The instance (any type).
  • args - Optional positional arguments.
  • kwds - Optional keyword arguments.
Representation (str).

lrstrip (txt, lrpairs={'(': ')', '<': '>', '[': ']', '{': '}'})


Left- and right-strip parentheses, brackets, etc. from a string.

  • txt - String to be stripped (str).
  • lrpairs - Parentheses, etc. to remove (dict of one or several (Left, Right) pairs).
Stripped txt (str).

pairs (items, prec=6, fmt='F', ints=False, sep='=')


Convert items to name=value strings, with floats handled like fstr.

  • items - Name-value pairs (dict or 2-{tuple}s of any types).
  • prec - The float precision, number of decimal digits (0..9). Trailing zero decimals are stripped if prec is positive, but kept for negative prec values.
  • fmt - Optional float format (letter).
  • ints - Optionally, remove the decimal dot for int values (bool).
  • sep - Separator joining names and values (str).
A tuple(sep.join(t) for t in items)) of strs.

reprs (objs, prec=6, fmt='F', ints=False)


Convert objects to repr strings, with floats handled like fstr.

  • objs - List, sequence, tuple, etc. (any types).
  • prec - The float precision, number of decimal digits (0..9). Trailing zero decimals are stripped if prec is positive, but kept for negative prec values.
  • fmt - Optional float format (letter).
  • ints - Optionally, remove the decimal dot for int values (bool).
A tuple(map(fstr|repr, objs)) of strs.

strs (objs, prec=6, fmt='F', ints=False)


Convert objects to str strings, with floats handled like fstr.

  • objs - List, sequence, tuple, etc. (any types).
  • prec - The float precision, number of decimal digits (0..9). Trailing zero decimals are stripped if prec is positive, but kept for negative prec values.
  • fmt - Optional float format (letter).
  • ints - Optionally, remove the decimal dot for int values (bool).
A tuple(map(fstr|str, objs)) of strs.

unstr (where, *args, **kwds_)


Return the string representation of an invokation.

  • where - Class, function, method (type) or name (str).
  • args - Optional positional arguments.
  • kwds_ - Optional keyword arguments, except _Cdot=None, _ELLIPSIS=False and _fmt=Fmt.g.
Representation (str).