Package pygeodesy :: Module ups
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Module ups

Karney's Universal Polar Stereographic (UPS) projection.

Classes Ups and UPSError and functions parseUPS5, toUps8 and upsZoneBand5.

A pure Python implementation, partially transcoded from Karney's C++ class PolarStereographic.

The UPS system is used in conjuction with UTM for locations on the polar regions of the earth. UPS covers areas south of 79.5°S and north of 83.5°N, slightly overlapping the UTM range from 80°S to 84°N by 30' at each end.

Env variable PYGEODESY_UPS_POLES determines the UPS zones at latitude 90°S and 90°N. By default, the encoding follows Karney's and Appendix B-3 of DMA TM8358.1, using only zones 'B' respectively 'Z' and digraph 'AN'. If PYGEODESY_UPS_POLES is set to anything other than "std", zones 'A' and 'Y' are used for negative, west longitudes at latitude 90°S respectively 90°N (for backward compatibility).

Version: 24.11.26

Universal Polar Stereographic (UPS) parse or other Ups issue.
Universal Polar Stereographic (UPS) coordinate.
parseUPS5(strUPS, datum=Datum(name='WGS84', ellipsoid=Ellipsoids.WGS84, transform=Tran..., Ups=<class ''>, falsed=True, **name)
Parse a string representing a UPS coordinate, consisting of "[zone][band] pole easting northing" where zone is pseudo zone "00"|"0"|"" and band is 'A'|'B'|'Y'|'Z'|''.
toUps8(latlon, lon=None, datum=None, Ups=<class ''>, pole='', falsed=True, strict=True, **name)
Convert a lat-/longitude point to a UPS coordinate.
upsZoneBand5(lat, lon, strict=True, **name)
Return the UTM/UPS zone number, polar Band letter, pole and clipped lat- and longitude for a given location.
  __all__ =
Function Details

parseUPS5 (strUPS, datum=Datum(name='WGS84', ellipsoid=Ellipsoids.WGS84, transform=Tran..., Ups=<class ''>, falsed=True, **name)


Parse a string representing a UPS coordinate, consisting of "[zone][band] pole easting northing" where zone is pseudo zone "00"|"0"|"" and band is 'A'|'B'|'Y'|'Z'|''.

  • strUPS - A UPS coordinate (str).
  • datum - Optional datum to use (Datum).
  • Ups - Optional class to return the UPS coordinate (Ups) or None.
  • falsed - If True, both easting and northing are falsed (bool).
  • name - Optional Ups name=NN (str).
The UPS coordinate (Ups) or if Ups is None, a UtmUps5Tuple(zone, hemipole, easting, northing, band). The hemipole is the 'N'|'S' pole, the UPS projection top/center.

toUps8 (latlon, lon=None, datum=None, Ups=<class ''>, pole='', falsed=True, strict=True, **name)


Convert a lat-/longitude point to a UPS coordinate.

  • latlon - Latitude (degrees) or an (ellipsoidal) geodetic LatLon point.
  • lon - Optional longitude (degrees) or None if latlon is a LatLon.
  • datum - Optional datum for this UPS coordinate, overriding latlon's datum (Datum, Ellipsoid, Ellipsoid2 or a_f2Tuple).
  • Ups - Optional class to return the UPS coordinate (Ups) or None.
  • pole - Optional top/center of (stereographic) projection (str, 'N[orth]' or 'S[outh]').
  • falsed - If True, false both easting and northing (bool).
  • strict - Restrict lat to UPS ranges (bool).
  • name - Optional Ups name=NN (str).
The UPS coordinate (Ups) or if Ups is None, a UtmUps8Tuple(zone, hemipole, easting, northing, band, datum, gamma, scale) where hemipole is the 'N'|'S' pole, the UPS projection top/center.
  • RangeError - If strict and lat outside the valid UPS bands or if lat or lon outside the valid range and rangerrors is True.
  • TypeError - If latlon is not ellipsoidal or if datum is invalid.
  • ValueError - If lon value is missing or if latlon is invalid.

See Also: Karney's C++ class UPS.

upsZoneBand5 (lat, lon, strict=True, **name)


Return the UTM/UPS zone number, polar Band letter, pole and clipped lat- and longitude for a given location.

  • lat - Latitude in degrees (scalar or str).
  • lon - Longitude in degrees (scalar or str).
  • strict - Restrict lat to UPS ranges (bool).
  • name - Optional Ups name=NN (str).
A UtmUpsLatLon5Tuple(zone, band, hemipole, lat, lon) where hemipole is the 'N'|'S' pole, the UPS projection top/center and lon [-180..180).
  • RangeError - If strict is True and lat within the UTM but not the UPS range or if lat or lon outside the valid range and rangerrors is True.
  • ValueError - Invalid lat or lon.

Note: The lon is set to 0 if lat is -90 or 90, see env variable PYGEODESY_UPS_POLES in module ups.