Package pygeodesy :: Module vector2d
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Module vector2d

2- or 3-D vectorial functions circin6, circum3, circum4_, iscolinearWith, meeus2, nearestOn, radii11, soddy4 and trilaterate2d2.

Version: 24.11.21

6-Tuple (radius, center, deltas, cA, cB, cC) with the radius, the trilaterated center and contact points of the inscribed aka In- circle of a triangle.
3-Tuple (radius, center, deltas) with the circumradius and trilaterated circumcenter of the circumcircle through 3 points (aka {Meeus}' Type II circle) or the radius and center of the smallest Meeus' Type I circle.
4-Tuple (radius, center, rank, residuals) with radius and center of a sphere least-squares fitted through given points and the rank and residuals -if any- from numpy.linalg.lstsq.
2-Tuple (radius, Type) with radius and Meeus' Type of the smallest circle containing 3 points.
11-Tuple (rA, rB, rC, cR, rIn, riS, roS, a, b, c, s) with the Tangent circle radii rA, rB and rC, the circumradius cR, the Incircle radius rIn aka inradius, the inner and outer Soddy circle radii riS and roS, the sides a, b and c and semi-perimeter s of a triangle, all in meter conventionally.
4-Tuple (radius, center, deltas, outer) with radius and (trilaterated) center of the inner Soddy circle and the radius of the outer Soddy circle.
5-Tuple (a, b, c, rank, residuals) with the (unordered) triaxial radii a, b and c of an ellipsoid least-squares fitted through given points and the rank and residuals -if any- from numpy.linalg.lstsq.
circin6(point1, point2, point3, eps=8.881784197001252e-16, useZ=True)
Return the radius and center of the inscribed aka Incircle of a (2- or 3-D) triangle.
circum3(point1, point2, point3, circum=True, eps=8.881784197001252e-16, useZ=True)
Return the radius and center of the smallest circle through or containing three (2- or 3-D) points.
circum4(points, useZ=True, **Vector_and_kwds)
Best-fit a sphere through three or more (3-D) points.
circum4_(*points, **useZ_Vector_and_kwds)
Best-fit a sphere through three or more (3-D) positional points.
meeus2(point1, point2, point3, circum=False, useZ=True)
Return the radius and Meeus' Type of the smallest circle through or containing three (2- or 3-D) points.
radii11(point1, point2, point3, useZ=True)
Return the radii of the In-, Soddy and Tangent circles of a (2- or 3-D) triangle.
soddy4(point1, point2, point3, eps=8.881784197001252e-16, useZ=True)
Return the radius and center of the inner Soddy circle of a (2- or 3-D) triangle.
triaxum5(points, useZ=True)
Best-fit a triaxial ellipsoid through three or more (3-D) points.
trilaterate2d2(x1, y1, radius1, x2, y2, radius2, x3, y3, radius3, eps=None, **Vector_and_kwds)
Trilaterate three circles, each given as a (2-D) center and a radius.
  __all__ = _ALL_LAZY.vector2d
Function Details

circin6 (point1, point2, point3, eps=8.881784197001252e-16, useZ=True)


Return the radius and center of the inscribed aka Incircle of a (2- or 3-D) triangle.

  • point1 - First point (Cartesian, Vector3d, Vector3Tuple, Vector4Tuple or Vector2Tuple if useZ=False).
  • point2 - Second point (Cartesian, Vector3d, Vector3Tuple, Vector4Tuple or Vector2Tuple if useZ=False).
  • point3 - Third point (Cartesian, Vector3d, Vector3Tuple, Vector4Tuple or Vector2Tuple if useZ=False).
  • eps - Tolerance for function pygeodesy.trilaterate3d2 if useZ is True else pygeodesy.trilaterate2d2.
  • useZ - If True, use the Z components, otherwise force z=INT0 (bool).
Circin6Tuple(radius, center, deltas, cA, cB, cC). The center and contact points cA, cB and cC, each an instance of point1's (sub-)class, are co-planar with the three given points.
  • ImportError - Package numpy not found, not installed or older than version 1.10 and useZ is True.
  • IntersectionError - Near-coincident or -colinear points or a trilateration or numpy issue.
  • TypeError - Invalid point1, point2 or point3.

See Also: Functions radii11 and circum3, Contact Triangle and Incircle.

circum3 (point1, point2, point3, circum=True, eps=8.881784197001252e-16, useZ=True)


Return the radius and center of the smallest circle through or containing three (2- or 3-D) points.

  • point1 - First point (Cartesian, Vector3d, Vector3Tuple or Vector4Tuple).
  • point2 - Second point (Cartesian, Vector3d, Vector3Tuple or Vector4Tuple).
  • point3 - Third point (Cartesian, Vector3d, Vector3Tuple or Vector4Tuple).
  • circum - If True, return the circumradius and circumcenter always, ignoring the Meeus' Type I case (bool).
  • eps - Tolerance for function pygeodesy.trilaterate3d2 if useZ is True else pygeodesy.trilaterate2d2.
  • useZ - If True, use the Z components, otherwise force z=INT0 (bool).
A Circum3Tuple(radius, center, deltas). The center, an instance of point1's (sub-)class, is co-planar with the three given points.
  • ImportError - Package numpy not found, not installed or older than version 1.10 and useZ is True.
  • IntersectionError - Near-coincident or -colinear points or a trilateration or numpy issue.
  • TypeError - Invalid point1, point2 or point3.

See Also: Functions pygeodesy.circum4_ and pygeodesy.meeus2 and Meeus, J. Astronomical Algorithms, 2nd Ed. 1998, page 127ff, circumradius and circumcircle.

circum4 (points, useZ=True, **Vector_and_kwds)


Best-fit a sphere through three or more (3-D) points.

  • points - Iterable of points (each a Cartesian, Vector3d, Vector3Tuple or Vector4Tuple).
  • useZ - If True, use the points' Z component, otherwise force z=INT0 (bool).
  • Vector_and_kwds - Optional class Vector=None to return the center point and optionally, additional Vector keyword arguments, otherwise the points' (sub-)class.
Circum4Tuple(radius, center, rank, residuals) with center an instance of points[0]' (sub-)class or Vector if specified.
  • ImportError - Package numpy not found, not installed or older than version 1.10.
  • NumPyError - Some numpy issue.
  • PointsError - Too few points.
  • TypeError - One of the points is invalid.

circum4_ (*points, **useZ_Vector_and_kwds)


Best-fit a sphere through three or more (3-D) positional points.

  • points - The points (each a Cartesian, Vector3d, Vector3Tuple or Vector4Tuple), all positional.
  • useZ_Vector_and_kwds - Keyword arguments useZ=True and Vector=None, see function circum4.

See Also: Function circum4 for further details.

meeus2 (point1, point2, point3, circum=False, useZ=True)


Return the radius and Meeus' Type of the smallest circle through or containing three (2- or 3-D) points.

  • point1 - First point (Cartesian, Vector3d, Vector3Tuple, Vector4Tuple or Vector2Tuple if useZ=False).
  • point2 - Second point (Cartesian, Vector3d, Vector3Tuple, Vector4Tuple or Vector2Tuple if useZ=False).
  • point3 - Third point (Cartesian, Vector3d, Vector3Tuple, Vector4Tuple or Vector2Tuple if useZ=False).
  • circum - If True, return the circumradius and circumcenter always, overriding Meeus' Type II case (bool).
  • useZ - If True, use the Z components, otherwise force z=INT0 (bool).
Meeus2Tuple(radius, Type), with Type the circumcenter iff circum=True.
  • IntersectionError - Near-coincident or -colinear points, iff circum=True.
  • TypeError - Invalid point1, point2 or point3.

See Also: Functions pygeodesy.circum3 and pygeodesy.circum4_ and Meeus, J. Astronomical Algorithms, 2nd Ed. 1998, page 127ff, circumradius and circumcircle.

radii11 (point1, point2, point3, useZ=True)


Return the radii of the In-, Soddy and Tangent circles of a (2- or 3-D) triangle.

  • point1 - First point (Cartesian, Vector3d, Vector3Tuple, Vector4Tuple or Vector2Tuple if useZ=False).
  • point2 - Second point (Cartesian, Vector3d, Vector3Tuple, Vector4Tuple or Vector2Tuple if useZ=False).
  • point3 - Third point (Cartesian, Vector3d, Vector3Tuple, Vector4Tuple or Vector2Tuple if useZ=False).
  • useZ - If True, use the Z components, otherwise force z=INT0 (bool).
Radii11Tuple(rA, rB, rC, cR, rIn, riS, roS, a, b, c, s).
  • TriangleError - Near-coincident or -colinear points.
  • TypeError - Invalid point1, point2 or point3.

soddy4 (point1, point2, point3, eps=8.881784197001252e-16, useZ=True)


Return the radius and center of the inner Soddy circle of a (2- or 3-D) triangle.

  • point1 - First point (Cartesian, Vector3d, Vector3Tuple, Vector4Tuple or Vector2Tuple if useZ=False).
  • point2 - Second point (Cartesian, Vector3d, Vector3Tuple, Vector4Tuple or Vector2Tuple if useZ=False).
  • point3 - Third point (Cartesian, Vector3d, Vector3Tuple, Vector4Tuple or Vector2Tuple if useZ=False).
  • eps - Tolerance for function pygeodesy.trilaterate3d2 if useZ is True otherwise pygeodesy.trilaterate2d2.
  • useZ - If True, use the Z components, otherwise force z=INT0 (bool).
Soddy4Tuple(radius, center, deltas, outer). The center, an instance of point1's (sub-)class, is co-planar with the three given points. The outer Soddy radius may be INF.
  • ImportError - Package numpy not found, not installed or older than version 1.10 and useZ is True.
  • IntersectionError - Near-coincident or -colinear points or a trilateration or numpy issue.
  • TypeError - Invalid point1, point2 or point3.

See Also: Functions radii11 and circum3 and Soddy Circles.

triaxum5 (points, useZ=True)


Best-fit a triaxial ellipsoid through three or more (3-D) points.

  • points - Iterable of points (each a Cartesian, Vector3d, Vector3Tuple or Vector4Tuple).
  • useZ - If True, use the points' Z component, otherwise force z=INT0 (bool).
Triaxum5Tuple(a, b, c, rank, residuals) with the unordered triaxial radii a, b and c in meter, same units as the points' coordinates.
  • ImportError - Package numpy not found, not installed or older than version 1.10.
  • NumPyError - Some numpy issue.
  • PointsError - Too few points.
  • TypeError - One of the points is invalid.

See Also: Charles Jekel's "Least Squares Ellipsoid Fit" and numpy.linalg.lstsq.

trilaterate2d2 (x1, y1, radius1, x2, y2, radius2, x3, y3, radius3, eps=None, **Vector_and_kwds)


Trilaterate three circles, each given as a (2-D) center and a radius.

  • x1 - Center x coordinate of the 1st circle (scalar).
  • y1 - Center y coordinate of the 1st circle (scalar).
  • radius1 - Radius of the 1st circle (scalar).
  • x2 - Center x coordinate of the 2nd circle (scalar).
  • y2 - Center y coordinate of the 2nd circle (scalar).
  • radius2 - Radius of the 2nd circle (scalar).
  • x3 - Center x coordinate of the 3rd circle (scalar).
  • y3 - Center y coordinate of the 3rd circle (scalar).
  • radius3 - Radius of the 3rd circle (scalar).
  • eps - Tolerance to check the trilaterated point delta on all 3 circles (scalar) or None for no checking.
  • Vector_and_kwds - Optional class Vector=None to return the trilateration and optionally, additional Vector keyword arguments).
Trilaterated point as Vector(x, y, **Vector_kwds) or Vector2Tuple(x, y) if Vector is None.
  • IntersectionError - No intersection, near-concentric or -colinear centers, trilateration failed some other way or the trilaterated point is off one circle by more than eps.
  • UnitError - Invalid radius1, radius2 or radius3.