Package pygeodesy :: Module webmercator
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Module webmercator

Web Mercator (WM) projection.

Classes Wm and WebMercatorError and functions parseWM and toWm.

Pure Python implementation of a Web Mercator (aka Pseudo-Mercator) class and conversion functions for spherical and near-spherical earth models.

See Also: Google Maps / Bing Maps Spherical Mercator Projection, Geomatics Guidance Note 7, part 2 and Implementation Practice Web Mercator Map Projection.

Version: 24.11.06

3-Tuple (easting, northing, radius), all in meter.
Web Mercator (WM) parser or Wm issue.
Web Mercator (WM) coordinate.
parseWM(strWM, radius=6378137.0, Wm=<class 'pygeodesy.webmercator.Wm'>, **name)
Parse a string "e n [r]" representing a WM coordinate, consisting of easting, northing and an optional radius.
toWm(latlon, lon=None, earth=6378137.0, Wm=<class 'pygeodesy.webmercator.Wm'>, **name_Wm_kwds_radius)
Convert a lat-/longitude point to a WM coordinate.
  __all__ = _ALL_LAZY.webmercator
Function Details

parseWM (strWM, radius=6378137.0, Wm=<class 'pygeodesy.webmercator.Wm'>, **name)


Parse a string "e n [r]" representing a WM coordinate, consisting of easting, northing and an optional radius.

  • strWM - A WM coordinate (str).
  • radius - Optional earth radius (meter), needed in case strWM doesn't include r.
  • Wm - Optional class to return the WM coordinate (Wm) or None.
  • name - Optional name=NN (str).
The WM coordinate (Wm) or if Wm is None, an EasNorRadius3Tuple(easting, northing, radius).

toWm (latlon, lon=None, earth=6378137.0, Wm=<class 'pygeodesy.webmercator.Wm'>, **name_Wm_kwds_radius)


Convert a lat-/longitude point to a WM coordinate.

  • latlon - Latitude (degrees) or an (ellipsoidal or spherical) geodetic LatLon point.
  • lon - Optional longitude (degrees or None).
  • earth - Earth radius (meter), datum or ellipsoid (Datum, a_f2Tuple, Ellipsoid or Ellipsoid2), overridden by latlon's datum if present.
  • Wm - Optional class to return the WM coordinate (Wm) or None.
  • name_Wm_kwds_radius - Optional name=NN (str), optionally, additional Wm keyword arguments, ignored if Wm is None and DEPRECATED keyword argument radius=earth, use earth.
The WM coordinate (Wm) or if Wm is None, an EasNorRadius3Tuple(easting, northing, radius).
  • ValueError - If earth is invalid, if lon value is missing, if latlon is not scalar, or if latlon is beyond the valid WM range and rangerrrors is True.