Package pygeodesy :: Module etm :: Class Etm
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Class Etm

   object --+                
 named._Named --+            
 named._NamedBase --+        
utmupsBase.UtmUpsBase --+    
                  utm.Utm --+

Exact Transverse Mercator (ETM) coordinate, a sub-class of Utm, a Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate using the ExactTransverseMercator projection for highest accuracy.

Note: Conversion of (geodetic) lat- and longitudes to/from Etm coordinates is 3-4 times slower than to/from Utm.

See Also: Karney's Detailed Description.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, zone=31, hemisphere='N', easting=166022, northing=0, band='', datum=Datum(name='WGS84', ellipsoid=Ellipsoids.WGS84, transform=Tran..., falsed=True, gamma=None, scale=None, **name_convergence)
New Etm Exact Transverse Mercator coordinate, raising ETMErrors.
parse(self, strETM, **name)
Parse a string to a similar Etm instance.
parseETM(self, strETM)
DEPRECATED, use method Etm.parse.
toLatLon(self, LatLon=None, unfalse=True, **unused)
Convert this ETM coordinate to an (ellipsoidal) geodetic point.
Copy this ETM to a UTM coordinate.

Inherited from utm.Utm: __eq__, __repr__, __str__, parseUTM, toEtm, toRepr, toStr, toUps

Inherited from utmupsBase.UtmUpsBase: eastingnorthing2, to2en, toEpsg, toMgrs

Inherited from named._NamedBase: others

Inherited from named._Named: __format__, __imatmul__, __matmul__, __rmatmul__, attrs, classof, copy, dup, methodname, rename, renamed, toStr2

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class property with a .name attribute.

Inherited from utm.Utm: band, falsed2, pole, zone

Inherited from utmupsBase.UtmUpsBase: convergence, datum, easting, eastingnorthing, falsed, gamma, hemisphere, northing, scale, scale0

Inherited from named._Named: classname, classnaming, iteration, name, named, named2, named3, named4, sizeof

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__ (self, zone=31, hemisphere='N', easting=166022, northing=0, band='', datum=Datum(name='WGS84', ellipsoid=Ellipsoids.WGS84, transform=Tran..., falsed=True, gamma=None, scale=None, **name_convergence)


New Etm Exact Transverse Mercator coordinate, raising ETMErrors.

  • zone - Longitudinal UTM zone (int, 1..60) or zone with/-out latitudinal Band letter (str, '1C'|..|'60X').
  • hemisphere - Northern or southern hemisphere (str, 'N[orth]' or 'S[outh]').
  • easting - Easting, see falsed (meter).
  • northing - Northing, see falsed (meter).
  • band - Optional, latitudinal band (str, 'C'|..|'X', no 'I'|'O').
  • datum - Optional, this coordinate's datum (Datum, Ellipsoid, Ellipsoid2 or a_f2Tuple).
  • falsed - If True, both easting and northing are falsed (bool).
  • gamma - Optional meridian convergence, bearing off grid North, clockwise from true North to save (degrees) or None.
  • scale - Optional grid scale factor to save (scalar) or None.
  • name_convergence - Optional name=NN (str) and DEPRECATED keyword argument convergence=None, use gamma.
  • TypeError - Invalid or near-spherical datum.
  • UTMError - Invalid zone, hemishere, easting, northing, band, convergence or scale.
Overrides: object.__init__

parse (self, strETM, **name)


Parse a string to a similar Etm instance.

  • strETM - The ETM coordinate (str), see function parseETM5.
  • name - Optional name=NN (str), overriding this name.
The instance (Etm).
Overrides: utm.Utm.parse

parseETM (self, strETM)


DEPRECATED, use method Etm.parse.

  • @deprecated_method

toLatLon (self, LatLon=None, unfalse=True, **unused)


Convert this ETM coordinate to an (ellipsoidal) geodetic point.

  • LatLon - Optional, ellipsoidal class to return the geodetic point (LatLon) or None.
  • unfalse - Unfalse easting and northing if falsed (bool).
This ETM coordinate as (LatLon) or if LatLon is None, a LatLonDatum5Tuple(lat, lon, datum, gamma, scale).
  • ETMError - This ETM coordinate's exacTM and this datum are not compatible or no convergence transforming to lat-/longitude.
  • TypeError - Invalid or non-ellipsoidal LatLon.
Overrides: utm.Utm.toLatLon

toUtm (self)


Copy this ETM to a UTM coordinate.

  • zone - New UTM zone (int).
  • eps - Optional convergence limit, EPS or above (float), see method Utm.toLatLon.
  • falsed - If True, fFalse both easting and northing (bool).
The UTM coordinate (Utm).
Overrides: utm.Utm.toUtm

Property Details


Class property with a .name attribute.

Get method:
exactTM(self) - Get the ETM projection (ExactTransverseMercator).
Set method:
exactTM(self, exactTM) - Set the ETM projection (ExactTransverseMercator).