Package pygeodesy :: Module fsums
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Module fsums

Class Fsum for precision floating point summation similar to Python's math.fsum enhanced with running summation and as an option, accurate TwoProduct multiplication.

Accurate multiplication is based on the math.fma function for Python 3.13 and newer or one of two equivalent fma implementations for Python 3.12 and older. To enable accurate multiplication, set env variable PYGEODESY_FSUM_F2PRODUCT to "std" or any non-empty string or invoke function pygeodesy.f2product(True) or set. With "std" the fma implemention follows the math.fma function, otherwise the PyGeodesy 24.09.09 release.

Generally, an Fsum instance is considered a float plus a small or zero residue aka residual value, see property Fsum.residual.

Set env variable PYGEODESY_FSUM_RESIDUAL to a float string greater than "0.0" as the threshold to throw a ResidualError for a division, power or root operation of an Fsum with a residual ratio exceeding the threshold. See methods Fsum.RESIDUAL, Fsum.pow, Fsum.__ipow__ and Fsum.__itruediv__.

There are several integer Fsum cases, for example the result from functions ceil, floor, Fsum.__floordiv__ and methods Fsum.fint, Fsum.fint2 and Fsum.is_integer. Also, Fsum methods Fsum.pow, Fsum.__ipow__, Fsum.__pow__ and Fsum.__rpow__ return a (very long) int if invoked with optional argument mod set to None. The residual of an integer Fsum is between -1.0 and +1.0 and will be INT0 if that is considered to be exact.

Set env variable PYGEODESY_FSUM_NONFINITES to "std" or use function pygeodesy.nonfiniterrors(False) to allow non-finite floats like inf, INF, NINF, nan and NAN and to ignore OverflowError respectively ValueError exceptions. However, in that case non-finite results may differ from Python's math.fsum results.

Version: 24.12.02

Precision floating point summation, running summation and accurate multiplication.
2-Tuple (div, mod) with the quotient div and remainder mod results of a divmod operation.
2-Tuple (fsum, residual) with the precision running fsum and the residual, the sum of the remaining partials.
Error raised for a division, power or root operation of an Fsum instance with a residual ratio exceeding the RESIDUAL threshold.
Turn accurate TwoProduct multiplication on or off.
Throw OverflowError and ValueError exceptions for or handle non-finite floats as inf, INF, NINF, nan and NAN in summations and multiplications.
fsum(xs, nonfinites=None, **floats)
Precision floating point summation from Python's math.fsum.
fsum_(*xs, **nonfinites)
Precision floating point summation of all positional items.
Precision floating point summation of all positional items with non-finites OK.
fsum1(xs, **nonfinites)
Precision floating point summation, 1-primed.
fsum1_(*xs, **nonfinites)
Precision floating point summation of all positional items, 1-primed.
Precision floating point summation of all positional items, 1-primed and with non-finites OK.
  __all__ = _ALL_LAZY.fsums
Function Details

f2product (two=None)


Turn accurate TwoProduct multiplication on or off.

  • two - If True, turn TwoProduct on, if False off or if None or omitted, keep the current setting.
The previous setting (bool).

See Also: TwoProduct multiplication is based on the TwoProductFMA Algorithm 3.5 using function math.fma from Python 3.13 and later or an equivalent, slower implementation when not available.

nonfiniterrors (raiser=None)


Throw OverflowError and ValueError exceptions for or handle non-finite floats as inf, INF, NINF, nan and NAN in summations and multiplications.

  • raiser - If True, throw exceptions, if False handle non-finites or if None or omitted, leave the setting unchanged.
Previous setting (bool).

Note: inf, INF and NINF throw an OverflowError, nan and NAN a ValueError.

fsum (xs, nonfinites=None, **floats)


Precision floating point summation from Python's math.fsum.

  • xs - Iterable of items to add (each scalar, an Fsum or Fsum2Tuple).
  • nonfinites - Use nonfinites=True if non-finites are OK, if False non-finites raise an Overflow-/ValueError or if None, nonfiniterrors applies (bool or None).
  • floats - DEPRECATED keyword argument floats=False (bool), use keyword argument nonfinites=False instead.
Precision fsum (float).
  • OverflowError - Infinite xs item or intermediate math.fsum overflow.
  • TypeError - Invalid xs item.
  • ValueError - Invalid or NAN xs item.

See Also: Function nonfiniterrors, class Fsum and methods Fsum.nonfinites, Fsum.fsum, Fsum.fadd and Fsum.fadd_.

fsum_ (*xs, **nonfinites)


Precision floating point summation of all positional items.

  • xs - Items to add (each scalar, an Fsum or Fsum2Tuple), all positional.
  • nonfinites - Use nonfinites=True if non-finites are OK (bool).

See Also: Function fsum for further details.

fsumf_ (*xs)


Precision floating point summation of all positional items with non-finites OK.

  • xs - Items to add (each scalar, an Fsum or Fsum2Tuple), all positional.

See Also: Function fsum_ for further details.

fsum1 (xs, **nonfinites)


Precision floating point summation, 1-primed.

  • xs - Iterable of items to add (each scalar, an Fsum or Fsum2Tuple).
  • nonfinites - Use nonfinites=True if non-finites are OK (bool).

See Also: Function fsum for further details.

fsum1_ (*xs, **nonfinites)


Precision floating point summation of all positional items, 1-primed.

  • xs - Items to add (each scalar, an Fsum or Fsum2Tuple), all positional.
  • nonfinites - Use nonfinites=True if non-finites are OK (bool).

See Also: Function fsum_ for further details.

fsum1f_ (*xs)


Precision floating point summation of all positional items, 1-primed and with non-finites OK.

See Also: Function fsum_ for further details.