Package pygeodesy :: Module fsums :: Class Fsum
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Class Fsum

  object --+    
named._Named --+
Known Subclasses:

Precision floating point summation, running summation and accurate multiplication.

Unlike Python's math.fsum, this class accumulates values and provides intermediate, running, precision floating point summations. Accumulation may continue after any intermediate, running summuation.

See Also:
Hettinger, Kahan, Klein, Python 2.6+ file Modules/mathmodule.c and the issue log Full precision summation., Method f2product for details about accurate TwoProduct multiplication., Module fsums for env variables PYGEODESY_FSUM_F2PRODUCT, PYGEODESY_FSUM_NONFINITES and PYGEODESY_FSUM_RESIDUAL.
Instance Methods
__init__(self, *xs, **name_f2product_nonfinites_RESIDUAL)
New Fsum.
Return abs(self) as an Fsum.
__add__(self, other)
Return self + other as an Fsum.
Return bool(self), True iff residual is zero.
__call__(self, other, **up)
Reset this Fsum to other, default up=True.
Return this instance' math.ceil as int or float.
__cmp__(self, other)
Compare this with an other instance or scalar, Python 2-.
__divmod__(self, other, **raiser_RESIDUAL)
Return divmod(self, other) as a DivMod2Tuple with quotient div an int in Python 3+ or float in Python 2- and remainder mod an Fsum instance.
__eq__(self, other)
Return (self == other) as bool where other is scalar, an other Fsum or Fsum2Tuple.
Return this instance' current, precision running sum as float.
Return this instance' math.floor as int or float.
__floordiv__(self, other)
Return self // other as an Fsum.
__ge__(self, other)
Return (self >= other), see __eq__.
__gt__(self, other)
Return (self > other), see __eq__.
Return hash(self) as float.
__iadd__(self, other)
Apply self += other to this instance.
__ifloordiv__(self, other)
Apply self //= other to this instance.
__imatmul__(self, other)
Not implemented.
__imod__(self, other)
Apply self %= other to this instance.
__imul__(self, other)
Apply self *= other to this instance.
Return this instance as an int.
Not implemented.
__ipow__(self, other, *mod, **raiser_RESIDUAL)
Apply self **= other to this instance.
__isub__(self, other)
Apply self -= other to this instance.
Return an iterator over a partials duplicate.
__itruediv__(self, other, **raiser_RESIDUAL)
Apply self /= other to this instance.
__le__(self, other)
Return (self <= other), see __eq__.
Return the number of values accumulated (int).
__lt__(self, other)
Return (self < other), see __eq__.
__matmul__(self, other)
Not implemented.
__mod__(self, other)
Return self % other as an Fsum.
__mul__(self, other)
Return self * other as an Fsum.
__ne__(self, other)
Return (self != other), see __eq__.
Return copy(self), negated.
Return this instance as-is, like float.__pos__().
__pow__(self, other, *mod)
Return self**other as an Fsum.
__radd__(self, other)
Return other + self as an Fsum.
__rdivmod__(self, other)
Return divmod(other, self) as 2-tuple (quotient, remainder).
__rfloordiv__(self, other)
Return other // self as an Fsum.
__rmatmul__(self, other)
Not implemented.
__rmod__(self, other)
Return other % self as an Fsum.
__rmul__(self, other)
Return other * self as an Fsum.
__round__(self, *ndigits)
Return round(self, *ndigits as an Fsum.
__rpow__(self, other, *mod)
Return other**self as an Fsum.
__rsub__(self, other)
Return other - self as Fsum.
__rtruediv__(self, other, **raiser_RESIDUAL)
Return other / self as an Fsum.
Return the default str(self).
__sub__(self, other)
Return self - other as an Fsum.
__truediv__(self, other, **raiser_RESIDUAL)
Return self / other as an Fsum.
Return this instance as an int.
__div__(self, other, **raiser_RESIDUAL)
Return self / other as an Fsum.
__idiv__(self, other, **raiser_RESIDUAL)
Apply self /= other to this instance.
Return this instance as an int.
Return bool(self), True iff residual is zero.
__rdiv__(self, other, **raiser_RESIDUAL)
Return other / self as an Fsum.
Return this instance as the ratio of 2 integers.
cmp(self, other)
Compare this with an other instance or scalar, Python 2-.
copy(self, deep=False, **name)
Copy this instance, shallow or deep.
divmod(self, other, **raiser_RESIDUAL)
Return divmod(self, other) as a DivMod2Tuple with quotient div an int in Python 3+ or float in Python 2- and remainder mod an Fsum instance.
fadd(self, xs=())
Add an iterable's items to this instance.
fadd_(self, *xs)
Add all positional items to this instance.
fcopy(self, deep=False, **name)
Copy this instance, shallow or deep.
fdiv(self, other, **raiser_RESIDUAL)
Apply self /= other to this instance.
fdivmod(self, other, **raiser_RESIDUAL)
Return divmod(self, other) as a DivMod2Tuple with quotient div an int in Python 3+ or float in Python 2- and remainder mod an Fsum instance.
fint(self, name='', **raiser_RESIDUAL)
Return this instance' current running sum as integer.
fint2(self, **name)
Return this instance' current running sum as int and the integer residual.
fma(self, other1, other2, **nonfinites)
Fused-multiply-add self *= other1; self += other2.
fmul(self, other)
Apply self *= other to this instance.
f2mul(self, *others, **raiser)
DEPRECATED on 2024.09.13, use method f2mul_.
f2mul_(self, *others, **f2product_nonfinites)
Return self * other * other ... for all others using cascaded, accurate multiplication like with f2product(True).
fover(self, over, **raiser_RESIDUAL)
Apply self /= over and summate.
fpow(self, other, *mod, **raiser_RESIDUAL)
Apply self **= other to this instance.
f2product(self, *two)
Get and set accurate TwoProduct multiplication for this Fsum, overriding the f2product default.
fset_(self, *xs)
Apply self.partials = Fsum(*xs).partials.
fsub(self, xs=())
Subtract an iterable's items from this instance.
fsub_(self, *xs)
Subtract all positional items from this instance.
fsum(self, xs=())
Add an iterable's items, summate and return the current precision running sum.
fsum_(self, *xs)
Add any positional items, summate and return the current precision running sum.
Fsum_(self, *xs, **name)
Like method Fsum.fsum_ but returning a named Fsum.
Fsum2Tuple_(self, *xs, **name)
Like method Fsum.fsum_ but returning a named Fsum2Tuple.
fsum2(self, xs=(), **name)
Add an iterable's items, summate and return the current precision running sum and the residual.
fsum2_(self, *xs)
Add any positional items, summate and return the current precision running sum and the differential.
fsumf_(self, *xs)
Like method Fsum.fsum_ iff all xs, each known to be scalar, an Fsum or Fsum2Tuple.
Fsumf_(self, *xs)
Like method Fsum.Fsum_ iff all xs, each known to be scalar, an Fsum or Fsum2Tuple.
fsum2f_(self, *xs)
Like method Fsum.fsum2_ iff all xs, each known to be scalar, an Fsum or Fsum2Tuple.
int_float(self, **raiser_RESIDUAL)
Return this instance' current running sum as int or float.
Is this instance' running fsum considered to be exact? (bool), True only if the residual is INT0.
Is this instance finite? (bool).
Is this instance' running sum integer? (bool).
Is accurate f2product multiplication based on Python's math.fma?
Are the summation functions fsum, fsum_, fsumf_, fsum1, fsum1_ and fsum1f_ based on Python's math.fsum?
is_scalar(self, **raiser_RESIDUAL)
Is this instance' running sum scalar with 0 residual or with a residual ratio not exceeding the RESIDUAL threshold?
nonfinites(self, *OK)
Handle non-finite floats as inf, INF, NINF, nan and NAN for this Fsum or throw OverflowError respectively ValueError exceptions, overriding the nonfiniterrors default.
pow(self, x, *mod, **raiser_RESIDUAL)
Return self**x as Fsum.
rdiv(self, other, **raiser_RESIDUAL)
Return other / self as an Fsum.
RESIDUAL(self, *threshold)
Get and set this instance' ratio for raising ResidualErrors, overriding the default from env variable PYGEODESY_FSUM_RESIDUAL.
root(self, root, **raiser_RESIDUAL)
Return self**(1 / root) as Fsum.
signOf(self, res=True)
Determine the sign of this instance.
toRepr(self, **lenc_prec_sep_fmt)
Return this Fsum instance as representation.
toStr(self, lenc=True, **prec_sep_fmt)
Return this Fsum instance as string.

Inherited from named._Named: __format__, __repr__, attrs, classof, dup, methodname, rename, renamed, toStr2

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Get this instance as-is (Fsum with non-zero residual, scalar or non-finite).
Get this instance' ceil value (int in Python 3+, but float in Python 2-).
DEPRECATED, use method Fsum.int_float.
Get this instance' floor (int in Python 3+, but float in Python 2-).
Get the imaginary part of this instance (0.0, always).
Are non-finites OK for this Fsum or by default? (bool).
Get this instance' current, partial sums (tuple of floats).
Get the real part of this instance (float).
Get this instance' residual or residue (float or int): the sum(partials) less the precision running sum fsum.

Inherited from named._Named: classname, classnaming, iteration, name, named, named2, named3, named4, sizeof

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__ (self, *xs, **name_f2product_nonfinites_RESIDUAL)


New Fsum.

  • xs - No, one or more initial items to accumulate (each scalar, an Fsum or Fsum2Tuple), all positional.
  • name_f2product_nonfinites_RESIDUAL - Optional name=NN (str) and settings f2product=None (bool), nonfinites=None (bool) and RESIDUAL=0.0 threshold (scalar) for this Fsum.
Overrides: object.__init__

__add__ (self, other)
(Addition operator)


Return self + other as an Fsum.

The sum (Fsum).

See Also: Methods Fsum.fadd_ and Fsum.fadd.

__ceil__ (self)


Return this instance' math.ceil as int or float.

An int in Python 3+, but float in Python 2-.

See Also: Methods Fsum.__floor__ and property Fsum.ceil.

__cmp__ (self, other)
(Comparison operator)


Compare this with an other instance or scalar, Python 2-.

-1, 0 or +1 (int).
  • TypeError - Incompatible other type.

__divmod__ (self, other, **raiser_RESIDUAL)


Return divmod(self, other) as a DivMod2Tuple with quotient div an int in Python 3+ or float in Python 2- and remainder mod an Fsum instance.

  • ResidualError - Non-zero, significant residual or invalid RESIDUAL.

See Also: Method Fsum.fdiv.

__float__ (self)


Return this instance' current, precision running sum as float.

See Also: Methods Fsum.fsum and Fsum.int_float.

__floor__ (self)


Return this instance' math.floor as int or float.

An int in Python 3+, but float in Python 2-.

See Also: Methods Fsum.__ceil__ and property Fsum.floor.

__floordiv__ (self, other)


Return self // other as an Fsum.

The floor quotient (Fsum).

See Also: Methods Fsum.__ifloordiv__.

__hash__ (self)
(Hashing function)


Return hash(self) as float.

Overrides: object.__hash__

__iadd__ (self, other)


Apply self += other to this instance.

  • other - An Fsum, Fsum2Tuple or scalar value or an iterable of several of the former.
This instance, updated (Fsum).
  • TypeError - Invalid other, not scalar nor Fsum.

See Also: Methods Fsum.fadd_ and Fsum.fadd.

__ifloordiv__ (self, other)


Apply self //= other to this instance.

This instance, updated (Fsum).
  • ResidualError - Non-zero, significant residual in other.
  • TypeError - Invalid other type.
  • ValueError - Invalid or non-finite other.
  • ZeroDivisionError - Zero other.

See Also: Methods Fsum.__itruediv__.

__imatmul__ (self, other)


Not implemented.

Overrides: named._Named.__imatmul__

__imod__ (self, other)


Apply self %= other to this instance.

This instance, updated (Fsum).

See Also: Method Fsum.__divmod__.

__imul__ (self, other)


Apply self *= other to this instance.

This instance, updated (Fsum).
  • OverflowError - Partial 2sum overflow.
  • TypeError - Invalid other type.
  • ValueError - Invalid or non-finite other.

__int__ (self)


Return this instance as an int.

See Also: Method Fsum.int_float and properties Fsum.ceil and Fsum.floor.

__ipow__ (self, other, *mod, **raiser_RESIDUAL)


Apply self **= other to this instance.

  • other - The exponent (scalar, an Fsum or Fsum2Tuple).
  • mod - Optional modulus (int or None) for the 3-argument pow(self, other, mod) version.
  • raiser_RESIDUAL - Use raiser=False to ignore ResidualErrors (bool) and RESIDUAL=scalar to override the current RESIDUAL.
This instance, updated (Fsum).
  • OverflowError - Partial 2sum overflow.
  • ResidualError - Invalid RESIDUAL or the residual is non-zero and significant and either other is a fractional or negative scalar or mod is given and not None.
  • TypeError - Invalid other type or 3-argument pow invocation failed.
  • ValueError - If other is a negative scalar and this instance is 0 or other is a fractional scalar and this instance is negative or has a non-zero and significant residual or mod is given as 0.

Note: If mod is given, the result will be an integer Fsum in Python 3+ if this instance is_integer or set to as_integer and mod is given and None.

See Also: CPython function float_pow.

__isub__ (self, other)


Apply self -= other to this instance.

  • other - An Fsum, Fsum2Tuple or scalar value or an iterable of several of the former.
This instance, updated (Fsum).
  • TypeError - Invalid other type.

See Also: Methods Fsum.fsub_ and Fsum.fsub.

__itruediv__ (self, other, **raiser_RESIDUAL)


Apply self /= other to this instance.

This instance, updated (Fsum).
  • OverflowError - Partial 2sum overflow.
  • ResidualError - Non-zero, significant residual or invalid RESIDUAL.
  • TypeError - Invalid other type.
  • ValueError - Invalid or non-finite other.
  • ZeroDivisionError - Zero other.

See Also: Method Fsum.__ifloordiv__.

__matmul__ (self, other)


Not implemented.

Overrides: named._Named.__matmul__

__mod__ (self, other)


Return self % other as an Fsum.

See Also: Method Fsum.__imod__.

__mul__ (self, other)


Return self * other as an Fsum.

See Also: Method Fsum.__imul__.

__pow__ (self, other, *mod)


Return self**other as an Fsum.

See Also: Method Fsum.__ipow__.

__radd__ (self, other)
(Right-side addition operator)


Return other + self as an Fsum.

See Also: Method Fsum.__iadd__.

__rdivmod__ (self, other)


Return divmod(other, self) as 2-tuple (quotient, remainder).

See Also: Method Fsum.__divmod__.

__rfloordiv__ (self, other)


Return other // self as an Fsum.

See Also: Method Fsum.__ifloordiv__.

__rmatmul__ (self, other)


Not implemented.

Overrides: named._Named.__rmatmul__

__rmod__ (self, other)


Return other % self as an Fsum.

See Also: Method Fsum.__imod__.

__rmul__ (self, other)


Return other * self as an Fsum.

See Also: Method Fsum.__imul__.

__round__ (self, *ndigits)


Return round(self, *ndigits as an Fsum.

  • ndigits - Optional number of digits (int).

__rpow__ (self, other, *mod)


Return other**self as an Fsum.

See Also: Method Fsum.__ipow__.

__rsub__ (self, other)


Return other - self as Fsum.

See Also: Method Fsum.__isub__.

__rtruediv__ (self, other, **raiser_RESIDUAL)


Return other / self as an Fsum.

See Also: Method Fsum.__itruediv__.

__str__ (self)
(Informal representation operator)


Return the default str(self).

Overrides: object.__str__

__sub__ (self, other)
(Subtraction operator)


Return self - other as an Fsum.

The difference (Fsum).

See Also: Method Fsum.__isub__.

__truediv__ (self, other, **raiser_RESIDUAL)


Return self / other as an Fsum.

The quotient (Fsum).
  • ResidualError - Non-zero, significant residual or invalid RESIDUAL.

See Also: Method Fsum.__itruediv__.

__trunc__ (self)


Return this instance as an int.

See Also: Method Fsum.int_float and properties Fsum.ceil and Fsum.floor.

__div__ (self, other, **raiser_RESIDUAL)


Return self / other as an Fsum.

The quotient (Fsum).
  • ResidualError - Non-zero, significant residual or invalid RESIDUAL.

See Also: Method Fsum.__itruediv__.

__idiv__ (self, other, **raiser_RESIDUAL)


Apply self /= other to this instance.

This instance, updated (Fsum).
  • OverflowError - Partial 2sum overflow.
  • ResidualError - Non-zero, significant residual or invalid RESIDUAL.
  • TypeError - Invalid other type.
  • ValueError - Invalid or non-finite other.
  • ZeroDivisionError - Zero other.

See Also: Method Fsum.__ifloordiv__.

__long__ (self)


Return this instance as an int.

See Also: Method Fsum.int_float and properties Fsum.ceil and Fsum.floor.

__rdiv__ (self, other, **raiser_RESIDUAL)


Return other / self as an Fsum.

See Also: Method Fsum.__itruediv__.

as_integer_ratio (self)


Return this instance as the ratio of 2 integers.

2-Tuple (numerator, denominator) both int with numerator signed and denominator non-zero and positive. The numerator is non-finite if this instance is.

See Also: Method Fsum.fint2 and float.as_integer_ratio in Python 2.7+.

cmp (self, other)


Compare this with an other instance or scalar, Python 2-.

-1, 0 or +1 (int).
  • TypeError - Incompatible other type.

copy (self, deep=False, **name)


Copy this instance, shallow or deep.

  • name - Optional, overriding name='"copy" (str).
The copy (Fsum).
Overrides: named._Named.copy

divmod (self, other, **raiser_RESIDUAL)


Return divmod(self, other) as a DivMod2Tuple with quotient div an int in Python 3+ or float in Python 2- and remainder mod an Fsum instance.

  • ResidualError - Non-zero, significant residual or invalid RESIDUAL.

See Also: Method Fsum.fdiv.

fadd (self, xs=())


Add an iterable's items to this instance.

This instance (Fsum).
  • OverflowError - Partial 2sum overflow.
  • TypeError - An invalid xs item.
  • ValueError - Invalid or non-finite xs value.

fadd_ (self, *xs)


Add all positional items to this instance.

  • xs - Values to add (each scalar, an Fsum or Fsum2Tuple), all positional.

See Also: Method Fsum.fadd for further details.

fcopy (self, deep=False, **name)


Copy this instance, shallow or deep.

  • name - Optional, overriding name='"copy" (str).
The copy (Fsum).

fdiv (self, other, **raiser_RESIDUAL)


Apply self /= other to this instance.

This instance, updated (Fsum).
  • OverflowError - Partial 2sum overflow.
  • ResidualError - Non-zero, significant residual or invalid RESIDUAL.
  • TypeError - Invalid other type.
  • ValueError - Invalid or non-finite other.
  • ZeroDivisionError - Zero other.

See Also: Method Fsum.__ifloordiv__.

fdivmod (self, other, **raiser_RESIDUAL)


Return divmod(self, other) as a DivMod2Tuple with quotient div an int in Python 3+ or float in Python 2- and remainder mod an Fsum instance.

  • ResidualError - Non-zero, significant residual or invalid RESIDUAL.

See Also: Method Fsum.fdiv.

fint (self, name='', **raiser_RESIDUAL)


Return this instance' current running sum as integer.

  • name - Optional, overriding name="fint" (str).
  • raiser_RESIDUAL - Use raiser=False to ignore ResidualErrors (bool) and RESIDUAL=scalar to override the current RESIDUAL.
The integer sum (Fsum) if this instance is_integer with a zero or insignificant integer residual.
  • ResidualError - Non-zero, significant residual or invalid RESIDUAL.

See Also: Methods Fsum.fint2, Fsum.int_float and Fsum.is_integer.

fint2 (self, **name)


Return this instance' current running sum as int and the integer residual.

  • name - Optional name (str).
An Fsum2Tuple(fsum, residual) with fsum an int and integer residual a float or INT0 if the fsum is considered to be exact. The fsum is non-finite if this instance is.

fma (self, other1, other2, **nonfinites)


Fused-multiply-add self *= other1; self += other2.


fmul (self, other)


Apply self *= other to this instance.

This instance, updated (Fsum).
  • OverflowError - Partial 2sum overflow.
  • TypeError - Invalid other type.
  • ValueError - Invalid or non-finite other.

f2mul (self, *others, **raiser)


DEPRECATED on 2024.09.13, use method f2mul_.

  • @deprecated_method

f2mul_ (self, *others, **f2product_nonfinites)


Return self * other * other ... for all others using cascaded, accurate multiplication like with f2product(True).

  • others - Multipliers (each scalar, an Fsum or Fsum2Tuple), all positional.
  • f2product_nonfinites - Use f2product=False to override the default True and nonfinites=True or False, to override settings nonfinites and nonfiniterrors.
The cascaded TwoProduct (Fsum or float).

See Also: Equations 2.3

fover (self, over, **raiser_RESIDUAL)


Apply self /= over and summate.

  • over - An Fsum or scalar denominator.
  • raiser_RESIDUAL - Use raiser=False to ignore ResidualErrors (bool) and RESIDUAL=scalar to override the current RESIDUAL.
Precision running sum (float).
  • ResidualError - Non-zero, significant residual or invalid RESIDUAL.

See Also: Methods Fsum.fsum and Fsum.__itruediv__.

fpow (self, other, *mod, **raiser_RESIDUAL)


Apply self **= other to this instance.

  • other - The exponent (scalar, an Fsum or Fsum2Tuple).
  • mod - Optional modulus (int or None) for the 3-argument pow(self, other, mod) version.
  • raiser_RESIDUAL - Use raiser=False to ignore ResidualErrors (bool) and RESIDUAL=scalar to override the current RESIDUAL.
This instance, updated (Fsum).
  • OverflowError - Partial 2sum overflow.
  • ResidualError - Invalid RESIDUAL or the residual is non-zero and significant and either other is a fractional or negative scalar or mod is given and not None.
  • TypeError - Invalid other type or 3-argument pow invocation failed.
  • ValueError - If other is a negative scalar and this instance is 0 or other is a fractional scalar and this instance is negative or has a non-zero and significant residual or mod is given as 0.

Note: If mod is given, the result will be an integer Fsum in Python 3+ if this instance is_integer or set to as_integer and mod is given and None.

See Also: CPython function float_pow.

f2product (self, *two)


Get and set accurate TwoProduct multiplication for this Fsum, overriding the f2product default.

  • two - If omitted, leave the override unchanged, if True, turn TwoProduct on, if False off, if Nonee remove th override (bool or None).
The previous setting (bool or None if not set).

See Also: Function f2product.

Note: Use f.f2product() or f2product() to determine whether multiplication is accurate for Fsum f.

fset_ (self, *xs)


Apply self.partials = Fsum(*xs).partials.

  • xs - Optional, new values (each scalar or an Fsum or Fsum2Tuple instance), all positional.
This instance, replaced (Fsum).

See Also: Method Fsum.fadd for further details.

fsub (self, xs=())


Subtract an iterable's items from this instance.

See Also: Method Fsum.fadd for further details.

fsub_ (self, *xs)


Subtract all positional items from this instance.

See Also: Method Fsum.fadd_ for further details.

fsum (self, xs=())


Add an iterable's items, summate and return the current precision running sum.

  • xs - Iterable of items to add (each item scalar, an Fsum or Fsum2Tuple).
Precision running sum (float or int).

See Also: Method Fsum.fadd.

Note: Accumulation can continue after summation.

fsum_ (self, *xs)


Add any positional items, summate and return the current precision running sum.

  • xs - Items to add (each scalar, an Fsum or Fsum2Tuple), all positional.
Precision running sum (float or int).

See Also: Methods Fsum.fsum, Fsum.Fsum_ and Fsum.fsumf_.

Fsum_ (self, *xs, **name)


Like method Fsum.fsum_ but returning a named Fsum.

  • name - Optional name (str).
Copy of this updated instance (Fsum).

Fsum2Tuple_ (self, *xs, **name)


Like method Fsum.fsum_ but returning a named Fsum2Tuple.

  • name - Optional name (str).
Precision running sum (Fsum2Tuple).

fsum2 (self, xs=(), **name)


Add an iterable's items, summate and return the current precision running sum and the residual.

  • xs - Iterable of items to add (each item scalar, an Fsum or Fsum2Tuple).
  • name - Optional name=NN (str).
Fsum2Tuple(fsum, residual) with fsum the current precision running sum and residual, the (precision) sum of the remaining partials. The residual is INT0 if the fsum is considered to be exact.

See Also: Methods Fsum.fint2, Fsum.fsum and Fsum.fsum2_

fsum2_ (self, *xs)


Add any positional items, summate and return the current precision running sum and the differential.

  • xs - Values to add (each scalar, an Fsum or Fsum2Tuple), all positional.
2Tuple (fsum, delta) with the current, precision running fsum like method Fsum.fsum and delta, the difference with previous running fsum, float.

See Also: Methods Fsum.fsum_ and Fsum.fsum.

int_float (self, **raiser_RESIDUAL)


Return this instance' current running sum as int or float.

  • raiser_RESIDUAL - Use raiser=False to ignore ResidualErrors (bool) and RESIDUAL=scalar to override the current RESIDUAL.
This int sum if this instance is_integer and finite, otherwise the float sum if the residual is zero or not significant.
  • ResidualError - Non-zero, significant residual or invalid RESIDUAL.

is_finite (self)


Is this instance finite? (bool).

See Also: Function isfinite.

is_integer (self)


Is this instance' running sum integer? (bool).

See Also: Methods Fsum.fint, Fsum.fint2 and Fsum.is_scalar.

is_math_fma (self)


Is accurate f2product multiplication based on Python's math.fma?

True if accurate multiplication uses math.fma, False an fma implementation as math.fma or None, a previous PyGeodesy implementation.

is_math_fsum (self)


Are the summation functions fsum, fsum_, fsumf_, fsum1, fsum1_ and fsum1f_ based on Python's math.fsum?

True if summation functions use math.fsum, False otherwise.

is_scalar (self, **raiser_RESIDUAL)


Is this instance' running sum scalar with 0 residual or with a residual ratio not exceeding the RESIDUAL threshold?

  • raiser_RESIDUAL - Use raiser=False to ignore ResidualErrors (bool) and RESIDUAL=scalar to override the current RESIDUAL.
True if this instance' residual is 0 or insignificant, i.e. its residual ratio doesn't exceed the RESIDUAL threshold (bool).
  • ResidualError - Non-zero, significant residual or invalid RESIDUAL.

See Also: Methods Fsum.RESIDUAL and Fsum.is_integer and property Fsum.as_iscalar.

nonfinites (self, *OK)


Handle non-finite floats as inf, INF, NINF, nan and NAN for this Fsum or throw OverflowError respectively ValueError exceptions, overriding the nonfiniterrors default.

  • OK - If omitted, leave the override unchanged, if True, non-finites are OK, if False throw exceptions or if None remove the override (bool or None).
The previous setting (bool or None if not set).

See Also: Function nonfiniterrors.

Note: Use property nonfinitesOK to determine whether non-finites are OK for this Fsum and by the nonfiniterrors default.

pow (self, x, *mod, **raiser_RESIDUAL)


Return self**x as Fsum.

  • x - The exponent (scalar, an Fsum or Fsum2Tuple).
  • mod - Optional modulus (int or None) for the 3-argument pow(self, other, mod) version.
  • raiser_RESIDUAL - Use raiser=False to ignore ResidualErrors (bool) and RESIDUAL=scalar to override the current RESIDUAL.
The pow(self, x) or pow(self, x, *mod) result (Fsum).
  • ResidualError - Non-zero, significant residual or invalid RESIDUAL.

Note: If mod is given and None, the result will be an integer Fsum provided this instance is_integer or set to integer by an Fsum.fint call.

See Also: Methods Fsum.__ipow__, Fsum.fint, Fsum.is_integer and Fsum.root.

rdiv (self, other, **raiser_RESIDUAL)


Return other / self as an Fsum.

See Also: Method Fsum.__itruediv__.

RESIDUAL (self, *threshold)


Get and set this instance' ratio for raising ResidualErrors, overriding the default from env variable PYGEODESY_FSUM_RESIDUAL.

  • threshold - If scalar, the ratio to exceed for raising ResidualErrors in division and exponention, if None, restore the default set with env variable PYGEODESY_FSUM_RESIDUAL or if omitted, keep the current setting.
The previous RESIDUAL setting (float), default 0.0.

Note: ResidualErrors may be thrown if (1) the non-zero ratio residual / fsum exceeds the given threshold and (2) the residual is non-zero and (3) is significant vs the fsum, i.e. (fsum + residual) != fsum and (4) optional keyword argument raiser=False is missing. Specify a negative threshold for only non-zero residual testing without the significant case.

root (self, root, **raiser_RESIDUAL)


Return self**(1 / root) as Fsum.

  • root - Non-zero order (scalar, an Fsum or Fsum2Tuple).
  • raiser_RESIDUAL - Use raiser=False to ignore any ResidualErrors (bool) or RESIDUAL=scalar to override the current RESIDUAL.
The self ** (1 / root) result (Fsum).
  • ResidualError - Non-zero, significant residual or invalid RESIDUAL.

See Also: Method Fsum.pow.

signOf (self, res=True)


Determine the sign of this instance.

  • res - If True, consider the residual, otherwise ignore the latter (bool).
The sign (int, -1, 0 or +1).

toRepr (self, **lenc_prec_sep_fmt)


Return this Fsum instance as representation.

  • lenc_prec_sep_fmt - Optional keyword arguments for method Fsum.toStr.
This instance (repr).
Overrides: named._Named.toRepr

toStr (self, lenc=True, **prec_sep_fmt)


Return this Fsum instance as string.

  • lenc - If True, include the current [len] of this Fsum enclosed in [brackets] (bool).
  • prec_sep_fmt - Optional keyword arguments for method Fsum2Tuple.toStr.
This instance (str).
Overrides: named._Named.toStr

Property Details


Get this instance as-is (Fsum with non-zero residual, scalar or non-finite).

Get method:
as_iscalar(self) - Get this instance as-is (Fsum with non-zero residual, scalar or non-finite).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get this instance' ceil value (int in Python 3+, but float in Python 2-).

Get method:
ceil(self) - Get this instance' ceil value (int in Python 3+, but float in Python 2-).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.

Note: This ceil takes the residual into account.

See Also: Method Fsum.int_float and properties Fsum.floor, Fsum.imag and Fsum.real.


DEPRECATED, use method Fsum.int_float.

Get method:
float_int(self) - DEPRECATED, use method Fsum.int_float.
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get this instance' floor (int in Python 3+, but float in Python 2-).

Get method:
floor(self) - Get this instance' floor (int in Python 3+, but float in Python 2-).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.

Note: This floor takes the residual into account.

See Also: Method Fsum.int_float and properties Fsum.ceil, Fsum.imag and Fsum.real.


Get the imaginary part of this instance (0.0, always).

Get method:
imag(self) - Get the imaginary part of this instance (0.0, always).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.

See Also: Property Fsum.real.


Are non-finites OK for this Fsum or by default? (bool).

Get method:
nonfinitesOK(self) - Are non-finites OK for this Fsum or by default? (bool).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get this instance' current, partial sums (tuple of floats).

Get method:
partials(self) - Get this instance' current, partial sums (tuple of floats).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the real part of this instance (float).

Get method:
real(self) - Get the real part of this instance (float).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.

See Also: Methods Fsum.__float__ and Fsum.fsum and properties Fsum.ceil, Fsum.floor, Fsum.imag and Fsum.residual.


Get this instance' residual or residue (float or int): the sum(partials) less the precision running sum fsum.

Get method:
residual(self) - Get this instance' residual or residue (float or int): the sum(partials) less the precision running sum fsum.
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.

Note: The residual is INT0 iff the precision running fsum is considered to be exact.

See Also: Methods Fsum.fsum, Fsum.fsum2 and Fsum.is_exact.