Package pygeodesy :: Module geodesici
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Module geodesici

Classes Intersectool and Intersector to find the intersections of two geodesic lines or line segments.

Class Intersector is a pure Python version of Karney's C++ class Intersect.

Class Intersectool is a wrapper to invoke Karney's IntersectTool utility, but intended for testing purposes only.

Set env variable PYGEODESY_INTERSECTTOOL to the (fully qualified) path of the IntersectTool executable. For usage and some examples run "env PYGEODESY_INTERSECTTOOL=<IntersectTool-path> python3 -m pygeodesy.geodesici --help".

Both Intersectool and Intersector provide methods All, Closest, Next and Segment and produce XDict instances with 4 or more items. Adjacent methods All5, Closest5, Next5 and Segment return or yield Intersectool5Tuple or Intersector5Tuples with the lat-, longitude and azimuth of each intersection as an extended, geodesic Position-like GDict instance.

For more details, see the C++ GeographicLib documentation, Charles F.F. Karney's paper Geodesics intersections and S. Baselga Moreno & J.C. Martinez-Llario's Intersection and point-to-line solutions for geodesics on the ellipsoid.

Version: 24.12.22

4+Item result from Intersectool and Intersector methods All, Closest, Next and Segment with the intersection offsets sA, sB and sX0 in meter and the coincidence indicator c, an int, +1 for parallel, -1 for anti-parallel or 0 otherwise.
(INTERNAL) Base class for Intersectool and Intersector.
Wrapper to invoke Karney's utility IntersectTool similar to class Intersector.
Finder of intersections between two goedesic lines, each an instance of GeodesicLineExact, wrapped GeodesicLine or GeodesicLineSolve.
7-Tuple (A, B, sAB, aAB, c, kA, kB) with A and B each a LatLon or LatLon4Tuple(lat, lon, height, datum) of the intersection on each geodesic line, the distance sAB in in meter and angular distance aAB in degrees between A and B, coincidence indicator c and segment indicators kA and kB all int, see XDict and method intersect7.
5-Tuple (A, B, sAB, aAB, c) with A and B the Position of the intersection on each geodesic line, the distance sAB between A and B in meter, the angular distance aAB in degrees and coincidence indicator c (int), see XDict.
5-Tuple (A, B, sAB, aAB, c) with A and B the Position of the intersection on each geodesic line, the distance sAB between A and B in meter, angular distance aAB in degrees and coincidence indicator c (int), see XDict.
5-Tuple (A, B, sMM, aMM, c) with A and B the line segments including the mid-point location in latM, lonM, distance s1M in meter and angular distance a1M in degrees, the distance between both mid-points sMM in meter and angular distance aMM in degrees and coincidence indicator c (int).
  __all__ = _ALL_LAZY.geodesici