intersect7 (self,
X0=XDict(c=0, sA=0.0, sB=0.0, sX0=0.0),
Yield the intersection points of two lines, each defined by two
(ellipsoidal) points or by an (ellipsoidal) start point and an azimuth
from North.
- Arguments:
start1 - Start point of the first line (LatLon ).
end1 - End point of the first line (LatLon ) or the azimuth
at the start1 point (compass
degrees360 ).
start2 - Start point of the second line (LatLon ).
end2 - End point of the second line (LatLon ) or the azimuth
at the start2 point (compass
degrees360 ).
X0 - Optional origin for L1-distances (XDict) or None for the Middle, otherwise XDiff_(0, 0) .
aMaX0 - Upper limit for the angular L1-distance
(degrees ) or None or 0 for
sMaX0_C - Optional, upper limit sMaX0=2*PI*R for the
L1-distance to X0
(meter ).
LatLon_and_kwds - Optional class LatLon=None to return
intersection points and optional, additional
LatLon keyword arguments.
- Returns:
- Yield an Intersect7Tuple
(A, B, sAB, aAB, c, kA,
kB) for every intersection found, with A and
B each a LatLon or if
LatLon is None or not specified, a LatLon4Tuple(lat, lon, height,
datum) with height 0 and this
datum .
- Raises:
The lat and lon attr of
start1 , end1 ,
start2 and end2 are used
verbatim, ignoring datum or
ellipsoid .