Package pygeodesy :: Package geodesicx
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Package geodesicx

A pure Python version of Karney's C++ classes GeodesicExact and GeodesicLineExact.

For more details, see the C++ GeographicLib documentation, especially the Class List and the background information at Geodesics on an ellipsoid of revolution.

Also, compare GeodesicExact and GeodesicLineExact to standard classes Geodesic respectively GeodesicLine from Karney's Python implementation geographiclib, see modules pygeodesy.geodesicw and pygeodesy.karney.

Version: 24.09.06


A pure Python version of Karney's C++ class GeodesicExact, modeled after Karney's Python class geodesic.Geodesic.
A pure Python version of Karney's C++ class GeodesicLineExact, modeled after Karney's Python class geodesicline.GeodesicLine.
Area and perimeter of a geodesic polygon, an enhanced version of Karney's Python class PolygonArea using the more accurate surface area.
For geographiclib compatibility, sub-class of GeodesicAreaExact.