Package pygeodesy :: Module geodesicw
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Module geodesicw

Wrapper around Python classes geodesic.Geodesic and geodesicline.GeodesicLine from Karney's Python package geographiclib, provided that package is installed.

The wrapped class methods return a GDict instance offering access to the dict items either by key or by attribute name.

With env variable PYGEODESY_GEOGRAPHICLIB left undefined or set to "2", this module, pygeodesy.geodesicx and pygeodesy.karney will use GeographicLib 2.0 transcoding, otherwise 1.52 or older.

Version: 24.04.07

Geodesic(a_ellipsoid, f=None, name='')
Return a wrapped geodesic.Geodesic instance from Karney's Python geographiclib, provide the latter is installed, otherwise an ImportError.
GeodesicLine(geodesic, lat1, lon1, azi1, caps=3979)
Return a wrapped geodesicline.GeodesicLine instance from Karney's Python geographiclib, provided the latter is installed, otherwise an ImportError.
Get the wrapped Geodesic(WGS84) singleton, provided geographiclib is installed, otherwise an ImportError.
  __all__ = _ALL_LAZY.geodesicw
Function Details

Geodesic (a_ellipsoid, f=None, name='')


Return a wrapped geodesic.Geodesic instance from Karney's Python geographiclib, provide the latter is installed, otherwise an ImportError.

  • a_ellipsoid - An ellipsoid (Ellipsoid) or datum (Datum) or the equatorial radius a of the ellipsoid (meter).
  • f - The flattening of the ellipsoid (scalar), ignored if a_ellipsoid) is not specified as meter.
  • name - Optional ellipsoid name (str), ignored like f.

GeodesicLine (geodesic, lat1, lon1, azi1, caps=3979)


Return a wrapped geodesicline.GeodesicLine instance from Karney's Python geographiclib, provided the latter is installed, otherwise an ImportError.

  • geodesic - A wrapped Geodesic instance.
  • lat1 - Latitude of the first points (degrees).
  • lon1 - Longitude of the first points (degrees).
  • azi1 - Azimuth at the first points (compass degrees360).
  • caps - Optional, bit-or'ed combination of Caps values specifying the capabilities the GeodesicLine instance should possess, i.e., which quantities can be returned by calls to GeodesicLine.Position and GeodesicLine.ArcPosition.