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Geoid models and geoid height interpolations.
Classes GeoidEGM96, GeoidG2012B, GeoidKarney and GeoidPGM to
interpolate the height of various geoids at
locations or separate lat-/longitudes using various
interpolation methods and geoid
model files.
GeoidKarney is a transcoding of Charles Karney's C++ class Geoid to pure Python.
The GeoidEGM96, GeoidG2012B and GeoidPGM interpolators both depend on scipy and numpy and require those packages to be installed.
In addition, each geoid interpolator needs grid knots
(down)loaded from a geoid
model file, specific to the
interpolator. More details below and in the documentation of the
interpolator class. For each interpolator, there are several
interpolation choices, like linear, cubic, etc.
file, containing locations with known heights also referred to as
the grid knots
. See the documentation of the
interpolator class for references to available grid
>>> from pygeodesy import GeoidEGM96 # or
-G2012B, -Karney or -PGM as GeoidXyz
model file
and use keyword arguments to select different interpolation options
>>> ginterpolator = GeoidXyz(geoid_model_file,
location(s) with
>>> ll = LatLon(1, 2, ...)
>>> h = ginterpolator(ll)
>>> h1, h2, h3, ... = ginterpolator(ll1, ll2,
ll3, ...)
or a list, tuple, generator, etc. of LatLon
>>> hs = ginterpolator(lls)
method as
>>> h = ginterpolator.height(lat, lon)
or as 2 lists, 2 tuples, etc.
>>> hs = ginterpolator.height(lats,
or for several positionals use the height_
>>> h1, h2, ... = ginterpolator.height_(lat1,
lon1, lat2, lon2, ...)
are raised as SciPyErrors. Warnings issued by
can be thrown as SciPyWarning exceptions, provided Python
are filtered accordingly, see SciPyWarning.
See Also: Karney's GeographicLib, Geoid height and Installing the Geoid datasets, World Geodetic System 1984 (WG84) and Earth Gravitational Model 96 (EGM96) Data and Apps, SciPy interpolation RectBivariateSpline, bisplrep/-ev and interp2d, functions elevations.elevation2 and elevations.geoidHeight2, Ellispoid vs Orthometric Elevations and 6.22.1 Avoiding Pitfalls Related to Ellipsoid Height and Height Above Mean Sea Level.
Version: 24.12.31
Classes | |
GeoidError Geoid interpolator Geoid... or interpolation issue.
_GeoidBase (INTERNAL) Base class for Geoid... s.
GeoidEGM96 Geoid height interpolator for the EGM96 15 Minute Interpolation Grid based on SciPy interpolation RectBivariateSpline, interp2d or bisplrep/-ev.
GeoidG2012B Geoid height interpolator for GEOID12B Model grids CONUS, Alaska, Hawaii, Guam and Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands and American Samoa based on SciPy
interpolation RectBivariateSpline, interp2d or bisplrep/-ev.
GeoidHeight5Tuple 5-Tuple (lat, lon, egm84, egm96, egm2008) for GeoidHeights.dat tests with the heights for 3
different EGM grids at degrees90 and
degrees180 degrees (after converting lon
from original 0 <= EasterLon <= 360 ).
GeoidKarney Geoid height interpolator for Karney's GeographicLib Earth Gravitational Model (EGM) geoid egm*.pgm datasets using bilinear or cubic interpolation and caching in pure Python, transcoded from Karney's C++ class Geoid. |
GeoidPGM Geoid height interpolator for Karney's GeographicLib Earth Gravitational Model (EGM) geoid egm*.pgm datasets but based on SciPy
RectBivariateSpline, bisplrep/-ev or interp2d interpolation.
PGMError An issue while parsing or cropping an egm*.pgm geoid
Functions | |||
Variables | |
__all__ = _ALL_LAZY.geoids
Function Details |
Generate geoid egm*.pgm height tests from GeoidHeights.dat Test data for Geoids.
Function egmGeoidHeights is used to test the geoids GeoidKarney and GeoidPGM, see PyGeodesy module
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