Package pygeodesy :: Module geoids :: Class _GeoidBase
[frames] | no frames]

Class _GeoidBase

      object --+            
    named._Named --+        
heights._HeightNamed --+    
     heights._HeightBase --+
Known Subclasses:

(INTERNAL) Base class for Geoid...s.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, hs, p)
(INTERNAL) Set up the grid axes, the SciPy interpolator and several internal geoid attributes.
__call__(self, *llis, **wrap_H)
Interpolate the geoid (or orthometric) height for one or more locations.
Open context.
__exit__(self, *unused)
Close context.
Default repr(self).
Default str(self).
center(self, LatLon=None)
Return the center location and height of this geoid.
Close the egm*.pgm geoid file if open (and applicable).
height(self, lats, lons, **wrap)
Interpolate the geoid height for one or several lat-/longitudes.
height_(self, *latlons, **wrap)
Interpolate the geoid height for each (latlons[i], latlons[i+1]) pair for i in range(0, len(latlons), 2).
highest(self, LatLon=None, **unused)
Return the location and largest height of this geoid.
lowerleft(self, LatLon=None)
Return the lower-left location and height of this geoid.
loweright(self, LatLon=None)
Return the lower-right location and height of this geoid.
lowerright(self, LatLon=None)
Return the lower-right location and height of this geoid.
lowest(self, LatLon=None, **unused)
Return the location and lowest height of this geoid.
outside(self, lat, lon)
Check whether a location is outside this geoid's lat-/longitude or crop range.
toStr(self, prec=3, sep=', ')
This geoid and all geoid attributes as a string.
upperleft(self, LatLon=None)
Return the upper-left location and height of this geoid.
upperright(self, LatLon=None)
Return the upper-right location and height of this geoid.

Inherited from named._Named: __format__, __imatmul__, __matmul__, __rmatmul__, attrs, classof, copy, dup, methodname, rename, renamed, toRepr, toStr2

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Get the egm*.pgm geoid file status.
Is geoid cropped (bool or None if crop not supported).
Get the grid scipy dtype (numpy.dtype).
Get the geoid endianess and dtype (str).
Get the number of cache hits (int or None).
Get the interpolator kind and order (int).
Get the number of grid knots (int).
Get the mean of this geoid's heights (float).
Get the name of this geoid (str).
Get the grid in-memory size in bytes (int).
Get the PGM attributes (_PGM or None if not available/applicable).
Get the geoid grid file size in bytes (int).
Get the RectBivariateSpline smoothing (int).
Get the standard deviation of this geoid's heights (float) or None.
Get the PGM itemsize in bytes (int).

Inherited from heights._HeightBase: numpy, scipy, scipy_interpolate

Inherited from heights._HeightNamed: datum, kmin, wrap

Inherited from named._Named: classname, classnaming, iteration, named, named2, named3, named4, sizeof

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__ (self, hs, p)


(INTERNAL) Set up the grid axes, the SciPy interpolator and several internal geoid attributes.

  • hs - Grid knots with known height (numpy 2darray).
  • p - The slat, wlon, nlat, nlon, dlat, dlon and other geoid parameters (INTERNAL).
Overrides: object.__init__

__call__ (self, *llis, **wrap_H)
(Call operator)


Interpolate the geoid (or orthometric) height for one or more locations.

  • llis - One or several locations (each LatLon), all positional.
  • wrap_H - Keyword arguments wrap=False (bool) and H=False (bool). Use wrap=True to wrap or normalize all llis locations. If H is True, return the orthometric height instead of the geoid height at each location.
A single geoid (or orthometric) height (float) or a list or tuple of geoid (or orthometric) heights (each float).
  • GeoidError - Insufficient number of llis, an invalid lli or the egm*.pgm geoid file is closed.
  • RangeError - An lli is outside this geoid's lat- or longitude range.
  • SciPyError - A scipy issue.
  • SciPyWarning - A scipy warning as exception.
Overrides: heights._HeightNamed.__call__

Note: To obtain orthometric heights, each llis location must have an ellipsoid height or h attribute, otherwise height=0 is used.

See Also: Function pygeodesy.heightOrthometric.

__repr__ (self)
(Representation operator)


Default repr(self).

Overrides: object.__repr__
(inherited documentation)

__str__ (self)
(Informal representation operator)


Default str(self).

Overrides: object.__str__
(inherited documentation)

center (self, LatLon=None)


Return the center location and height of this geoid.

  • LatLon - Optional class to return the location and height (LatLon) or None.
If LatLon is None, a LatLon3Tuple(lat, lon, height) otherwise a LatLon instance with the lat-, longitude and geoid height of the center grid location.

height (self, lats, lons, **wrap)


Interpolate the geoid height for one or several lat-/longitudes.

  • lats - Latitude or latitudes (each degrees).
  • lons - Longitude or longitudes (each degrees).
  • wrap - Use wrap=True to wrap or normalize all lats and lons.
A single geoid height (float) or a list of geoid heights (each float).
  • GeoidError - Insufficient or unequal number of lats and lons.
  • RangeError - A lat or lon is outside this geoid's lat- or longitude range.
  • SciPyError - A scipy issue.
  • SciPyWarning - A scipy warning as exception.
Overrides: heights._HeightNamed.height

height_ (self, *latlons, **wrap)


Interpolate the geoid height for each (latlons[i], latlons[i+1]) pair for i in range(0, len(latlons), 2).

  • latlons - Alternating lat-/longitude pairs (each degrees), all positional.
A tuple of geoid heights (each float).
Overrides: heights._HeightNamed.height_

See Also: Method height for further details.

highest (self, LatLon=None, **unused)


Return the location and largest height of this geoid.

  • LatLon - Optional class to return the location and height (LatLon) or None.
If LatLon is None, a LatLon3Tuple(lat, lon, height) otherwise a LatLon instance with the lat-, longitude and geoid height of the highest grid location.

lowerleft (self, LatLon=None)


Return the lower-left location and height of this geoid.

  • LatLon - Optional class to return the location (LatLon) and height or None.
If LatLon is None, a LatLon3Tuple(lat, lon, height) otherwise a LatLon instance with the lat-, longitude and geoid height of the lower-left, SW grid corner.

loweright (self, LatLon=None)


Return the lower-right location and height of this geoid.

  • LatLon - Optional class to return the location and height (LatLon) or None.
If LatLon is None, a LatLon3Tuple(lat, lon, height) otherwise a LatLon instance with the lat-, longitude and geoid height of the lower-right, SE grid corner.

lowerright (self, LatLon=None)


Return the lower-right location and height of this geoid.

  • LatLon - Optional class to return the location and height (LatLon) or None.
If LatLon is None, a LatLon3Tuple(lat, lon, height) otherwise a LatLon instance with the lat-, longitude and geoid height of the lower-right, SE grid corner.

lowest (self, LatLon=None, **unused)


Return the location and lowest height of this geoid.

  • LatLon - Optional class to return the location and height (LatLon) or None.
If LatLon is None, a LatLon3Tuple(lat, lon, height) otherwise a LatLon instance with the lat-, longitude and geoid height of the lowest grid location.

outside (self, lat, lon)


Check whether a location is outside this geoid's lat-/longitude or crop range.

  • lat - The latitude (degrees).
  • lon - The longitude (degrees).
A 1- or 2-character str if outside, an empty str otherwise.

toStr (self, prec=3, sep=', ')


This geoid and all geoid attributes as a string.

  • prec - Number of decimal digits (0..9 or None for default). Trailing zero decimals are stripped for prec values of 1 and above, but kept for negative prec values.
  • sep - Separator to join (str).
Geoid name and attributes (str).
Overrides: named._Named.toStr

upperleft (self, LatLon=None)


Return the upper-left location and height of this geoid.

  • LatLon - Optional class to return the location and height (LatLon) or None.
If LatLon is None, a LatLon3Tuple(lat, lon, height) otherwise a LatLon instance with the lat-, longitude and geoid height of the upper-left, NW grid corner.

upperright (self, LatLon=None)


Return the upper-right location and height of this geoid.

  • LatLon - Optional class to return the location and height (LatLon) or None.
If LatLon is None, a LatLon3Tuple(lat, lon, height) otherwise a LatLon instance with the lat-, longitude and geoid height of the upper-right, NE grid corner.

Property Details


Get the egm*.pgm geoid file status.

Get method:
closed(self) - Get the egm*.pgm geoid file status.
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Is geoid cropped (bool or None if crop not supported).

Get method:
cropped(self) - Is geoid cropped (bool or None if crop not supported).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the grid scipy dtype (numpy.dtype).

Get method:
dtype(self) - Get the grid scipy dtype (numpy.dtype).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the geoid endianess and dtype (str).

Get method:
endian(self) - Get the geoid endianess and dtype (str).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the number of cache hits (int or None).

Get method:
hits(self) - Get the number of cache hits (int or None).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the interpolator kind and order (int).

Get method:
kind(self) - Get the interpolator kind and order (int).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the number of grid knots (int).

Get method:
knots(self) - Get the number of grid knots (int).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the mean of this geoid's heights (float).

Get method:
mean(self) - Get the mean of this geoid's heights (float).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the name of this geoid (str).

Get method:
name(self) - Get the name of this geoid (str).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the grid in-memory size in bytes (int).

Get method:
nBytes(self) - Get the grid in-memory size in bytes (int).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the PGM attributes (_PGM or None if not available/applicable).

Get method:
pgm(self) - Get the PGM attributes (_PGM or None if not available/applicable).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the geoid grid file size in bytes (int).

Get method:
sizeB(self) - Get the geoid grid file size in bytes (int).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the RectBivariateSpline smoothing (int).

Get method:
smooth(self) - Get the RectBivariateSpline smoothing (int).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the standard deviation of this geoid's heights (float) or None.

Get method:
stdev(self) - Get the standard deviation of this geoid's heights (float) or None.
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the PGM itemsize in bytes (int).

Get method:
u2B(self) - Get the PGM itemsize in bytes (int).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.