Package pygeodesy :: Module ltp
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Module ltp

Local Tangent Plane (LTP) and local cartesian coordinates.

Local cartesian and local tangent plane classes LocalCartesian, approximations ChLVa and ChLVe and Ltp, ChLV, LocalError, Attitude and Frustum.

See Also: Local tangent plane coordinates and class LocalCartesian, transcoded from Charles Karney's C++ classLocalCartesian.

Version: 24.12.12

The pose of a plane or camera in space.
An Attitude or Attitude4Tuple issue.
A rectangular pyramid, typically representing a camera's field-of-view (fov) and the intersection with (or projection to) a local tangent plane.
A LocalCartesian or Ltp related issue.
Conversion between geodetic (lat, lon, height) and local cartesian (x, y, z) coordinates with geodetic origin (lat0, lon0, height0), transcoded from Karney's C++ class LocalCartesian.
A local tangent plan (LTP), a sub-class of LocalCartesian with (re-)configurable ECEF converter.
Conversion between WGS84 geodetic and Swiss projection coordinates using pygeodesy.EcefKarney's Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed (ECEF) methods.
Conversion between WGS84 geodetic and Swiss projection coordinates using the Approximate formulas, page 13.
Conversion between WGS84 geodetic and Swiss projection coordinates using the Ellipsoidal approximate formulas, pp 10-11 and Bolliger, J. pp 148-151 (also GGGS).
tyr3d(tilt=0, yaw=0, roll=0, Vector=<class 'pygeodesy.vector3d.Vector3d'>, **name_Vector_kwds)
Convert an attitude pose into a (3-D) direction vector.
  __all__ = _ALL_LAZY.ltp
Function Details

tyr3d (tilt=0, yaw=0, roll=0, Vector=<class 'pygeodesy.vector3d.Vector3d'>, **name_Vector_kwds)


Convert an attitude pose into a (3-D) direction vector.

  • tilt - Pitch, elevation from horizontal (degrees), negative down (clockwise rotation along and around the x-axis).
  • yaw - Bearing, heading (compass degrees360), clockwise from North (counter-clockwise rotation along and around the z-axis).
  • roll - Roll, bank (degrees), positive to the right and down (clockwise rotation along and around the y-axis).
  • Vector - Class to return the direction vector (Cartesian, Vector3d or Vector3Tuple) or None.
  • name_Vector_kwds - Optional name=NN (str) and optionally, additional Vector keyword arguments, ignored if Vector is None.
A named Vector instance or if Vector is None, a named Vector3Tuple(x, y, z).
  • AttitudeError - Invalid tilt, yaw or roll.
  • TypeError - Invalid Vector or name_Vector_kwds.

See Also: Yaw, pitch, and roll rotations and function pygeodesy.hartzell argument los, Line-Of-Sight.