Package pygeodesy :: Module ltp :: Class ChLVe
[frames] | no frames]

Class ChLVe

          object --+    
               _ChLV --+
  object --+           |
           |           |
named._Named --+       |
               |       |
named._NamedBase --+   |
                   |   |
      LocalCartesian --+

Conversion between WGS84 geodetic and Swiss projection coordinates using the Ellipsoidal approximate formulas, pp 10-11 and Bolliger, J. pp 148-151 (also GGGS).

Note: Methods ChLVe.forward and ChLVe.reverse have an additional keyword argument gamma=False to approximate the meridian convergence. If gamma=True a 2-tuple (t, gamma) is returned with t the usual result (ChLV9Tuple) and gamma, the meridian convergence (decimal degrees). To convert gamma to grades or gons, use function pygeodesy.degrees2grades.

See Also: Older references.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, name='Bern')
New Approximate WGS84-Swiss ChLVe converter, centered at Bern, Ch.
forward(self, latlonh, lon=None, height=0, M=None, gamma=False, **name)
Convert WGS84 geodetic to Swiss projection coordinates.
reverse(self, enh_, n=None, h_=0, M=None, gamma=False, **name)
Convert Swiss projection to WGS84 geodetic coordinates.

Inherited from LocalCartesian: __eq__, reset, toStr

Inherited from named._NamedBase: __repr__, __str__, others, toRepr

Inherited from named._Named: __format__, __imatmul__, __matmul__, __rmatmul__, attrs, classof, copy, dup, methodname, rename, renamed, toStr2

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__


Inherited from LocalCartesian: M, datum, ecef, ellipsoid, height0, lat0, latlonheight0, lon0, lon00

Inherited from named._Named: classname, classnaming, iteration, name, named, named2, named3, named4, sizeof

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__ (self, name='Bern')


New Approximate WGS84-Swiss ChLVe converter, centered at Bern, Ch.

  • name - Optional (str).
Overrides: object.__init__

forward (self, latlonh, lon=None, height=0, M=None, gamma=False, **name)


Convert WGS84 geodetic to Swiss projection coordinates. Must be overloaded.

  • latlonh - Either a LatLon, Ltp or scalar (geodetic) latitude (degrees).
  • lon - Optional, scalar (geodetic) longitude for scalar latlonh (degrees).
  • height - Optional, height, vertically above (or below) the surface of the ellipsoid (meter) for scalar latlonh and lon.
  • M - If True, return the concatenated rotation EcefMatrix iff available for ChLV only, None otherwise (bool).
  • name - Optional name=NN (str).
A ChLV9Tuple(Y, X, h_, lat, lon, height, ltp, ecef, M) with the unfalsed Swiss Y, X coordinates, Swiss h_ height, the given geodetic lat, lon and height, this ChLV* instance and ecef (Ecef9Tuple) at Bern, Ch and rotation matrix M. The returned ltp is this ChLV, ChLVa or ChLVe instance.
  • LocalError - Invalid or non-scalar latlonh, lon or height.
Overrides: LocalCartesian.forward
(inherited documentation)

reverse (self, enh_, n=None, h_=0, M=None, gamma=False, **name)


Convert Swiss projection to WGS84 geodetic coordinates.

  • enh_ - A Swiss projection (ChLV9Tuple) or the scalar, falsed Swiss E_LV95 or y_LV03 easting (meter).
  • n - Falsed Swiss N_LV85 or x_LV03 northing for scalar enh_ and h_ (meter).
  • h_ - Swiss h' height for scalar enh_ and n (meter).
  • M - If True, return the concatenated rotation EcefMatrix iff available for ChLV only, None otherwise (bool).
  • name - Optional name=NN (str).
A ChLV9Tuple(Y, X, h_, lat, lon, height, ltp, ecef, M) with the unfalsed Swiss Y, X coordinates, Swiss h_ height, the given geodetic lat, lon and height, this ChLV* instance and ecef (Ecef9Tuple) at Bern, Ch and rotation matrix M. The returned ltp is this ChLV, ChLVa or ChLVe instance.
  • LocalError - Invalid or non-scalar enh_, n or h_.
Overrides: LocalCartesian.reverse
(inherited documentation)