Package pygeodesy :: Module named
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Module named

(INTERNAL) Nameable class instances.

Classes _Named, _NamedDict, _NamedEnum, _NamedEnumItem and _NamedTuple and several subclasses thereof, all with nameable instances.

The items in a _NamedDict are accessable as attributes and the items in a _NamedTuple are named to be accessable as attributes, similar to standard Python namedtuples.

See Also: Module pygeodesy.namedTuples for (most of) the Named-Tuples.

Version: 24.12.05

A dict with both key and attribute access to the dict items.
(INTERNAL) Root class for named objects.
(INTERNAL) Base class with name.
(INTERNAL) Enum-like _NamedDict with attribute access restricted to valid keys.
(INTERNAL) Base class for items in a _NamedEnum registery.
(INTERNAL) Base class for CartesianBase, Ecef9Tuple and LatLonBase.
(INTERNAL) Base for named tuples with both index and attribute name access to the items.
callername(up=1, dflt='', source=False, underOK=False)
Get the name of the invoking callable.
classname(inst, prefixed=None)
Return the instance' class name optionally prefixed with the module name.
Get/set the default class naming for [module.]class names.
modulename(clas, prefixed=None)
Return the class name optionally prefixed with the module name.
Get the name of an instance.
notImplemented(inst, *args, **kwds)
Raise a NotImplementedError for a missing instance method or property or for a missing caller feature.
notOverloaded(inst, *args, **kwds)
Raise an AssertionError for a method or property not overloaded.
  __all__ = _ALL_LAZY.named
Function Details

callername (up=1, dflt='', source=False, underOK=False)


Get the name of the invoking callable.

  • up - Number of call stack frames up (int).
  • dflt - Default return value (any).
  • source - Include source file name and line number (bool).
  • underOK - If True, private, internal callables are OK, otherwise private callables are skipped (bool).
The callable name (str) or dflt if none found.

classname (inst, prefixed=None)


Return the instance' class name optionally prefixed with the module name.

  • inst - The object (any type).
  • prefixed - Include the module name (bool), see function classnaming.
The inst's [module.]class name (str).

classnaming (prefixed=None)


Get/set the default class naming for [module.]class names.

  • prefixed - Include the module name (bool).
Previous class naming setting (bool).

modulename (clas, prefixed=None)


Return the class name optionally prefixed with the module name.

  • clas - The class (any class).
  • prefixed - Include the module name (bool), see function classnaming.
The class's [module.]class name (str).

nameof (inst)


Get the name of an instance.

  • inst - The object (any type).
The instance' name (str) or "".

notImplemented (inst, *args, **kwds)


Raise a NotImplementedError for a missing instance method or property or for a missing caller feature.

  • inst - Caller instance (any) or None for function.
  • args - Method or property positional arguments (any types).
  • kwds - Method or property keyword arguments (any types), except callername=NN, underOK=False and up=2.

notOverloaded (inst, *args, **kwds)


Raise an AssertionError for a method or property not overloaded.

  • inst - Instance (any).
  • args - Method or property positional arguments (any types).
  • kwds - Method or property keyword arguments (any types), except callername=NN, underOK=False and up=2.