Package pygeodesy :: Module nvectorBase :: Class NvectorBase
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Class NvectorBase

       object --+                
     named._Named --+            
     named._NamedBase --+        
vector3dBase.Vector3dBase --+    
            vector3d.Vector3d --+
Known Subclasses:

(INTERNAL) Base class for ellipsoidal and spherical Nvectors.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, x_xyz, y=None, z=None, h=0, datum=None, **ll_name)
New n-vector normal to the earth's surface.
hStr(self, prec=-2, m='')
Return a string for the height h.
DEPRECATED, use property philam.
DEPRECATED, use property latlon.
to3abh(self, height=None)
DEPRECATED, use property philamheight or philam.to3Tuple(height).
to3llh(self, height=None)
DEPRECATED, use property latlonheight or latlon.to3Tuple(height).
to4xyzh(self, h=None)
DEPRECATED, use property xyzh or xyz.to4Tuple(h).
toCartesian(self, h=None, Cartesian=None, datum=None, **name_Cartesian_kwds)
Convert this n-vector to Nvector-based cartesian (ECEF) coordinates.
toLatLon(self, height=None, LatLon=None, datum=None, **name_LatLon_kwds)
Convert this n-vector to an Nvector-based geodetic point.
toStr(self, prec=5, fmt='(%s)', sep=', ')
Return a string representation of this n-vector.
toVector3d(self, norm=True)
Convert this n-vector to a 3-D vector, ignoring height.
unit(self, ll=None)
Normalize this n-vector to unit length.

Inherited from vector3d.Vector3d: bearing, circin6, circum3, circum4_, iscolinearWith, meeus2, nearestOn, nearestOn6, parse, radii11, soddy4, trilaterate2d2, trilaterate3d2

Inherited from vector3dBase.Vector3dBase: __abs__, __add__, __bool__, __ceil__, __cmp__, __div__, __divmod__, __eq__, __float__, __floor__, __floordiv__, __ge__, __gt__, __hash__, __iadd__, __idiv__, __ifloordiv__, __imatmul__, __imod__, __imul__, __int__, __ipow__, __isub__, __itruediv__, __le__, __long__, __lt__, __matmul__, __mod__, __mul__, __ne__, __neg__, __nonzero__, __pos__, __pow__, __radd__, __rdiv__, __rdivmod__, __rfloordiv__, __rmatmul__, __rmod__, __rmul__, __round__, __rpow__, __rsub__, __rtruediv__, __sub__, __truediv__, __trunc__, angleTo, apply, bools, cmp, cross, dividedBy, dot, equals, equirectangular, fabs, floats, intermediateTo, ints, isconjugateTo, isequalTo, minus, minus_, negate, others, plus, plus_, rotate, rotateAround, sum, times, times_, to3xyz

Inherited from named._NamedBase: __repr__, __str__, toRepr

Inherited from named._Named: __format__, attrs, classof, copy, dup, methodname, rename, renamed, toStr2

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Get the ECEF class (EcefKarney), once.
Class property with a .name attribute.
Get the pass-thru datum (Datum) or None.
Get the Nvector type iff ellipsoidal, overloaded in pygeodesy.ellipsoidalNvector.Nvector.
Class property with a .name attribute.
Check whether this n-vector is ellipsoidal (bool or None if unknown).
Check whether this n-vector is spherical (bool or None if unknown).
Get the (geodetic) longitude in radians (float).
Get the (geodetic) latitude in degrees (float).
Get the (geodetic) lat-, longitude in degrees (LatLon2Tuple(lat, lon)).
Get the (geodetic) lat-, longitude in degrees and height (LatLon3Tuple(lat, lon, height)).
Get the lat-, longitude in degrees with height and datum (LatLon4Tuple(lat, lon, height, datum)).
Get the (geodetic) longitude in degrees (float).
Get the (geodetic) latitude in radians (float).
Get the (geodetic) lat-, longitude in radians (PhiLam2Tuple(phi, lam)).
Get the (geodetic) lat-, longitude in radians and height (PhiLam3Tuple(phi, lam, height)).
Get the lat-, longitude in radians with height and datum (PhiLam4Tuple(phi, lam, height, datum)).
Get the Nvector type iff spherical, overloaded in pygeodesy.sphericalNvector.Nvector.
Get this n-vector's components (Vector4Tuple(x, y, z, h))

Inherited from vector3dBase.Vector3dBase: crosserrors, euclid, homogeneous, length, length2, x, x2y2z2, xyz, xyz3, y, z

Inherited from named._Named: classname, classnaming, iteration, name, named, named2, named3, named4, sizeof

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__ (self, x_xyz, y=None, z=None, h=0, datum=None, **ll_name)


New n-vector normal to the earth's surface.

  • x_xyz - X component of vector (scalar) or (3-D) vector (Nvector, Vector3d, Vector3Tuple or Vector4Tuple).
  • y - Y component of vector (scalar), required if x_xyz is scalar and same units as x_xyz, ignored otherwise.
  • z - Z component of vector (scalar), like y.
  • h - Optional height above surface (meter).
  • datum - Optional, pass-thru datum (Datum).
  • ll_name - Optional name=NN (str) and optional, original latlon ll=None (LatLon).
Overrides: object.__init__

hStr (self, prec=-2, m='')


Return a string for the height h.

  • prec - Number of (decimal) digits, unstripped (int).
  • m - Optional unit of the height (str).

See Also: Function pygeodesy.hstr.

to2ab (self)


DEPRECATED, use property philam.

  • @deprecated_method

to2ll (self)


DEPRECATED, use property latlon.

  • @deprecated_method

to3abh (self, height=None)


DEPRECATED, use property philamheight or philam.to3Tuple(height).

  • @deprecated_method

to3llh (self, height=None)


DEPRECATED, use property latlonheight or latlon.to3Tuple(height).

  • @deprecated_method

to4xyzh (self, h=None)


DEPRECATED, use property xyzh or xyz.to4Tuple(h).

  • @deprecated_method

toCartesian (self, h=None, Cartesian=None, datum=None, **name_Cartesian_kwds)


Convert this n-vector to Nvector-based cartesian (ECEF) coordinates.

  • h - Optional height, overriding this n-vector's height (meter).
  • Cartesian - Optional class to return the (ECEF) coordinates (Cartesian).
  • datum - Optional datum (Datum), overriding this datum.
  • name_Cartesian_kwds - Optional name=NN (str) and optionally, additional Cartesian keyword arguments, ignored if Cartesian is None.
The (ECEF) coordinates (Cartesian) or if Cartesian is None, an Ecef9Tuple(x, y, z, lat, lon, height, C, M, datum) with C and M if available.
  • TypeError - Invalid Cartesian or name_Cartesian_kwds argument.
  • ValueError - Invalid h.
Overrides: vector3d.Vector3d.toCartesian

toLatLon (self, height=None, LatLon=None, datum=None, **name_LatLon_kwds)


Convert this n-vector to an Nvector-based geodetic point.

  • height - Optional height, overriding this n-vector's height (meter).
  • LatLon - Optional class to return the geodetic point (LatLon) or None.
  • datum - Optional, spherical datum (Datum).
  • name_LatLon_kwds - Optional name=NN (str) and optionally, additional LatLon keyword arguments, ignored if LatLon is None.
The geodetic point (LatLon) or if LatLon is None, an Ecef9Tuple(x, y, z, lat, lon, height, C, M, datum) with C and M if available.
  • TypeError - Invalid LatLon or name_LatLon_kwds argument.
  • ValueError - Invalid height.

toStr (self, prec=5, fmt='(%s)', sep=', ')


Return a string representation of this n-vector.

Height component is only included if non-zero.

  • prec - Number of (decimal) digits, unstripped (int).
  • fmt - Enclosing backets format (str).
  • sep - Optional separator between components (str).
Comma-separated "(x, y, z [, h])" enclosed in fmt brackets (str).
Overrides: named._Named.toStr

toVector3d (self, norm=True)


Convert this n-vector to a 3-D vector, ignoring height.

  • norm - If True, normalize the 3-D vector (bool).
The (normalized) vector (Vector3d).

unit (self, ll=None)


Normalize this n-vector to unit length.

  • ll - Optional, original latlon (LatLon).
Normalized vector (Nvector).
Overrides: vector3dBase.Vector3dBase.unit

Property Details


Get the ECEF class (EcefKarney), once.

Get method:
_fget(inst) - Get the property value, only once and memoize/cache it.
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(*unused) - Silently ignored, always.


Class property with a .name attribute.

Get method:
H(self) - Get the height prefix (str).
Set method:
H(self, H) - Set the height prefix (str).


Get the pass-thru datum (Datum) or None.

Get method:
datum(self) - Get the pass-thru datum (Datum) or None.
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the Nvector type iff ellipsoidal, overloaded in pygeodesy.ellipsoidalNvector.Nvector.

Get method:
ellipsoidalNvector(self) - Get the Nvector type iff ellipsoidal, overloaded in pygeodesy.ellipsoidalNvector.Nvector.
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Class property with a .name attribute.

Get method:
h(self) - Get the height above surface (meter).
Set method:
h(self, h) - Set the height above surface (meter).


Check whether this n-vector is ellipsoidal (bool or None if unknown).

Get method:
isEllipsoidal(self) - Check whether this n-vector is ellipsoidal (bool or None if unknown).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Check whether this n-vector is spherical (bool or None if unknown).

Get method:
isSpherical(self) - Check whether this n-vector is spherical (bool or None if unknown).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the (geodetic) longitude in radians (float).

Get method:
lam(self) - Get the (geodetic) longitude in radians (float).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the (geodetic) latitude in degrees (float).

Get method:
lat(self) - Get the (geodetic) latitude in degrees (float).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the (geodetic) lat-, longitude in degrees (LatLon2Tuple(lat, lon)).

Get method:
latlon(self) - Get the (geodetic) lat-, longitude in degrees (LatLon2Tuple(lat, lon)).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the (geodetic) lat-, longitude in degrees and height (LatLon3Tuple(lat, lon, height)).

Get method:
latlonheight(self) - Get the (geodetic) lat-, longitude in degrees and height (LatLon3Tuple(lat, lon, height)).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the lat-, longitude in degrees with height and datum (LatLon4Tuple(lat, lon, height, datum)).

Get method:
latlonheightdatum(self) - Get the lat-, longitude in degrees with height and datum (LatLon4Tuple(lat, lon, height, datum)).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the (geodetic) longitude in degrees (float).

Get method:
lon(self) - Get the (geodetic) longitude in degrees (float).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the (geodetic) latitude in radians (float).

Get method:
phi(self) - Get the (geodetic) latitude in radians (float).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the (geodetic) lat-, longitude in radians (PhiLam2Tuple(phi, lam)).

Get method:
philam(self) - Get the (geodetic) lat-, longitude in radians (PhiLam2Tuple(phi, lam)).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the (geodetic) lat-, longitude in radians and height (PhiLam3Tuple(phi, lam, height)).

Get method:
philamheight(self) - Get the (geodetic) lat-, longitude in radians and height (PhiLam3Tuple(phi, lam, height)).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the lat-, longitude in radians with height and datum (PhiLam4Tuple(phi, lam, height, datum)).

Get method:
philamheightdatum(self) - Get the lat-, longitude in radians with height and datum (PhiLam4Tuple(phi, lam, height, datum)).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get the Nvector type iff spherical, overloaded in pygeodesy.sphericalNvector.Nvector.

Get method:
sphericalNvector(self) - Get the Nvector type iff spherical, overloaded in pygeodesy.sphericalNvector.Nvector.
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get this n-vector's components (Vector4Tuple(x, y, z, h))

Get method:
xyzh(self) - Get this n-vector's components (Vector4Tuple(x, y, z, h))
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.