Package pygeodesy :: Module osgr
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Module osgr

Ordnance Survey Grid References (OSGR) references on the UK National Grid.

Classes Osgr and OSGRError and functions parseOSGR and toOsgr.

A pure Python implementation, transcoded from Chris Veness' JavaScript originals OS National Grid and Module osgridref and Charles Karney's C++ class OSGB.

OSGR provides geocoordinate references for UK mapping purposes, converted in 2015 to work with the WGS84 or the original OSGB36 datum. In addition, this implementation includes both the OS recommended and the Krüger-based method to convert between OSGR and geodetic coordinates (with keyword argument kTM of function toOsgr, method Osgr.toLatLon and method toOsgr of any ellipsoidal LatLon class).

See Transverse Mercator: Redfearn series, Karney's "Transverse Mercator with an accuracy of a few nanometers", 2011 (building on "Konforme Abbildung des Erdellipsoids in der Ebene", 1912, "Die Mathematik der Gauß-Krueger-Abbildung", 2006, A Guide and Ordnance Survey National Grid.

Version: 24.11.06

Error raised for a parseOSGR, Osgr or other OSGR issue.
Ordnance Survey Grid References (OSGR) coordinates on the National Grid.
parseOSGR(strOSGR, Osgr=<class 'pygeodesy.osgr.Osgr'>, **name_Osgr_kwds)
Parse a string representing an OS Grid Reference, consisting of "[GD] easting northing".
toOsgr(latlon, lon=None, kTM=False, datum=Datum(name='WGS84', ellipsoid=Ellipsoids.WGS84, transform=Tran..., Osgr=<class 'pygeodesy.osgr.Osgr'>, **prec_name_Osgr_kwds)
Convert a lat-/longitude point to an OSGR coordinate.
  __all__ = _ALL_LAZY.osgr
Function Details

parseOSGR (strOSGR, Osgr=<class 'pygeodesy.osgr.Osgr'>, **name_Osgr_kwds)


Parse a string representing an OS Grid Reference, consisting of "[GD] easting northing".

Accepts standard OS Grid References like "SU 387 148", with or without whitespace separators, from 2- up to 22-digit references, or all-numeric, comma-separated references in meters, for example "438700,114800".

  • strOSGR - An OSGR coordinate (str).
  • Osgr - Optional class to return the OSGR coordinate (Osgr) or None.
  • name_Osgr_kwds - Optional name=NN (str) and optionally, additional Osgr keyword arguments, ignored if Osgr is None.
An (Osgr) instance or if Osgr is None, an EasNor2Tuple(easting, northing).

toOsgr (latlon, lon=None, kTM=False, datum=Datum(name='WGS84', ellipsoid=Ellipsoids.WGS84, transform=Tran..., Osgr=<class 'pygeodesy.osgr.Osgr'>, **prec_name_Osgr_kwds)


Convert a lat-/longitude point to an OSGR coordinate.

  • latlon - Latitude (degrees) or an (ellipsoidal) geodetic LatLon point.
  • lon - Optional longitude in degrees (scalar or None).
  • kTM - If True, use Karney's Krüger method from module ktm, otherwise use the Ordnance Survey formulation (bool).
  • datum - Optional datum to convert lat, lon from (Datum, Ellipsoid, Ellipsoid2 or a_f2Tuple).
  • Osgr - Optional class to return the OSGR coordinate (Osgr) or None.
  • prec_name_Osgr_kwds - Optional name=NN (str), optional truncate precision prec=ndigits and additional Osgr keyword arguments, ignored if Osgr is None.
An (Osgr) instance or if Osgr is None an EasNor2Tuple(easting, northing).
  • OSGRError - Invalid latlon or lon.
  • TypeError - Non-ellipsoidal latlon or invalid datum, Osgr, Osgr_kwds or conversion to Datums.OSGB36 failed.

Note: If isint(prec) both easting and northing are truncated to the given number of digits.