Module aux_
A pure Python version of Karney's Auxiliary Latitudes,
C++ classes Rhumb and RhumbLine from GeographicLib version 2.2+
renamed to RhumbAux respectively RhumbLineAux.
Class RhumbLineAux has been enhanced with methods
, Intersection
to iteratively find the intersection of a rhumb line
and a circle or an other rhumb line, respectively a perpendicular
geodesic or other rhumb line.
For more details, see the GeographicLib 2.2 documentation, especially the
Class List, the background information on Rhumb lines, utility RhumbSolve and Online rhumb line calculations.
Copyright (C) Charles Karney (2022-2024) and licensed under the
MIT/X11 License. For more information, see the GeographicLib documentation.
Class to solve the direct and inverse rhumb problems,
based on Auxiliary Latitudes for accuracy near the poles.
Compute one or several points on a single rhumb line.
Caps = Caps()
__all__ = _ALL_LAZY.rhumb_aux_