Package pygeodesy :: Module triaxials :: Class JacobiConformalSpherical
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Class JacobiConformalSpherical

  object --+                        
named._Named --+                    
named._NamedBase --+                
named._NamedEnumItem --+            
               Triaxial_ --+        
                    Triaxial --+    
                 JacobiConformal --+

An alternate, spherical JacobiConformal projection.

See Also: JacobiConformal for other and more details.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, radius_triaxial, ab=0, bc=0, **name)
New JacobiConformalSpherical.

Inherited from JacobiConformal: xR, xR_, xyR2, xyR2_, yR, yR_

Inherited from Triaxial: forwardBetaOmega, forwardBetaOmega_, forwardCartesian, forwardLatLon, forwardLatLon_, reverseBetaOmega, reverseCartesian, reverseLatLon

Inherited from Triaxial_: __str__, area_p, hartzell4, height4, normal3d, sideOf, toEllipsoid, toStr

Inherited from named._NamedEnumItem: unregister

Inherited from named._NamedBase: __repr__, others, toRepr

Inherited from named._Named: __format__, __imatmul__, __matmul__, __rmatmul__, attrs, classof, copy, dup, methodname, rename, renamed, toStr2

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Get relative magnitude a - b (meter, same units as a).
Get relative magnitude b - c (meter, same units as a).
Get radius (meter, conventionally).

Inherited from JacobiConformal: xyQ2

Inherited from Triaxial: area

Inherited from Triaxial_: a, b, c, e2ab, e2ac, e2bc, isOrdered, isSpherical, unOrdered, volume

Inherited from named._NamedEnumItem: name

Inherited from named._Named: classname, classnaming, iteration, named, named2, named3, named4, sizeof

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__ (self, radius_triaxial, ab=0, bc=0, **name)


New JacobiConformalSpherical.

  • radius_triaxial - Radius (scalar, conventionally in meter) or an other JacobiConformalSpherical, JacobiConformal or ordered Triaxial.
  • ab - Relative magnitude of a - b (meter, same units as scalar radius.
  • bc - Relative magnitude of b - c (meter, same units as scalar radius.
  • name - Optional name=NN (str).
  • TriaxialError - Invalid radius_triaxial, negative ab, negative bc or (ab + bc) not positive.
Overrides: object.__init__

Note: If radius_triaxial is a JacobiConformalSpherical and if ab and bc are both zero or None, the radius_triaxial's ab, bc, a, b and c are copied.

Property Details


Get relative magnitude a - b (meter, same units as a).

Get method:
ab(self) - Get relative magnitude a - b (meter, same units as a).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get relative magnitude b - c (meter, same units as a).

Get method:
bc(self) - Get relative magnitude b - c (meter, same units as a).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.


Get radius (meter, conventionally).

Get method:
radius(self) - Get radius (meter, conventionally).
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(inst) - Zap the cached/memoized property value.