Package pygeodesy :: Module named :: Class _NamedLocal
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Class _NamedLocal

object --+
Known Subclasses:

(INTERNAL) Base class for CartesianBase, Ecef9Tuple and LatLonBase.

Instance Methods
toAer(self, ltp=None, **Aer_and_kwds)
Convert this instance to local Azimuth, Elevation, slant Range (AER) components.
toEnu(self, ltp=None, **Enu_and_kwds)
Convert this instance to local East, North, Up (ENU) components.
toLocal(self, Xyz=None, ltp=None, **Xyz_kwds)
Convert this instance to local components in a local tangent plane (LTP)
toLtp(self, Ecef=None, **name)
Return the local tangent plane (LTP) for this instance.
toNed(self, ltp=None, **Ned_and_kwds)
Convert this instance to local North, East, Down (NED) components.
toXyz(self, ltp=None, **Xyz_and_kwds)
Convert this instance to local X, Y, Z (XYZ) components.

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __init__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Get the ECEF class (EcefKarney), once.

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

toAer (self, ltp=None, **Aer_and_kwds)


Convert this instance to local Azimuth, Elevation, slant Range (AER) components.

  • ltp - The local tangent plane (LTP) to use (Ltp), overriding this instance' LTP.
  • Aer_and_kwds - Optional AER class Aer=Aer to use and optionally, additional Aer keyword arguments.
An Aer instance.
  • TypeError - Invalid ltp.

See Also: Method toLocal.

toEnu (self, ltp=None, **Enu_and_kwds)


Convert this instance to local East, North, Up (ENU) components.

  • ltp - The local tangent plane (LTP) to use (Ltp), overriding this instance' LTP.
  • Enu_and_kwds - Optional ENU class Enu=Enu to use and optionally, additional Enu keyword arguments.
An Enu instance.
  • TypeError - Invalid ltp.

See Also: Method toLocal.

toLocal (self, Xyz=None, ltp=None, **Xyz_kwds)


Convert this instance to local components in a local tangent plane (LTP)

  • Xyz - Optional local components class (XyzLocal, Aer, Enu, Ned) or None.
  • ltp - The local tangent plane (LTP) to use (Ltp), overriding this cartesian's LTP.
  • Xyz_kwds - Optionally, additional Xyz keyword arguments, ignored if Xyz is None.
An Xyz instance or a Local9Tuple(x, y, z, lat, lon, height, ltp, ecef, M) if Xyz is None (with M=None).
  • TypeError - Invalid ltp.

toLtp (self, Ecef=None, **name)


Return the local tangent plane (LTP) for this instance.

  • Ecef - Optional ECEF class (EcefKarney, ... EcefYou), overriding this instance' Ecef.
  • name - Optional name=NN (str).
An Ltp instance.

toNed (self, ltp=None, **Ned_and_kwds)


Convert this instance to local North, East, Down (NED) components.

  • ltp - The local tangent plane (LTP) to use (Ltp), overriding this instance' LTP.
  • Ned_and_kwds - Optional NED class Ned=Ned to use and optionally, additional Ned keyword arguments.
An Ned instance.
  • TypeError - Invalid ltp.

See Also: Method toLocal.

toXyz (self, ltp=None, **Xyz_and_kwds)


Convert this instance to local X, Y, Z (XYZ) components.

  • ltp - The local tangent plane (LTP) to use (Ltp), overriding this instance' LTP.
  • Xyz_and_kwds - Optional XYZ class Xyz=Xyz to use and optionally, additional Xyz keyword arguments.
An Xyz instance.
  • TypeError - Invalid ltp.

See Also: Method toLocal.

Property Details


Get the ECEF class (EcefKarney), once.

Get method:
_fget(inst) - Get the property value once and overwrite self, this property instance in the (super-)class of self where this property is define as a property_ROver.
Set method:
_fset_error(inst, val) - Throws an AttributeError, always.
Delete Method:
_fdel(*unused) - Silently ignored, always.